Fall 2023 Impressions: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer, KamiErabi GOD.app

16bit Sensation: Another Layer

Short Synopsis: Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves beautiful girls and bishojo games. Her dream is to become a super-popular illustrator, so she is working hard at a bishojo game production company, but reality isn’t that kind… With the golden age of social network games in full force, Konoha’s company isn’t doing well, and she works as a sub illustrator, spending her days painting the backs of random background characters until she is mysteriously transported to the year 1992!

16bit is just dull. The idea is cute, a girl loves making bishoujo games but is stuck in a failing industry in a dead-end job. She gets a lucky break, finds some classics for cheap in an old shop, before getting teleported 30 years back into the past where she will most likely work in the golden era of her beloved genre. The only problem is that 16bit fails to make me interested in bishoujo games, in any way whatsoever. I’m not asking that it makes me fall in love with them. That’s not something you can do in a single episode. But it does need to make me interested, to make me believe why someone else could love them how our lead does, to present an argument about why they are special. And it just doesn’t do that. So it ends up failing for me on the most basic of levels.
Potential: 0%

KamiErabi GOD.app

Short Synopsis (Anilist): The ultimate battle royale for divinity has begun. High schoolers must use their unique powers to compete against each other for the coveted title “God.” But as each brawl becomes more vicious than the last, alliances are formed and betrayals take place. Who will emerge victorious and claim their godly throne?

For the first ½ of its runtime KamiErabi is kind of… bad. It looks like shit, the designs are shit, the world is shit and the story is pretty damn run of the mill. I mean seriously, a death game with magic powers to determine who is going to be the next god? How many times have we seen this before? And why do all of the character designs look like strippers with those sleeveless shirts? The one saving grace it had was how wrong the world felt, and even that got ruined by our MC randomly jacking it to his crush. I was ready to write this show off. Then the 2nd ½ happened and… Well I still think it’s kinda bad, just over the top edgy bullshit. But at least it looked a slight bit better? It got a lot more visually stylized, some cool colors, and the stupid power system made its appearance? KamiErabi still isn’t good, and I doubt it ever will be. At least it’s not “Dear god why did this get made” bad. Instead it’s just regular “I won’t watch this” bad.
Potential: -5% (So its still below 16bit)

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