Cobra The Animation – Time Drive Review – 80/100

Here’s a quick review. I think that my biggest issue with Cobra is that I unfortunately happened to watch one of the worst Cobra episodes as my introduction to the franchise (the first episode of the Psychogun), and because of that I was reluctant to check out Time Drive. Still, I’m glad I did, because especially that first episode stands out to me as one of the best Cobra episodes I’ve seen.

The main problem with Cobra has always been that he God-moded himself through any sort of problem that he ran into. This OVA shows a unique side of his character, though. It’s not just the fact that we get to see a younger Cobra, but also the older Cobra is much more interesting than he usually is. Not to mention the huge amount of ideas that the creators managed to put in just thirty minutes. It’s an excellent adventure.

The second episode is a bit of a step back. Nowhere near bad or anything, but it lacks the punch and the amount of creativity of the first episode, plus the transitions move a bit awkwardly at times. Nevertheless, it’s a nice conclusion to that excellent first episode.

Storytelling: 8/10 – A bit rough around the edges but packs a great sense of adventure, which is exactly what

this series should be.

Characters: 8/10 – In two episodes, it showed more variety to the characters than the 40 TV-episodes that I’ve seen so


Production-Values: 7/10 – Hmm, lacks the excellent animation of Cobra 1982 or the eye candy of Cobra 2010, and it’s

supposed to be an OVA. Though Yoshihiro Ike kicks ass as usual.

Setting: 9/10 – So. Many. Neat. Ideas.

Just one side-note: what is it with Japanese confusing “dive” with “drive”? First Real Drive, and now this. When characters are clearly diving into

something metaphorical… why call it that way?

2 thoughts on “Cobra The Animation – Time Drive Review – 80/100

  1. Just for info, cobra time drive adapts volume 6 color ( 190 pages ) in two episodes of 25 minutes . ( i retired opening and ending )
    And Cobra galaxy nights ( episodes 10 to 13 of cobra the animation tv ) adapts volume 4 color ( 188 pages ) in four episodes of 20 minutes .
    It’s true that episode 1 of Cobra time drive is very good .

  2. I agree with your comments on the second episode but no comments on just how strange the transforming monster main villain was? Because dude that was so WTF?! First it’s a giant pig monster with women strapped to it then it’s like a floating fish, and then it does other strange crap. Really the most bizarre bad guy in a while.

    I really liked the migratory books in the first episode that was just an awesome concept.

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