Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 54

This show… just continues to get better doesn’t it? This yet again was an awesome episode, not to mention that it was also quite a sad one. It’s been a while since this series was this good at the drama-department, and that promises a lot of the rest of the finale.

With this we now also get why Envy got to be Envy. It’s again in the way he was created, however his desires go quite a bit deeper than with the other homunculi. For example for Gluttony and Sloth their personalities pretty much are defined by their name. Also Greed and Pride often remind us of what they’re called. I don’t actually get why Lust was called Lust to be honest, and Wrath seems to be excellent in hiding his wrath. Envy is different from all of them, though: alone he’s probably the weakest of all the homunculus, and instead needs a ton of human lives to actually be competent. Because he had this power he was continuously looking down upon humans, not even realizing that he was jealous of these creatures.

The death of Envy also closed off a chapter for Roy, who at that point had lost sight of his original goals. Now, I wonder to what kind of character-development that’s going to lead.

And as if this episode didn’t kick ass enough with the Armstrongs shining during the second half of the episode, there’s also the next episode, which will focus on something that I’ve been looking forward to for ages: Father versus Hohenheim. Bones, please continue to give more all of your future series the same kind of treatment that you’ve given FMA. Isn’t this so much better than just curring off potentially awesome stories after just 26 episodes?
Rating: *** (Awesome)

42 thoughts on “Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 54

  1. I’ve been waiting so long for this. Hohenheim vs. Father is definitely awesome, but what I am looking forward to is going to be another character who is coming back the episode after that 😀

  2. You saying Roy lost sight of his original goals made my day 😀

    It’s so true….but this was a great episode showing that. Makes me sad over Hughes all over again though.

  3. I guess it still depends a bit on the last episodes, but personally, I’d give it at least 95/100 xD The only part of Brotherhood that’s not F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S are the first episodes that are rushing through, but I don’t feel like they count because they really don’t feel like a part of the “brotherhood”-story. xD It’s completely different when you get past the first 10-15 episodes or so. From there it’s just pure awesomeness. 🙂 … I think. xD

  4. i dont think that Envy is the weakest Homounculus I think that Gluttony and Sloth are weaker then him his true form took down Ling and Ed like it was nothing infact the only reason he lost this fight was because he was fighting mustang and his flames which can kill homunculi fast

  5. Lust apparently wasn’t filled with Lust, but rather an object of Lust for others.

    And when you really think about it, that’s how any hot woman would use any guy. All that’s said is Father expelled his Lust, just because she doesn’t act lustful, doesn’t mean she still doesn’t represent “Lust”, which she certainly does.

    Wrath is a bit different too. Remember, it’s a human-based Homunculus, not initally expelled as “a being full of wrath”.

  6. @clinton

    I think he ment that without souls Envy is the weakest. If Envy has only 1 soul left he becomes the little parasite form, so he is more dependant on humans then any other homunculus.

    Also, i felt kinda sorry for Envy. I can be very envious myself to, and i know how frustrating it can be…not that it justifies all his terrible deeds or anything, its just that its something i can relate to.

  7. @Rudolfusftw:
    i think even if you can’t relate it is really hard not to feel sorry for envy.
    at least a little bit.

  8. I must say, manga readers who exploded in fury at episode 30 can now eat their words. I found the Ishval flashback placement here to be masterful, and I haven’t read the manga. As for Envy, I think I’m the only one in the world who didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for him. All I had to do was remind myself who started the Ishval war, and any feelings of sympathy turned to ash in me.

    Lust doesn’t have to represent sex. Actually I always thought of Lust as being filled with bloodlust, which was pretty how she was.

    And man, did no one notice even Falman got a chance to shine here? He was the only one in the Briggs group who’s been inside Central HQ, and it was thanks to him Buccaneer and the rest were able to capture that black J. Jonah Jameson general so quickly, lol.

  9. Even if Envy is a complete dirtbag, he was like that because he was constantly in awe of the human race. However, since he is the epitomy of jealousy, it drove him to do terrible things. I think anyone that doesn’t feel some shred of sympathy for him is missing the point of his character.

    Mustang, Scar, and Hawkeye all had their share of terrible deeds, but because they were human they could rise above it with each other’s support. By DESIGN, Envy couldn’t have that and was doomed to always dirty himself further. How can you not feel sorry for him?

    On a different note, I’m kind of scared that the ending might be rushed. If the manga ends at 108, they have it in the bag. 109 chapters could mean a rushed final product :-\

  10. Keith, if the manga reaches 109 chapters, the anime will have to pass the 63 episodes mark…i think that bones, if needed, could pull out 2 or 3 episodes more…

  11. Awesome episode.
    All those flashbacks with Hughes almost made me cry. Why did he die?! ^^’
    Envy VS Roy isn’t meant to be action-packed. It’s more emotion-packed. We got to see the great friendship between Hughes and Mustang, and also how Hawkeye actually cares for Mustang. She’ll die without him, and he’ll live for her.
    Envy’s voice actor is really great. I actually felt really sorry for the poor dude. it’s already humiliating to admit his envy for humans but in front of all the ones he despised the most…
    We see Olivia again! she’s really a great commanding officer. The armstrongs are meant to be awesome afterall XD.
    As for the Briggs soldiers, it is good to see Falman again. All of Mustang’s subordinates are actually awesome considering they’re just ‘normal’ people.
    Izumi made a great entrance, as to be expected of the Elrics’s master. We already knew she was there from ep 50. (the W.C. sandals gave her away)

  12. “By DESIGN, Envy couldn’t have that and was doomed to always dirty himself further.”

    All the more reason to destroy it, then. He’s nothing more than a virus or a rabid dog that will only destroy what’s around it unless you exterminate it first.

    Also, the solution to stopping the zombie soldiers was so freaking obvious I can’t believe I didn’t see it myself. Destroying their jaws means they literally have no means of attack. Geez… DUH! I feel like an idiot now!

  13. I don’t think their names mean that that’s their dominant trait: they just personify the sin. For example, Lust is an object of Lust, but isn’t very lustful herself. Wrath also is not very angry and actually very calm, but rather is simply skilled at killing and also facilitates all of Amestris’ massacres.

  14. Did anyone else notice that after Envy’s death, its eyecatch that followed lacked the normal voiceover saying Fullmetal Alchemist? Kind of like the silent clock in 24 when someone dies?

  15. @Bruce

    Yes but i think its a bit wierd that its only those 2 homunculi that don’t have a personality that matches their sin. I mean everyone has at least something in their personality that matches their sin. Sloth, Gluttony and Greed’s personalities can simply be discribed by their names, Envy’s sin is revealed when his true nature shows, and Pride is usually very arrogant and tends to underestimate his opponents. So why is it only Wrath and Lust who dont have anything matching?

  16. I think Warth’s anger is revealed when he fights the most , i guess it what makes him That good in a fight … you can quite excel yourself when you’re frustrated! especially at hurting who got you frustrated

  17. @Rudolfusftw

    I think Lust and Wrath do personify their sins but do it in a more subtle way than the likes of Gluttony and Sloth who are easy characters to portray. Lust is fairly sexual, constantly flirting when dealing with humans. She even uses her sexuality to achieve missions, such as seducing havok. Obviously Arakawa’s not gonna go overboard with her otherwise the anime would rapidly go from a shounin to a hentai. Perhaps thats why she was killed so early as there was only one logical conclusion to her sticking around and using her… erm… charms on behalf of the homunculi.

    Wrath also portrays his sin perfectly. Remember there are many forms of wrath not simply blind rage. King Bradley uses his sin to coldly and mercilessly completely destroy all that get in his way. He never lets an opportunity in battle pass and relentlessly persues his target to the end. I mean Ran-Fan had to cut off her arm to stop him. You see Wraths nature even in his calmer moments looking at his furious expression at times. I think that part of the true power of wrath as a sin, how its unpredictable and can explode from nowhere at any given time. King Bradley is closer to what pure anger looks like in the real world.

  18. @fathonlessblue

    Okay, thanks for pointing that out:) Also i suddenly remember Wrath talking to Roy saying that after Father gave him a stone he was left with only one soul and alot of anger. I suppose that proves you right. Wrath does have alot of anger but manages to control it and only use it in fights where it is nessisary

  19. I don’t know if anyone caught this, but there were a lot of parallels between Wrath and Roy this episode. Roy’s absolute rage in the past 2 episodes made him just about as scary as Wrath. The reason why everyone stops him from satisfying his anger is because if he pursued it he would be no better than Bradley.

  20. @sye

    hahah totally noticed the 24 silent clock similarity (esp. since 24 used it so recently). in the 1st FMA ed and envy were really more like rivals than they actually turned out to be in the manga/brotherhood, i like how arakawa made ed figure him out here. the flashbacks with ed’s previous thoughts/words on humans was GENIUS.

    as bad as envy was, you had to feel a LITTLE sorry for the level of pwnage he received here. mustang’s alchemy is one where he usually has to hold back, this was one time where he really didn’t have to.

    i think wrath is always pissed off, he just hides it well. he was shaking during hughes’ funeral, but as he told mustang he was really pissed off at elicia’s crying for her father than sad for hughes. plus of all the homunculi (except sloth, who’s a dumb@ss LOL) he has the LEAST personal freedom, his life from BEFORE he was a homunculus was already planned out/beyond his control – more reason to be angry. and unlike every other homunculus he has only ONE soul to spare, so there’s no messing around/joking possible with him, he HAS to be serious/take every opponent serious or he could die, PERIOD.

    finally, if it even needs to be said, this. episode. kicked. ASS!!! just like the lust/mustang ep. this one skilfully combined action and emotion. i know there are and always may be people who like the original FMA better, but can we get a general consensus that Brotherhood >>>> original??!! not even close IMHO.

  21. actully other homunculi are still weaker then Envy with one soul gluttony can’t move with out any souls envy can take over people’s bodys Pride becomes an even smaller from with out any crap thats a spoiler

  22. “hahah totally noticed the 24 silent clock similarity (esp. since 24 used it so recently)”

    Even better, everything that’s happened since episode 49 takes place in the same day. Does that make Ed Jack Bauer? LOL

  23. Is this the first episode we get to see Armstrong’s mouth? It’s usually hidden behind his mustache when he talks ^^

  24. Are you guys kidding me, this week’s episode was absolutely horrible. Not only did it manage to cover what was around 10 mins of FMA time, but it was complete emotional garbage. I don’t mind drama, but Envy spilling his guts was pointless to the story and just took up a half of the show, just to end with a little back and forth from Armstrong and Sloth… looking forward to Wrath showing back up…

  25. Ash: We’ve seen Armstrong’s mouth in some flashbacks when he was in Ishval, before he grew the moustache out.

    Cornwiggle: No need to be harsh, I can understand where Crunchy’s coming from. He has a point; it took until the 17 minute mark for Envy to die. That’s really a bit over-the-top to spend 17 out of a 22 minute episode on basically a single scene, more or less.

  26. I agree with Cornwiggle. 😛

    I loved this week’s episode and well, I honestly wouldn’t minded if they had decided to the whole episode on Envy’s departure.
    But they didn’t and it was a good length. Not too long, not too short. Armstrong’s part was really good but I was more immersed in the first half than the second.

  27. Xing Alchemy
    What happened prior to Van meeting the first humonculous
    Why Father is making another stone
    The truth to Alchemy
    Hawkeye’s father

    These are all things that I would like to know more about, as well as a few other things that aren’t nearly as important.
    Envy was not on this list because he was basically dead after they got out of Gluttony.
    I agree with Crunchy.

  28. Some of those concerns will be addressed.

    Hohenheim won’t get much more backstory than he’s already recieved. Same with the history of Ishbal and Hawkeye;s father.

    The rest is to come 🙂

  29. Tadashi…

    The series isn’t over yet.

    You obviously haven’t been paying very much attention either. Half the things you commented on have already been addressed.

    Hawkeye’s father for example. Watch episode 30 again and then watch this part of the episode.

    That explains exactly what he was, who he was, how he thought, and his part of the story.

    That’s what cool about FMA. It doesn’t pound the facts on your head and you have to actually WATCH IT to understand it.

  30. And next episode, it shows what happens to Van after Xerxes. I mean, do you not watch the ending? That’s going to be in the series. It was just a little part in the manga, but Hohenheim addresses pretty well what he’s been doing after all that.

    Am I the only one who actually pays attention?

  31. I just wanted to know how Van ended up being a slave, and for what purpose Father was created. I did forget about Hawkeye’s dad, and yes I know some of my concerns have been addressed but I would still like more story. I guess I’m greed.

  32. Van wasn’t the only slave in Xerxes. There’s no reason to know why they had slavery, just assume they did. He said he was born a slave, so obviously, just like America early on, they also had slaves, though obviously not defined by any racial features. Maybe all slaves are poor, so all they can do is work as slaves, and that continues through their entire family, unless one happens to rise up and change it (such as Hohenheim).

    Why was Father created? Look at how many times they ask it stuff. An experiment to gain more knowledge, more specifically, to ask it about immortality (since the King wanted it so badly).

    Watch the series again, it’s all there. You just have fill in the blanks yourself. That’s how good series are written; they give you all the important info and leave the basic info ambiguous for the viewer to decide.

  33. Now we get to see that Hawkeye isn’t entirely for looks. She has a purpose in the backstory AND managed to shoot the crap out of Envy before Roy had to save her. In short, far less useless than most Japanese cartoon female allies…

    I think the envy scene went on a little too long, and I was really hoping roy would just smash him under-foot like a bug.

  34. Damnnn This show is Awesome !! Drama,action,story you can get it all from this series. It’s totally surpass old season so easily for me.

    Ahhh Bones can do it.

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