Ghost Hound – 08

Most plot-based series have clearly defined episodes which either focus on building up or pushing the story forward with many climaxes. I like it when a series combines both into one, just like Ghost Hound is currently doing. The majority of the episode focused on fleshing out the characters a bit more, while the episode ended with quite an intriguing plot-twist. A few months have passed since the previous episode. The hair of the different characters has grown back, Tarou is doing fine, and his mother is now taking therapy as well. It seems that the councillor is aware that there’s something strange with Tarou, though I’m not sure how much he knows. It’s also revealed that the fourth person on the photo with Makoto’s parents is Miyako’s father. This episode, Makoto goes to ask him a few questions about his parents, but he doesn’t get much farther. Tarou in ghost-form, meanwhile makes contact with Miyako again, and for the first time the two of them talk to each other. Miyako also mentions how she sometimes gets possessed by something strange, which probably happened back in episode four. Tarou also runs into a strange dog-like spirit, and goes to the “other side” that we saw a few episodes ago for the first time. There, it’s really filled with spirits and similar creatures. We also see Miyako’s father at one point in the forest, discovering traces of a campfire (probably belonging to the old man of a few episodes ago), and didn’t look quite happy. The episode ends with the councillor (I think he’s called Hirata), who waits for his taxi. A huge flash follows, and suddenly he’s thirty minutes further, and the taxi has arrived. In the sky, he can see a big glowing thingie. How did this happen? Did he himself have trouble with his childhood as well? It’s interesting, at the start of the season, I never imagined that his role in the series would be this big.]]>

0 thoughts on “Ghost Hound – 08

  1. this show is so good, i just finshed epuisode 7 of genjo’s subs. They’re pretty good with their high quality h264 files :P~ plot twist huh, hehe wathcing this later .. :)~

  2. GH is a pretty good show and certainly has a unique way of exploring the meaning of life and death and existence beyond the corporeal. The whole thing with aliens and the Mothman Prophecy references is really out there too. The subtle dread (I refrain from calling this horror in the normal sense) and fear of the unknown are what makes this show great (the shadowy runner that Makoto sees is kinda creepy).
    I’ve sometimes personally experienced bouts of deja-vu on occasion and wonder if it’s all just in my head. Ghosts, on the other hand, just fascinate me and being on Okinawa, one of the most reputedly haunted islands in the world, is kinda creepy fun with all the stories that abound here.
    So does this mean our good Dr. Hirata just got anal-probed or what it all just in his unusually large head? Heh.

  3. Nice episode, it’s interesting to see neuroscience concepts trickle down into popular culture. And it’s actually pretty good, except perhaps for the way they use the LTP notion almost as if it was a talisman. I mean, LTP is related to memory like a transistor is related to informatics: there’s a huge gap from one to the other in terms of scale.
    This reminds me of the nice efforts in Noein to introduce quantum physic notions in an entertainment.
    I wonder how the general public reacts to that (fascination, repulsion, boredom, indifference)?

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