Code-E Review – 84/100

Toshiyuki Kato is probably one of the most versatile directors out there. He’s the genius behind Full Moon wo Sagashite and yet he also did its polar opposite of Ginga Densetsu Weed. Heck, he even worked on a few episodes of Simoun! For Code-E, he goes back to his slice-of-life roots, when he, combined with Simoun’s director Junji Nishimura, he delivers a charming love-triangle about a girl who can disrupt electrical equipment when startled. The thing I like most about Code-E is the direction, interestingly enough. Every episode follows about the same pattern: the first major part of the episode is fairly dull, where the different characters are fleshed out. Then, when the end of the episode comes near and the climax starts, the production-values increase, a catchy tune starts playing and the entire anime becomes ten times better in just about every area. It’s here where the characters will connect with the viewer, and turn out to be pretty touching. There isn’t much that this anime did wrong, actually. The only “real” flaw is that the major bad guy is the only underdeveloped character of the cast. But then again, we never see him much anyway. The biggest problem with Code-E is that it’s held back by its premise. It’s enough to be fairly satisfying, but it couldn’t really have reached the epic heights. I’d like to see this as an exercise in storytelling by a bunch of talented writers, and if you asked me, they succeeded, though I’d rather have seen them handle a storyline with huge potential like Simoun. Ah well, perhaps their future projects will arrive next year. It’s definitely going to be something to look forward to. While it’s not the most neglected series of the season (that title goes without a doubt to Tetsuko no Tabi), the fact remains that it’s one of the more under-looked ones. The characters are touching and fun to watch without getting boring, the climaxes are exciting, I like to call this a success of an anime. Just be careful that the character-designs take a while to get used to. Especially that one particular male character (you know who you are…). In two weeks, the timeslot is going to be taken over by Mokke, and I’m already looking forward to it. With such a mediocre-looking season ahead, there’s a good chance I’m going to end up blogging it.]]>

0 thoughts on “Code-E Review – 84/100

  1. No subs this show also… where are the fansubbers now days? they all just oversub a couple of shows. and it’s just my type of a series.

  2. I haven’t finished watching it yet, but they made the ‘childhood friend’ character so endearing by showing that she really worked hard to win the affection of the guy and it’s more or less leaning towards the guy falling for the newcomer just cause she appeared more interesting.
    Ah well, I’ll see how it ends, but I don’t have too much expectation that the ending will go in a favorable (for me) direction.
    Still, despite that, the show is really well done and it has its moments of comedy too. Maybe because the plot (so far) didn’t encompass a world-ending catastrophe (the story isolated within a small area to a small group of people) is the reason why it didn’t get too popular.

  3. As ryvrdrgn14 pointed the problem with the series for me is the Chinami falling for Kotaro. I know was pretty obvious but It could have been more interesting if it didn’t follow the same direction every story in the world. I like the anime but the middle of the series lacks a bit. For me psgels is a bit optimistic with his ratings, but we all know what kind of shows he likes ;).

  4. i was like.. ooh ooh.. super nova electricity.. now something’s gonna happen!.. waah!!.. and then that weird ending.. wtf :d.
    i want more of the bad guys in the spot light just like mr.blogger said :P.. it would definetly been a lot better then. GIEF Second Season!!! i want more!!

  5. I know the review in question. It’s just the case of someone being very, very biased against this show. It’s not for everyone, definitely, but a 0/10 was just way too exaggerated.

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