Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – OVA – 03

Sorry for the delay, that’s just me being lazy.

There isn’t much to say about this third OVA, though. This OVA was all meant to show who Izumi was when she was 18, and how she once wasted a whole month on a damn mountain, but it never asked how and why. Why was she so set on becoming an alchemist? Why did she come to Briggs, of all places? How did she grow up? I feel that the creators could have used this subject matter better, instead of having her go on a silly adventure like that.

The best part was that epilogue that told about how she met her true love. Why couldn’t this episode have been about that?
Rating: (Enjoyable)

3 thoughts on “Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – OVA – 03

  1. Who says that she had an ulterior motive for becoming an alchemist? Some people just want to become something because they are attracted to that profession.

  2. The whole thing was really just meant to be fun and comedic. Even when it was just a manga extra. That’s why I wish they would have done “Long Night” dammnit! That omake shows some great character development and background for Al. Or they could have done “His battlefield once more” Some extra Ishbal stuff with Roy and Hughes development, would have been perfect considering the recent episodes. Or even just the “Family” omake. They could have expanded on that story and it would have been cute. Once upon a time when Ed hated his little brother.

    But they had to go for the funny. I don’t have a problem with this story ,I just wish they would have used their limited OVA time to adapt one of the more serious omakes.

  3. This was just light comedic fun. There’s nothing meaningful to take with you from this chapter into the rest of the series. But then again, look at OAV1, that wasn’t exactly great either.

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