Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 15

Rejoice: Dennou Coil is back! Apparently, the break and recaps weren’t meant to give the animators some time off, or to catch up or something similar; the timeslot for Dennou Coil was just occupied with baseball. Sorry about that. Anyway, with this episode, the story gets fired off again, with a very high emphasis on mystery. Being a mystery-fan, I like this a lot, and It’ll be interesting to see whether the mystery is going to develop as well as in other great mystery-series as Higurashi, Night Head Genesis and Ergo Proxy. So far, it’s making a great start. Basically, in this episode Yasako gets lost. After being chased by a bunch of children, mistaking her for Isako (apparently, Daiichi and the others aren’t the other she mercilessly used), she gets saved by a young boy of about her age: Takeru. He uses the same drawings on the ground that we’ve seen Isako use. He claims that this was drawn there before he came, though I don’t really believe that (see below). Anyway, it seems that Yasako was quite close to her neighbourhood without actually noticing it, so Takeru decides to give her a bit of a tour through the area. Then after a while, Yasako starts to have deja vus, where she’s almost certain that she’s close to the place where she got lost when she was small, right before meeting Yonyon nii-san. The two of them search a bit, but Yasako’s memory is just too fuzzy to remember. She however, remembers that something big happened. There’s one place that looks like the stairs we’ve been seeing in a few episodes, though there are a few differences. Takeru then suggests that it might have been a cyber-place on an old place in the town, with the white fog and all. If that’s the case, and the place was really a shrine, there is a possibility that the place is still there somewhere. Takeru then explains about a phenomenon called “Imago”. It’s a psychic ability to find old buildings and spaces with your glasses. A person with Imago is supposed to be guided by strange voices, but it’s supposed to be just an urban legend. I suspect though, that Yasako has it, because she has heard these whispering voices once before. Yasako then wonders why Kyuu-chans are erasing so many old buildings, and Takeru replies it’s because illegals caused a child to get killed (aka: Kanna). Then, Yasako hears the voices again, and they lead her to the place where she was lost when she was young. She then begins to recall her memory. She ran into a small shrine, and something was hiding inside of it. It turns out that this was a human-like illegal that was searching for Yonyon nii-san. Furthermore, we then switch to the part of her memory when she was with Yonyon nii-san, probably fifteen minutes later. Yonyon nii-san was then swallowed up by that very same illegal. He urged Yasako to leave before this happened. Unfortunately, the Kyuu-chans erase the fog that was causing the whispers, so Yasako isn’t able to remember more. After this, Takeru talks about a few more “urban legends” about these “cyber areas”. I suspect that these are the same as the one we saw Densuke escape in in episode 1, but these ones are accessible to humans as well, it seems. Supposedly, you can’t stay within them for too long, otherwise your cyber-body and real body will disconnect and you’ll lose your soul (I hope I understood this part well). There’s another urban legend that says that you must never, under any circumstances take of your glasses in such an area, otherwise you’ll never be able to return. The two of them then say goodbye. When Yasako arrives at home, her mother tells her that she got a phone-call from her teacher. Apparently, a classmate of her called “Mayumi” is going to transfer to Hokkaido, but to be honest, I completely forgot who she is. Wasn’t she the third girl-member of the biology-club? The one we saw in episode 8 and 9? Anyway, the episode closes with Takeru, making a suspicious phone-call with what sounds like his employer. He tells him or her about Yasako, and how she’s got Imago, the same as with Kanna. This episode finally confirmed that the real and the Cyber-world aren’t two entirely separated things, and that people have been known to have an unconscious effect on the cyber-world (Imago; I’m actually starting to believe that it was this Imago that caused Kanna’s navigation-system to screw up, not the Illegals) and that there have been cases where people were just “taken” into the cyber-world, leaving no traces in the real world apart from memories. Isako’s brother is either Yonyon nii-san, or he suffered this fate of being in a cyber-area and he either stayed for too long or he took off his glasses. Apparently, the power of Michiko-san is useful in getting him out of there. In any case, Yonyon nii-san is still out there somewhere, as we heard him talk with Haraken in episode 9. If Yonyon nii-san and Isako’s brother are indeed the same person, it’s quite ironic, as Isako was actually quite close in being able to talk to him. I wonder why she hasn’t discovered this yet. I also wonder, is there a link between Yonyon nii-san and Imago? Are the whispering voices actually his, and if tat’s the case, did Kanna meet the guy somewhere in her past as well? The question also remains: what is Takeru’s role going to be? That’s about the only bad thing about this anime: kids who are barely twelve years old already are expert hackers, and instead of playing games, they’re already involved with shady businesses. I’d rather see some more development regarding this plot-hole. Is it usual for kids around that age to have a part-time job like that, or are Isako and Takeru exceptions? And to close off this post: what surprised me as well was to see Yasako being surprised by a life dog, not a cyber one. It really seems that pets in this age have become less and less common for people to have, with the arrival of cyber-pets who are much easier to maintain. Still, there remain people who didn’t buy them, and stuck with the real ones for different reasons.]]>

0 thoughts on “Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 15

  1. “Apparently, a classmate of her called “Mayumi” is going to transfer to Hokkaido, but to be honest, I completely forgot who she is. Wasn’t she the third girl-member of the biology-club? The one we saw in episode 8 and 9?”
    That girl is Aiko. Mayumi is from Yasako’s previous school in Kanazawa.

  2. If 4-4-2-3 is Isako’s brother (which according to wao, he is, so that’s official) and if that little boy is with Isako, then I can understand why Isako would feel the urge to push Yasako against the wall.
    Yasako pretty much led that “human-like” illegal to where 4-4-2-3 is. I think that should be before Yasako lost Densuke. Densuke then somehow got lost. 4-4-2-3 comes along and finds him. They go to that rock place. Illegal comes and swallows 4-4-2-3. I can understand Isako’s pain/sadness if this is so but she can’t totally blame Yasako. Yasako wouldn’t have any idea.
    Question for me is: what does that “human-like” illegal want with 4-4-2-3?

  3. After reading wao’s translation, maybe it’s after she lost Densuke since she practically says it. I forgot that if you go to the other side, you “lose consciousness”. Wonder if Kanna’s consciousness is in the Dennou world. Her reality body is well, dead of course. She could pretty much still be alive in the Dennou world though.
    Actually, that would be pretty sad if that was to happen. *imagines Kanna trying to get back to her body but she can’t* I wouldn’t really be happy about it either. In fact, I might as well become an illegal and probably try to steal someone else’s body. Haha..ah… Nevermind. >_>

  4. About 4-4-2-3’s business with the illegal, I suspect that Isako didn’t just become an expert of the dennou world, just because she lost her brother, and I think that 4-4-2-3 was also involved with illegals that he shouldn’t be involved with. Episode twelve and thirteen already showed that illegals can think and feel, so what if he did something bad to this illegal, like taking away all its friends or something similar? That would certainly give this illegal a reason to take some sort of revenge.

  5. Eh? Wait, since when did I say 4423 is definitely Isako’s brother? I only mentioned there’s a high possibility they’re linked but there’s always a possibility they’re not… What was said was that 4423 = Yoshifumi.
    I’m guessing that that human illegal is actually Yasako’s grandpa after he died (we never hear why – I guess it’s due to some sort of cyber-related thing, maybe he had gone in too deep) and Yasako’s grandpa actually knew 4423 in some way or another. And perhaps he wanted to save 4423 in some way or another…
    But there’s still gaps missing in Yasako’s memory – what relation is there with the “kagiana” (keyhole), what happened to the Illegal in the end, etc.

  6. Keep forgetting about that tag thing symbol. Ahh! Anyways, rest of the post that’s suppose to be in there:
    (And no, it wasn’t the one where you said there was a “high possibility”. I just remember it was something else.)
    That would be interesting if the human illegal was Yasako’s Grandpa and he only wanted to warn 4-4-2-3 of the danger. Looking forward to when Yasako fully remembers everything clearly.

  7. if u guys didnt realize (which i think you did… hopefully) y did takeru look exactly like haraken? and those boys chasing yasako looked like daichi and his friends? i know this has no part of the convo but it made me really curious…

  8. What I still don’t quite understand is how exactly do people walk into certain old space, like walls or non existing staircase and such. I mean in the bus episodes we see that their movement is still limited to physical space. Wouldn’t it mean that has Yasako not been stop, she would crash into a wall or something? Because from what I know new space represents the actual physical boundaries and a wall is clearly shown after the cyberspace has been fixed. Makes me wonder how she got inside the first time.

  9. “That’s about the only bad thing about this anime: kids who are barely twelve years old already are expert hackers, and instead of playing games, they’re already involved with shady businesses.”
    Believe me – shady business under the age of 12 is quite common in modern society. Since this is year 202x, the age of mental maturity might be, say, 11.

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