Gosick – 11

Okay. Whoa.

To be honest, I was nearly ready to drop this show. I was originally planning to just stick with it for a few more episodes, until I figured out which spring series I wanted to blog. The diamond arc, along with its long hiatus caused this show to be underwhelming for more than a month, and I had pretty much lost my interest before I started watching this episode.

And suddenly this show comes with a very good backstory of Grevil. That really came out of nowhere. Most of this episode was still full of unlikable antics, but the story that it tried to tell got more impressive by the minute. It’s this episode that really convinced me: this show sucks at telling short stories. But it actually gets very good whenever it looks at its main storyline. Because of that, I’m hoping for the second half of this series to be entirely dedicated to plot-related stories, instead of just random ones that are only there to fill time.

And yeah. I admit: they had me. I did not think that this show was witty enough to come up with a good explanation of Grevil’s hair, and it did. I also now understand why all the manga readers were so vague when talking about the reason for his hair being like this, because that really is something you don’t want to get spoiled about.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

4 thoughts on “Gosick – 11

  1. I’ll trust you and give a shot to this episode XD. The middle of the series is still a good point for thing to pick up so let’s just hope.

  2. Yeah, it was a good episode. The back story was surprisingly interesting. I always figured the reason for Grevil’s hair would be something silly, but it’s not. Nice.

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