Gosick – 24

Okay, so in the end it does feel like a bunch of novels were crammed into just these two final episodes. The mood swing is a bit too abrupt, and they definitely were rushed. On the other hand though, I did not expect the direction it took because of that: I really expected a formulaic mystery to close off the series. Instead, the mysteries are completely gone at this point, and instead it’s a finale that focuses on character development. Fair enough: that part worked really well.

Two episodes isn’t a lot, so the big separation between Kujou and Victorique doesn’t feel as big as it could have been, but I still admire what Mari Okada managed to do within 2 episodes: she got the essence of this finale. the distance was there, and using a big war as a backdrop, it really made for an engaging ending with two major characters (Marquis de Blois and Victorique’s mother) gone from the stage. Grevil got some great development, Victorique was absolutely wonderful, Kujou also was great, the king got some redemption, the things that were put in this episode really tried to reach as many characters, while to my surprise they actually ignored all of the stupid characters (with perhaps one small scene as an exception).

Brian Roscoe was a bit of a disappointment, though. To me, it seems like he was just killed off for the sake of being killed off: he didn’t need to die and would have actually made things a lot more interesting if he lived. Both of his versions, I mean. Also, Victorique’s hair thing was a bit… weird. How did it change color?

Overall, the show was at its best around episodes 14 to 18. This ending though: it also was really good. It’s a shame that Gosick has such a weak start, because it’s definitely a great adventure series.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

14 thoughts on “Gosick – 24

  1. Recently, I was reading a Novel. Apparently, If one goes under a great deal of stress or something too shocking happens, their hair can turn all white. Happens a lot in dramas and novels. That’s the only thing I could conclude to the whole “white hair” thing.

  2. Either Brian managed to give Victorique a dye job to hide her identity or it discolored due to extreme mental stress (which can happen).

    I’m glad Kujo and Victorique got their happy ending.

  3. did anyone else think the scene where the occult characters in the book disappeared was pretty powerful.

  4. Now this is how you end a series.

    I’ve watched the second half of the episode 4 times now and it’s as moving the last time as it was the first.

  5. I agree with the first two comments, in many stories people’s hair turns white after an extremely stressing or traumatic experience. Actually, people that leave an stresful lifestile get white hair earlier that those who have a more relaxed lifestile (My family members are a clear example XD)

  6. i though the ending was lovely even if it was rushed… happy to see victorique and kujo get married (kujo was really handsome) i cried thoughout the ending and i think is becuz she was tressed out why victorique’s hair changed color. atleat 1 of the brian’s shud have lived and Cordelia should have got to seen her daughter get married. LOVE GOSICK

  7. I had a friend who was riding a bicycle and had an accident. His helmet split apart, and the hair on the spot on the back of his head that took the impact turned white.

  8. @ mario2man: I found that striking, too. The second half of this ep had a strong impact on me, because it created this nostalgic feeling about an era which is just a few years over but ages away. I had the same sort of feeling at the scene when the teacher opens the locked gate of the abandoned academy.

    After WWII there are no more mysteries, nor do the happy and innocent days of Victorique and Kujo at the Academy exist any longer.

    I even almost think that the utterly ridiculous detective stories of the first half are designed to evoce this sense of nostalgia after the carnage and war of the last episodes.

  9. Takeda Hinata was in charge of character design GOSICK.
    New Anime Summer, “La croisée dans un labyrinthe étranger” is an original cartoon that I drew Takeda Hinata.
    I look at us all!

  10. Tough I wonder which war actually was fought involving Germany and Japan between 1925 and 1929 (XD).

    Great final to a series I really liked. Even if probably much development and time got cut due to only 2 episodes remaining, everything that was important was there. You could say the last two eps were summarizing the stories they had to leave out.

  11. Yeah it was like the author was going to do a buildup to WW2 then got bored/impatient and brought the events forward. Can be seen with the fact half the books are prequals that the story was rushed.

  12. In the scene where Kujyo was bombed just after that, I noticed Victorique herself having been put on the wanted list.
    (the scene of stairs.)
    Therefore she bleached hair.

    by Japan

    A postscript: English is poor, and I’m sorry.

  13. By moving WWII forward in time, there were fewer soldiers to fight, less materiel to do it with, and no atomic bomb. You also could reasonably suppose that no Holocaust happened, or that it was a lot smaller. Since Kujo was still so young and powerless, it also takes war guilt off him.

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