Heartcatch Precure – 21

I like this show. A lot. But I have mixed feelings about them dragging out the search for the next Precure.

I mean, I can see what the creators are trying to do: in the past two episodes, there has been no shallow hint whatsoever on the identity of this third person. The creators really tried to stay away from the formula that usually surrounds these kinds of tropes. (You know, everyone keeps looking, they can’t find anyone, and only at the last possible moments when the bad guys are about to beat up the lead characters does the mysterious character show herself). In this episode, Tsubomi and Erika were perfectly capable themselves in taking care of the Teacher’s fear of ghosts.

This is all fine and dandy… if it weren’t for the fact that it’s still pretty obvious on who the new main character is going to be. I mean, despite trying, it really made the mistake early on of giving this particular character character-designs that stand out, a mysterious introduction in the first episode, and quite a bit of background for a supposedly unimportant character.

So while I appreciate the series’ efforts, I’d rather just have it get things over with, because return we got a bunch of stupid antics from the three mascots that just went on and on as they sought out the new Precure. I know it was funny, I know it was great to see past characters back, but I also know that it was obnoxious.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

3 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 21

  1. I actually really liked this episode; Potpurri is adorable, the animation was almost as creative and fun as in episode 18, I loved seeing Akira, Ban-kun, Sayaka, Kung-Fu Kid and everyone else again and the jokes were genuinely funny.

    Is it obvious that SHE is going to be the new main character? Well, of course, they didn’t even try to hide it… but I don’t care about them somewhat dragging the revelation if they drag it with comedy and fanservice of the good kind.

  2. I don’t watch the anime, but I do quickly skim through the manga monthly. The manga is really short, so the pacing is extremely fast.

    Last page showed a silhouette of the new Precure. While I doubt it, maybe they’re trying to be in sync with the manga?

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