Heartcatch Precure – 24

As awesome as they look, I do hope that from now on the creators are going to limit the different transformation scenes in each episode. I mean, they were still fine when it was just Blossom and Marin, but now that Sunshine has arrived these scenes are starting to dominate the episode: in this episode, we had Sunshine’s transformation scene, the scene in which all precures announce their names, then there also was the part in which the heart seed was “born”, two times Sunshine’s special attack, then there’s Blossom and Marin’s special attack, plus another special attack of Blossom… it’s just too much. But I think that the creators realize this as well.

To make up for it, this episode featured the inclusion of a few new soundtracks for the series, and they really rock. They’re going to be great additions to the series’ second half. On top of that, this episode also introduced flying capes, so we’re probably also going to get a lot more aerial battles from now on. Sounds promising. Either way, I’m very curious to this second half: exactly how far will the creators go in shifting the direction of this series after the half-way point?

Anyway, about this episode: it was mostly meant to protect the Heart Tree, and prevent the bad guys from going after it in the second half. With this, we’ve also closed off the “Sunshine introduction arc”, and the next episode should give some hints about what the rest of the series will look like. The fight itself wasn’t the most interesting due to the above-mentioned transformation scene abuse, but this really was meant as an episode to introduce some of the new stuff here.
Rating: * (Good)

5 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 24

  1. I bet the pair (Blossom and Marine) will get a power-up to match Sunshine 😛 like instruments instead of perfumes and weaponz.

  2. Hopefully Tsubomi and Erika will get their power ups soon cause Sunshine’s lock on missile flower powers looks quite overpowering compared to their flower fortissimo..

  3. I always find a laugh watching shojo anime, then it strikes me like a soap opera. Admit fellas, if we watched Sailor Moon, this is no different.

    Dark Precure is far stronger, given that even with dark wave reflected, gold burst and double fortissimo attacks, she never wavered an inch.

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