Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 26

And it’s finally over. I’ve decided not to write a review about this series, though. I’ve watched this series the wrong way, and it turned out to be a big disappointment, save for four or five episodes. I feel that I’m way too biased to give an objective view about this series. It already was difficult to give this series a fair rating during my monthly summaries. Kaiji is a series that you need to marathon, in order to pump yourself up with adrenaline. It’s not something you can watch casually. Having said that, if you haven’t seen this episode yet, you might want to close this window, as SPOILERS will follow.

Overall, this episode disappointed, especially considering the enormous build-up that preceded it. This arc was in no way as intense as the E-card arc, simply because the creators refused to show Kaiji’s reaction after his hands got cut off. And to think that the gore was actually one of the best parts of this series. The raw emotions when seeing Kaiji, cutting off his own ear, and my favourite moment of the entire series: seeing Tonegawa punish himself: even though this series mostly bored me, I have to admit that these moments were truly unrivalled. It was a real downer that the screen just blacked out and we saw Kaiji’s hand wrapped in bondages. If one wants to gamble online they can always see a guide for players here and know how to get better at gambling.

What also disappointed me is that we never really got to look in the mind of Hyoudou, but that’s only natural, since the manga went on for much longer. This episode also hinted at a second season (although with Madhouse, you never know; yes, I’m looking at you, Shigurui), though it that ever comes, I don’t think I’ll end up blogging it.

Having said that, I at least like that this episode wrapped up this entire arc well enough. The aftermath wrapped up all of the loose ends of the storyline, and it didn’t really leave a bad taste behind, apart from what I just mentioned. At least we got to know a bit more about Hyoudou when Kaiji figured out how he won. I like how Kaiji himself figured it out, instead of in regular anime, where the opponent just brainlessly tells his opponent all of his plans. The guy is smarter than he looks, and I like that.

14 thoughts on “Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 26

  1. Shigurui’s manga didn’t end yet, the anime stopped at the end of the current available material and the manga is slow as hell because the mangaka is too busy being a seiyuu.
    Poor Madhouse isn’t the one to blame.

    And yes, there will be a second season in one or two years : after this episode, the mangaka, Kaiji’s seiyuu and some weeaboo fangirl announced that there WILL be a second season sometime : just be patient.

  2. Kaiji was one of the hardest shows for me to rate after finishing (ended up giving it 8/10). It was just full of so many Epic scenes, yet there was some big flaws and the pacing was too damn slow. Perhaps when the second season does arrive in a couple years, we should marathon through it instead of watching it casually.

    Although, I have to admit that I liked the ending. I just didn’t want to see an ending where Madhouse changed things and made Kaiji win, then we would have had a “YAY Happy Ending” scenario.

  3. I remember when you first started blogging this series you were saying it was the best to come out last year. And now it’s dissappointing?? Come on…..this show has intensity that is notches above other anime. Some parts do drag on, but you feel it’s actually necessary here to get into the character’s minds. This was an original, and great series. Although Season 2 won’t be nearly as good, that’s for sure.

  4. “I remember when you first started blogging this series you were saying it was the best to come out last year.”

    That’s exactly why it turned out to be so disappointed. I said this before this series started dragging like crazy, and before the arrival of the beam-arc. Dragging is one thing, but Kaiji could have easily been stuffed into 13 episodes without any major loss in build-up.

  5. It would have been Kaiji could have been released in 13 one-hour episodes, to get both both psychology and action in a single episode.

    Personally I was more attracted by the tactics (simplistic though they can be for someone not under pressure the way Kaiji was), so not showing Kaiji’s pain at the end was alright for me.

    A pretty unique series though, but do check out Akagi!

  6. “Although Season 2 won’t be nearly as good, that’s for sure.”

    Haha, what? I hope you’re kidding. Season 2? I’m on it like white on rice!

  7. Is this show so good? I didn’t like the graphics from the start, so i just didn’t care watching to it

    And subbing this was preferred to Gunslinger Girl II. 🙁 I hated it even more

  8. The first 9 episodes of this show is really intensely good….after that it drags on for awhile. Still one of the better ones to come out last season. I’d give it 8/10

  9. I’d go at least 8.5/10 easily. Probably 9/10 if I was in a good mood. It’s all a matter of taste, but I’m not bothered by any of the problems that I hear people complain about.

  10. im glad i watched kaiji so i could experience the boat and tonegawa arcs. the buildup and intensity of the suspense was masterful, not many series pull it that good! i also liked part of the beam-arc where tonegawa makes fascinating speculations on human thought processes. but thats about it…rest was unnecesary and so-so. overall i’ld give it a B-

  11. I was a little dissapointed at the end because I was fed up with Kaiji losing. Especially when the audience can figure out why he lost before Kaiji does. But later I recalled the part where Hyoudou gives Kaiji the winning lot saying that some of his luck may pass on to him. I hope Kaiji learns from his mistakes in the first season and transforms into another Akagi, because I don’t want to watch another 26 episodes of Kaiji being a dumbass.

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