Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 18

Okay, I know I had my doubts about the past few episodes. I know that they somehow didn’t feel right, and I know that I felt a bit disappointed by them. With this episode, I take all of that back. Seriously, it was an amazing one, and the exact reason why I’m such a fan of mystery-series. It’s not the revelations that make them great, it’s how the storyline uses the questions as effectively as possible. This episode basically has three major storylines. The first one is Haraken’s. In exchange for the access-code for the Sacchis, Isako has to show him how to get to the cyber-world, though Haraken gets carried away, and when he sees a giant keyhole like in the pictures, he just enters it without thinking. A girl looking like Kanna is in there, though Yasako manages to get him back before it’s too late. His cyber-body and real body may have separated a bit, he manages to fix it. Later, Tamako punishes him for giving the Sacchi-access-code, and takes away his glasses. The second storyline that gets developed is Isako’s. The person she was in contact with turns out to be Nekome, of all people. It seems that he joined Tamako in order to provide coverage for her, and make Isako be able to do what she wants. I wonder what’s in it for him, though. Why is he so interested in getting 4423 back? Or is he just using Isako to get valuable information? We also see him confirm that it’s going to take a while longer to get the guy back, and I’d almost think that he’s manipulating her. But the thing I really loved was the third storyline: Kyoko gets taken to “the other side”! I have no idea why, but right after Isako tried to open a gate to the cyber-world, whit fog started appearing, and now that same illegal that we saw gobbling up 4423 took Kyoko’s cyber-body away. It’s not sure whether she’ll be away for good (we’ll see that in the next episode), but this has so much potential. I also wonder… why Kyoko of all people? Why now, of all times? (perhaps Isako’s opening of the gate made the Illegals from there able to enter the human world?) I remember that Wao once said that there was a possibility that the humanoid illegal was Yasako’s grandfather, and it’s starting to look more likely. After all, I can imagine the guy to be longing to see his granddaughter. I can imagine that both Kanna and 4423 were taken away because they got too close to this illegal for their own good. The question also remains: if Kanna’s and 4423’s spirit really are with the humanoid illegal, how come they haven’t attempted to escape? Do they still have the same personalities? And if they were somehow able to return, would they be completely all-right?]]>

0 thoughts on “Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 18

  1. Interesting questions… Gahh. Maybe the illegals though Kyoko was the best sollution in order to make her their “messenger” or something? Although, maybe they wanted to show her something… So looking forward to getting a torrent for this episode. An LQ version of course. Wahhh…

  2. Didn’t Yasako got visited by the same illegal when she’s about the same age as Kyoko? Somehow I think age matters since anyone older will probably not be as accepting to the illegal. She might be taken there the same reason Yasako was bought there the first time.

  3. Dennou Coil is one of more interesting animes that I’m watching. It reminds me a bit of Serial Experiments Lain, minus the freaky messing with the mind 🙂
    Somehow I think that when they go to “the other side” there’s no way back.

  4. Woaaahh great episode, very very good one. Good that Ureshii subs is starting to go faster with the subs.

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