Gunslinger Girl – Il Teatrino – 07

I’m getting more and more convinced that there is no such thing as a main character, or a main group of characters for this series. The girls are definitely not the ones who receive the most airtime. Heck, in this episode they yet again didn’t appear at all, and the focus shifted to Franca, as we get to see her background, why she met Franco in the first place, and how she got her code-name Franca in the first place.

It seems that she spent her college-years with none other than Patricia, Marco’s ex lover. Franca was actually the one who introduced Patricia to Marco. Oh, and her name was Catherina back then. It turns out that at one point, her father died and she wanted revenge. For that, she sought the help of a guy named Franco, son of a famous bomb expert and who helped his late father many times in the past. When she met him it seems that he had lost any motivation for the passion that his father once had.

I’m not sure what happened in between, but the two stuck together. When at one point, a bunch of old friends of Franco ask him what Franca’s name is, and instead of answering “Catherine”, he replies with “Franca”. This was all eight years ago, and both of them have matured greatly since then. It really feels like two lost souls have found each other, and grew, depending on each other. Even though Franco doesn’t show it, it does seem like his encounter with Franca gave him a reason to live again.

Sure, the story of the girls is nice and all, but the adults are really stealing the show for this series over and over again. I just love how this can quite possibly be one of the very few series that has important characters of all possible ages, except perhaps of high-school-age (the most annoying age anyway), depending on how old Pinocchio is. I really like how this series has tried to make every single character count, and it succeeded pretty well at this. I’m not sure why, but I always tend to like series with lots of important characters.

Pinocchio also developed a bit this episode. This probably was the first time he showed any emotion towards anyone other than his uncle. In the week he spent with Franco and Franca he barely said anything, and just kept to himself most of the time, but after saving Franca, he did show a few signs of friendliness. During said incident, Franca also got pretty beaten up, so Pinocchio’s uncle decided to give her a visit. When Pinocchio sees him again, it becomes clear that he really wants to mean something to his uncle, and he wants to be complimented.

Oh, and on a side-note: the animation for the OP changed to the traditional method. Again, it’s pretty well done, and it seems to consist out of a combination of recycled cells and original animation. Ah well, at least you can see that the creators are trying, despite the limited budget. Franco’s typing at the beginning of the episode was just bad…

4 thoughts on “Gunslinger Girl – Il Teatrino – 07

  1. At least they’re sticking closely to the manga’s already strong story. That’s about the only thing I really like about this season.

  2. Yes I know I like how it’s sticking with the manga. But the episodes are going to run out. At least you see Beatrice in the opening, maybe in the next episode she gets some air time maybe. I wish they did Season 1 animation combined with season 2’s vibrant colors.

  3. I’m sorry but I have to say it was a horrible facepalm worthy moment when they revealed that Franka was not only Nino’s old friend but also Marco and Patricia’s. We already had Patricia befriending a bad guy and getting pitted against Marco as a result, then just last episode it was revealed that the client was an old friend of Jose and Nino just happened to work at the shop that Jose took the scope too.

    Is this how it’s gonna be from now on, one coincidental connection for sake of drama after the other while completely forsaking developing the titular characters? After I got over the new artstyle, the cheap animation and the new character interpretation, I didn’t think I’d find yet another reason to hate Teatrino, but this really pisses me off.

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