Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 25

Okay, I was wrong last episode: Envy didn’t die, his arm just disintegrated. Should have known. Anyway, this was a pretty exciting episode with a lot of interesting twists. Ed and Lin spend the entire episode inside Gluttony’s “stomach”, along with Envy, but apart from that a lot more interesting stuff went on. But oh my god, Envy’s true form. I’m not sure who exactly came up with the designs for that… thing, but I can’t seem to think of anything that resembles it. It also turns out that he was the one who triggered the war in Ishbal, which means that the Humonculi actually tried to get rid of Ishbal once. What exactly didn’t they want the Ishbal’s to find out? Does it have to do with the research of Scar’s brother? Hawkeye also turns out to get reassigned to be the Fuhrer’s assistant, which is a very risky move. If he wanted to use her to find out who’s helping her, he could have just assigned her to one of his allies, and have this ally report to him so that they can later systematically eliminate all of them. Why would he want to put himself at such a risk? Is he that confident that Hawkeye isn’t going to cause a problem for him, or is there more behind it? And to think that the headquarters of the Humonculi lies right in the middle of Central City. it makes sense, with Bradley in control, it’s a great place to hide out. It also makes me wonder: before Bradley was created was there someone else playing Fuhher? Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>

11 thoughts on “Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 25

  1. Envy’s true form was one of the most gruesome creature ever found in an anime/manga.
    Looks at the words that came out of these single souls.It creeps me out.

  2. Yeah, Envy’s true form… When I first saw it in the manga, I swear I could almost hear the sound of my jaw dropping to the floor… and then I just couldn’t take my eyes off of it for the next several minutes 🙂
    Anyway, you can expect even more amazing plot twists to come in the next episodes (especially the one involving Lin *__*)…

  3. Hawkeye’s placed with the Fuhrer because that way, he can control Roy better (Roy won’t do anything against them because he doesn’t want Hawkeye to be hurt). She’s pretty much the Winry to him.

  4. (was looking for the new ep but found this instead, but at least now I know it is out!) About Ishbal, they initiated the war so that they could use the people’s souls to create the philosophers stone. I also agree, Envy’s real form is quite different….gives me goosebumps whenever I think of it.

  5. Yeah, Envy looks like he escaped from Berserk or Devilman. Never knew he was green though, he’d be even more wrong-looking if he was kind of flesh-coloured.. 😀
    great episode. Can’t wait for what happens next, this was one of my favourite parts of the manga. I love how FAST some of the fights are in this.

  6. what got me the most was envy in this episode he really showed him off in all ways he’s exstremly strong (he knocked Ed and ling around like nonthing)he also showed that he is worthy of lust calling him the vilest homuculi he is a sadisdc and horrible being and we love him for it

  7. I think the Fuhrer is threatening Mustang with the “Now that she’s my assistant she’ll always be at my side, I can break her in an instant if you defy me” card. Because he knows that Mustang cares for her. That’s my guess anyway.

  8. Well somethings bothering me this episode… maybe they’ll do it in the next as there wasn’t much time here, but the “faces” on envy’s true form spoke, don’t want to spoil if anything but it played an important role and Ed’s reaction from it. Did they cut it out?

  9. actaully you made another mistake his arm did not disinagrate is lower body did and the faces did talk in this episode ed geting bugged by them will happen next episode

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