Fall 2023 What-I’m-Watching Summary – Week 2

Hello everyone! Like I said in the last preview, I’m bringing back the weekly summary. These aren’t going to be anywhere near as in depth or long as my normal posts, just me rambling a bit about what else I’m watching this season. I’d wager each will be about a paragraph long. Still, my hope is that these will give everyone a place to talk about the rest of the shows this season. Some of these might have this opening blurb if I have anything to say, like if I have to take a break or something for travel, but most probably won’t. Anyways, announcement out of the way, lets go!

Frieren – 5 [Phantoms of the Dead]

This was a pretty cool episode, and alleviated a fair number of my fears after the big premier. Remember when I said I was concerned about the journey? That as much as I loved the show, I wasn’t 100% on it? Well that was because I was afraid it would become more of an “adventure” and that Frieren would lose sight of what made me love it, the way it examined the passage of time and what it means. Luckily though, that wasn’t the case! Already, one episode in on this journey, and we have a conversation about legacy, grief and how we remember our loved ones. Stuff like Fren saying she would be fine, only to have a harder time facing Heiter’s “ghost” than she thought was nice. Same for Freiren’s almost offended reaction to Himmel’s, as well as even his “ghost” telling her to shoot him. The monster’s own power backfired on it! On top of that we also meet Stark, Eisen’s protégé, like they are almost rebuilding the party they had all those years ago with the next generation. It’s cool, and I’m looking forward it.

To touch on Stark real quick, I’m not huge on him yet. Zenitsu from Kimetsu no Yaiba has made me really wary of “Coward” fighters. And I get that isn’t his thing, he’s not a coward he’s just untested, and even when faced with a dragon he still stood up to it. Plus his relation to Eisen, who has his own past about running away and regretting it, makes it pretty clear he will grow as they journey. He’s also not at all weak, having carved that channel in the mountain, so he won’t hold them back. So it’s not that I hate him, I don’t. I just don’t love him as much as I do Frieren yet, which I think is fair.

Undead Unluck – 2 [Union]

I don’t understand why Undead Unluck looks as good as it does. Why does it feel like golden-era Studio Shaft decided to show up and have their way with my silly action-comedy series? Seriously, look at this episode, at the OP and ED. How is this one of the best looking shows of the entire season? And it’s not just that, Undead Unluck is taking a section of the manga widely regarded as the worst the series ever is and is making it… fun. From fantastic presentation of powers, such as focusing on Shen’s eyes, Andy’s regeneration and the myriad of wide shots, to solid pacing and toning down a lot of the sexual assault/ecchi jokes. They’re still there of course, and generally the worst parts of the episode. Stuff like Fuuko stripping, dick jokes, etc. But the adaptation manages to lend them an emotional bent that wasn’t really there in the original series, not as much at least. It’s clear the director knows where the show goes, where it’s strengths lie, and is choosing to bring those out much earlier on. It’s great! I’m incredibly happy with this adaptation.


Shangri-La Frontier – 2 [A Peculiar One]

While not super deep or emotionally resonant in any way, this episode of Shangri-la was fun. You have to understand, I play MMOs. I played WoW back in Vanilla. I play FF14 now, even though I’m on a break until the next expansion. I love these games and their communities. It’s why, for all that I hate what it’s become, I still enjoy Sword Art Online’s Aincrad arc, as well as Log Horizon. And Shangri-la is tapping into that love heavily. The grinding, the community, seeking out challenges, etc etc. Combine that with an MC that seems to be legitimately having fun, with no real stakes like their lives or anything on the line, and it’s just that: A fun watch. Shangri-la continues to be a simple, uncomplicated popcorn watch for me. And I’m having a good time with it. Maybe that will change, as this episode hints at something greater with none of the “Unique” bosses having been killed yet. But until it dives into that, until it starts to go down the drain, I’m going to keep watching it for a good time.

Overtake – 2

This episode was a definite step down from the pilot. Narratively the whole thing was just… weird. Why is this photographer shoving his face into a sport with 0 research, acting like he’s coming up with new ideas when all he’s done is think of Sponsors and Advertisement? It’s also a little insulting that he flies in, thinks he can help them out monetarily, yet hasn’t done any research on the cost of things like tires etc. That whole interaction, the whole premise of him being there, just came off kind of cringe. I wish he had approached this passion with a bit more nuance and intelligence. Because that passion is still good! Don’t get me wrong, Overtake still has a lot of potential. Like the episode still looked great, with some fantastic shot compositions and visual metaphors, framing people in different ways as their relationships changed, using food to visually show someone opening up to the idea of accepting help, etc etc. It has the ability to be good. It just needs to not rush things and treat its characters like people.

MF Ghost – 2 [Shocking New Generation of MFG]

Ok, this is it, this is what I was wanting from an Initial D show. Eurobeat and fast cars, that’s the only reason to watch MF Ghost. Everything in the car was a good time. I had fun just watching him drive around the track, the classic “Is that the legendary 4 wheel drift?!” style moments. It’s a good time. The issue is everything else. Everything not in the car is still kind of inconsistent and kind of sucks. Luckily the racing is all we’re here for, so who really cares?

Under Ninja – 2 [I Want to Be a Ninja]

I vouched for you Under Ninja. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when no one else would. And this week you betray me. Not only has Under Ninja still not wrapped up that fight at the school, something that should only take a few moments, it’s also gotten even worse with its jokes. The bra scenes? The dick severing? The god damn breast milk man?! What are these, why are they here, why do we need them? I’m fine with some weird humor, hell our lead getting caught trying on a bra because they were curious was fine. But why is it taking up so much of the episode? Maybe it would be fine if the actual fights/ninja scenes looked better, but this week they were a joke. The breast milk man fighting the dick severing foreigner? It looked like shit. And why do they have clothing that can turn people invisible, is this Naruto now? What about the UN and global government conspiracies, why can’t we just stick with a street level style of show? Under Ninja piqued my interest with the pilot and it’s already lost it. A shame. I’ll give it one more episode before I drop it.

Goblin Slayer – 2 [The Red-Headed Wizard Boy]

Finally we have Goblin Slayer. Ah Goblin Slayer. At it’s strongest when it’s just a guy killing goblins with nothing more than a ball of twine, a paperclip and a plastic cup. The MacGyver of murder. This week we return to that, as Priestess gets to lead the group on a mission for the first time. We fight some goblins, kill a troll, use our environment, all the classic shit, and it’s a good time. The wizard is kind of annoying, true. But he brings something to the show I never would have expected Goblin Slayer to care about: He makes Goblin Slayer question his entire career. He introduces the idea that, despite killing literal thousands of goblins, has he really accomplished anything at all? Has he measurably decreased the number of goblins, lowered their threat to those in the area? Or has it all been nothing more than a drop in the bucket? Honestly, I didn’t think Goblin Slayer would never bother to ask this question. I thought it would be content to stay a simple edgy action show. So the fact it’s being brought up makes me… kind of excited, to be honest. That plus the fact that Priestess actually failed, she couldn’t lead the mission and had to rely on Goblin Slayer at the end? It’s setting up some solid arcs, and I’m here for it.

9 thoughts on “Fall 2023 What-I’m-Watching Summary – Week 2

    1. I’m watching it, but I’m generally unenthused by it. I could see about dropping a catchup post about it. Overall it feels like this modern adaptation, while cleaner in a lot of ways, is missing the soul that made the original adaptation so good. From music to VA work to how it’s shot and directed, it feels like a step down in basically every way other than animation. It’s very disappointing to be honest.

        1. Which arc? Maybe the Oniwaban one? If so, I wouldn’t agree with that at all. I feel like it entirely missed the emotional core of that arc in so many ways.

          1. It is tge raijuuta arc. From what I heard your precious 90s adaptation skipped it completely even though it is a key arc from the manga. The 2023 adaptation has adapted the arc and doing a good job. Maybe take off the Nostalgia glasses and stop comparing the new series to the 90s version.

            1. Ok well

              1) Chill, it’s not nostalgia, I legitimately think the modern adaptation has lost a lot of what made it special. In particular I think the way it handled the Oniwaban arc was disappointing, plus I think this VA just isn’t as good as Kenshin’s original VA, Mayo Suzukase.

              2) The 90’s adaptation didn’t skip Raijuta at all, he first appears in episode 19 and it covers the entire arc. So instead of looking for “gotchas” I’d recommend you get your facts straight, because making things up only makes you look the fool.

              From the sounds of things, you haven’t actually seen the original 90s adaptation. I recommend you give it a try before you start taking shots at it with made up info. Meanwhile, I’ve seen it and the 2023 adaptation and all the OVAs in between (Trust and Betrayal is the best Kenshin media ever made). You know why? Because I love Rurouni Kenshin*. It’s a great series, I enjoy it and it means a lot to me. And yes, that includes the modern adaptation. Just because I’m critical of it doesn’t mean you should take that as an attack, on you or it.

              1. OK first do not ever call me a fucking fool. WTF do you get off your condescending #%%^%££. And secondly I was referring 2 the entire arc featuring Rajuta appears in. I was just sharing what I fucking read on random c. An anine review site that isn’t critical of every anime unlike you self righteous privk!!! Never fucking talk to me like that again!!!@

                1. Chill out. Respect goes both ways. We can have a civil conversation, they are just cartoons. I called you a fool because you were parroting things someone else said that wasn’t correct. You said that the original series completely skipped the arc, not that the remake was doing it better. That is false. Raijuta’s arc is adapted in full, hell it’s even padded to be made longer to fill space, meaning it differs from the manga. I recommend you double check next time. The issue is that it isn’t good in the remake, it isn’t good in the original, and it isn’t good in the manga either. It’s overshadowed by better arcs both before and after it. It’s just not great. Ultimately this isn’t a huge deal, fool is much more polite than what you just called me. I appreciate the… semi(?) self censorship?

                  Anyways getting into your complaint, I’m unfamiliar with… Random C? If they enjoy it, fantastic! I mean that, honestly. I’m glad someone is enjoying this remake, good for them. Personally? I think the original is much closer to the spirit of the work and, aside from some pacing issues, is generally stronger. I’m not going to stop comparing the 2 because they are both adapting the same story. This is literally the best time to compare 2 series, because they are literally the same work being adapted 30 years apart in 2 different times in history. There is no better circumstances under which to compare them.

                  As for being “critical”, well… this is problematic. You see not only is this how I enjoy anime, I enjoy looking behind the work to try and figure out what its about and find deeper meaning in it, but I also think its impossible to not be critical. I imagine Random C is critical of plenty of things, they just probably line up with your opinions more so you’re ok with it That or you don’t see it. Point is, everything has flaws. Nothing is perfect (Except maybe Tokyo Godfathers). And you know what? That’s fine. Great shows can have flaws, terrible shows can have good moments. The important thing is being able to talk about them, to have a discussion about them, to see what you liked and I didn’t and both walk away have gained something. Do you see what I’m getting at?

                  Basically what I’m saying is I will gladly talk with you about anime as much as you want, I don’t care if you disagree with me disagreements can make the best discussions.
                  However I a not making you read this site. This is how I consume anime. If you don’t like that, you’re welcome to stop reading. But I’m not going to change how I watch anime for you.

                  1. Ok. So i made an error. That still dosd not give you thd fucking right 2 fuckimg insult me. The arc actually has a theme. Reputation. Raju rep makes him out to be killer but in the end he is just A coward. Kenshin rep makes him out to bea great warrior but it is a rep bassd on killig others. I suggest you watch the 90s adaptation of the arc again and the 2023 remakdm version and really examine and think about the themes more closely. I donot mind a debatd but I do fucking mind being insulted and treated like an idiot so never fucking do that again.

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