Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu – 22

Another very strong episode for Denyuuden, full of introspection.The arrival of the guy who looks to be Ryner’s father came a bit out of left field, but it definitely gave a whole new spin to this series. I mean, at the start of this series Ryner really looked like this typical hero: huge powers, sad past and fated to save the world or something. He’s more and more turning into the role of a victim here: everyone wants to be able to manipulate his powers and half the country wants him dead. I’m really glad that this didn’t turn out to be the spiritual successor to Koukaku no Regios.

Ferris on the other hand is also miles away from your usual romantic side-kick. I mean has she even once been kidnapped in the series? Instead, she really feels like Ryner’s companion here, and is struggling along with him in order to get away from all of these superpowers that are after him. It’s here where the politics finally get interesting, because without them, Ryner’s situation would not have been able to get this complex.

The scene with Milk and that human experiment was a bit sudden, though. I get what the creators were trying to do there, but it felt a bit out of place, especially when that guy suddenly started talking with the voice of a girl… that was a bit out of place. Apart from that though, I loved Shion’s little introspection, as well as that strange dream in which Ryner ended up meeting what looks like his mother. Also, what is that significance of that strange symbol on Ryner’s chest that prevented him from dying? Is he a bit of the equivalent of a zombie now?
Rating: ** (Excellent)

6 thoughts on “Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu – 22

  1. Pretty long epilogue this time around. Almost missed it.. Kind of looking forward to ferris x ryner x kiefer interaction.

  2. Just in case you missed it, there is a couple minute long epilouge this time around that you should probably catch.

  3. Where did Ferris’ brother run off to all of a sudden? He suddenly shows up and reports to Shion that he failed to catch Ryner.

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