Gundam 00 – 19

This was probably the first real character-based episode of Gundam 00. The story has become a tad dull for the past few episodes, but thankfully the characters are making up for it. One of the things I like about them is how the creators know that their ideals are cheesy, and because of this, the characters themselves realize this too. The way this is used has become pretty interesting.

The fight unfortunately ends with both sides retreating, after Tieria realizes that the thing that Nena altered in Veda was the data in Nadleeh. Johann also reveals that he’s been watching the Gundam Meisters through Veda all along, and that Setsuna was involved with the organization that killed Lockon’s parents. We see the head of the United Nations (forgot his name) smile as this happens, and he also mentions that Stage 3 has begun now. He claims to be just an observer, but it seems that he knows every detail of the complot.

One thing that surprised me was how Nena was actually surprised when she saw Nadleeh, even though she was the one who hacked into Veda… The episode ends with a bunch of people, entering a mysterious base in Antartica. I’m not sure what was up with that, but we’ll probably learn this in a few episodes. The plot had better get moving fast now.

On a side-note: I did like how Lockon didn’t go all emo when he found out that Setsuna was affiliated with the ones who killed his parents.

4 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 19

  1. Alejandro Corner is NOT the head of the UN. He’s just a diplomat of sorts. Anyway, while I didn’t think Lockon would go emo when he found out about Setsuna (it’s not in his character to do so), it was still a really unnatural response. Personally, I think a lot of the character interactions in this episode felt sort of fake rather than realistic in any way.

    As for those objects in Antarctica, those are GN drives. All 30 of them -_-;;; (this was given away in a past spoiler)

  2. Actually I don’t think Neena is responsible for shutting down Nadleeh’s power. We see Alejandro shorthly before it happens. With that kind of knowledge about CB then it’s not unlikely that he has access to Veda.
    Actually I liked the way Lockon reacted. He realized that Setsuna regrets his past and that Setsuna has accepted the consequenses of his past actions.

  3. Ah I think I finely understand the Trinities thay were probley constructed with the infomation on the black Haro thing found in the space staion in ep 17 thay will probebly link the thrones with the company (forgot the name ) that gave the GN drives to the 3 nation

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