Winter 2025 Impressions: Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster”, Ameku M.D, Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster”

Short Synopsis: A supernaturally skilled gardener discovers he can eat more than one Devil Fruit without perishing.

Wooper: 2025 kicks off with a benignly terrible fantasy premiere that cribs from One Piece, of all things. In the world of Fruitmaster, everyone is granted a free JRPG skill upon reaching the indeterminate age of an average anime protagonist. You acquire the skill by eating what is essentially a Devil Fruit, so you can’t eat a second one or else you die – unless you’re the main character, in which case you can have as many as you want. Since he has this ability, the role of “Appraisal Skill User” (for there must always be an appraisal skill user) is foisted onto his companion, who mutters that she must “make herself useful to him” by scouting everyone else’s solitary powers. Thus the stage is set for our hero to become the most powerful adventurer in the universe, prove his strength to his childhood friend, and participate in all manner of barely-animated battle scenes. Fruitmaster is dull on nearly every level, but its most baffling failure lies in the design of the protagonist’s sword; the second skill he acquires is titled “Sword God,” but it might as well have been “MS Paint God” based on the unadorned look of the thing. I hope the next fruit he eats will grant him the blacksmith skill, for the audience’s sake.
Potential: 0%

Lenlo: Why are we even bothering with this whole “Fruitmaster” thing? It didn’t take 5 minutes for the show to toss its entire premise out the window and gift the MC an OP skill like “Sword God”. Why? Just give him the ability from the start if you’re not even going to try and turn his “bad” ability into a great one. Fruitmaster feels lazy on basically every level, with even the designs and animation feeling phoned in while the studio pockets anything left over. Suffice to say, this is one of the easiest skips I’ve seen in a long time.
Potential: 0%

Ameku M.D: Doctor Detective

Short Synopsis: A doctor/detective and her henchman investigate a strange murder involving blue blood and dinosaurs.

Lenlo: Have you ever seen House? No? Well neither have I, but this is what I would imagine an anime version of it would look like. An eccentric loli doctor capable of diagnosing patients in an instant while simultaneously lambasting the patients for getting themselves in this state to begin with. As such, your enjoyment of this show is really going to come down to how much you like watching Sherlock Holmes-style hyper-intelligent characters solve convoluted problems from the most basic of observations. There’s some relationship drama as the doctors are split between their work and private lives, which has the potential to be interesting, as well as this “Blue blood” murder case thing. For the most part though, you’re looking at a pretty normal medical drama show that wouldn’t be out of place on regular live action television. Sadly for Ameku though, I’m not really into that. Maybe you’ll have better luck than me.
Potential: 20%

Mario: There are a few aspects of the first episode that I really enjoyed. First, I appreciate that the show doesn’t shy away from the medical technobabble, even though the focus shifts toward case-solving as the episode progresses. It helps ground the story in a sense of realism. The case itself is intriguing—strange, yet I get the feeling it leans more toward the logical than the supernatural, which remains interesting to see how it unfolds. However, this comes with a trade-off: the main characters, particularly the “genius” girl, display a strong curiosity but a limited emotional range. For instance, after a patient is declared deceased, her first reaction is to grin and remark, “How curious.” I suspect that, like many shows of this nature, the appeal will lie less in character development and more in the ongoing mystery—though whether that will be enough to sustain interest in the long run remains to be seen.
Potential: 20%

Possibly the Greatest Alchemist
of All Time

Short Synopsis: A former salaryman is granted an amazing alchemical skill by a goddess after being accidentally summoned to another world.

Lenlo: Maybe I’m being too generous with this score, but literally anything would look good after Fruitmaster. It’s not that Alchemist is terrible, while it doesn’t do anything particularly noteworthy I would call it competent in most things. The focus on crafting and day to day living in a fantasy world is done better in shows like Log Horizon, while the fantasy community is handled better in Reincarnated as a Slime, sure. I also wish it would go into more detail on the fantasy aspect of the crafting and such, as the combat is pretty weak. Still, Alchemist does all of those well enough that they don’t drag it down. The MC isn’t annoying, being a mild-mannered salaryman, and while it doesn’t look great, the designs aren’t terrible and it moves well enough. All in all, Alchemist feels like a standard run of the mill Isekai that is inoffensive and does everything just well enough that you might be able to get some fun from it. Saying that though, maybe that is enough to stand out in the modern isekai landscape.
Potential: 10%

Winter 2025 Season Preview

Wooper: Thanks for clicking on what may be Star Crossed Anime’s shortest season preview ever! We’ve got just one author handling things this time, and he is looking forward to shockingly few shows this winter. Of the dozen sequels that will begin airing in January, none of them are of interest to me; only one two of the eight nine upcoming isekai series look remotely watchable; and all the school-based rom-coms seem bound for the dustbin of anime history. These opinions stem in part from my time-weathered perspective as a fan, so maybe you readers can salvage my early 2025 by voting for some gems in our quarterly poll, which you’ll find at the end of this post. And hey, if the season turns out to be truly irredeemable, there’s always our backlogs to work on!

Middling Expectations

Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan

Studio: Ajia-do
Director: Tetsuya Takeuchi
Series composition: Shingo Irie
Source: Manga

The Premise: A middle-aged civil servant is reborn as the villainess of an otome game his daughter used to play.

As mentioned above, there are nine isekai anime airing this season, but “From Bureaucrat to Villainess” is one of only two that interest me. Rather than some high school loser, the subject of its reincarnation plot is a 52 year old man, and what’s more, he’s trapped in the body of a teenage girl, whose previously arrogant reputation he works to reverse upon his rebirth. I haven’t sampled the manga, but it seems clear from the PV that all the usual otome trappings will appear here: a student council full of beautiful boys (all of whom will fall in love with the newly possessed villainess), a kindly but not particularly charismatic heroine, the aforementioned villainess sporting massive blonde ringlets, etc. Whether or not the comedy of the protagonist’s body/mind mismatch amuses me, I’ll still be interested due to the involvement of director Tetsuya Takeuchi, who’s played critical roles on recent series like Hinamatsuri and Tengoku Daimakyou. This is his first time heading up a TV anime, but he previously occupied the director’s chair on the Yuri Seijin Naoko-san OVAs from the early 2010s, which are still revered in Japan for their ambitious animation. My guess is that Takeuchi’s name has enough pull to attract a solid team for Akuyaku Reijou’s production, so I look forward to some visual flourishes here and there in the opening episodes.

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Mid-Season Check-In #3 — Fall 2024

Wooper: It’s just me on Mid-Season Check-In duty this month, I’m sorry to say. Lenlo has continued to watch all the shows he covered in the first of our fall posts, and I’m sure Amun is still over the moon about the new seasons of Natsume Yuujinchou and DanMachi, but you’ll just have to wait and see whether they can shoehorn those series into the AOTY conversation next year. My December round-up here won’t be our last post of 2024 – that’ll be the Winter Preview, which ought to pop up in about a week – but I hope you savor it all the same. Stay warm out there (or cool, as your hemispheric situation dictates)!


The first season of the Poketoon anthology premiered as a series of monthly YouTube uploads in 2021, and it had a couple of standout episodes, which I briefly wrote about for my “In Praise of Short Anime” column that year. Fall 2024 saw the return of the series, only this time it alternated between one minute shorts (which were cross-posted to other social media sites) and longer installments. It’s two of those nearly full-length episodes that I want to shout out here: “Childhood Friend Charcadet” and “Chansey Safari Tag,” the first and third videos in [this playlist]. The former is a tale of two wild Charcadet whose paths diverge after one of them leaves to accompany a trainer; it boasts stylish battle scenes and an effective, if predictable, tale of separation and reunion. The latter is probably the best of the lot, centering on an untameable Chansey whose attempts to help maintain its home Safari Zone are misunderstood by the park’s warden. Scenes of the Chansey fleeing trainers’ Poke Balls and emerging from tiny hiding spaces after using Minimize (a move whose aftereffects I’d never seen animated before) are tons of fun, and there’s a feel-good resolution to the story’s human-Pokemon conflict. This franchise has gotten a sharp-looking side project every year of the 2020s so far, a trend which these two episodes (plus the Primeape-themed one, if you’re feeling generous) managed to keep alive.

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Guest Post: Unearthed Treasures with Firechick: Digimon Adventure Pilot (82/100)

Digimon has been a part of my life for about as long as I can remember. I religiously watched the 1999 TV series as a kid, along with the seasons afterward (With the exception of Data Squad and Fusion). It’s one of those series where every time I rewatch it, I always manage to discover something new about it. At one point, I saw commercials for Digimon The Movie, but I couldn’t go see it in theaters at the time due to other obligations like school. Years after that, I was able to rent it on VHS from a video store. It was…certainly something. I found out later that Saban’s Digimon The Movie was actually three movies mashed into one, cutting a lot of content in the process, far more so than they did with the series. Later in life, I saw two of those movies in their original format, this one included, with English subtitles, and I was surprised with just how different they were from the edited versions that made up Digimon The Movie. Coming back and rewatching the Digimon Adventure Pilot as an adult, with full knowledge of the TV series, I’m even more impressed by just how good this short film is as a prequel to the series and on its own merits.

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Mid-Season Check-In #2 — Fall 2024

Wooper: Late November tends to be the time when I start thinking in terms of Anime of the Year, rather than the Season. But even though I’ve pledged that our 2024 AOTY post won’t take as long to release as the previous one, we’re still making time to talk about some fall anime here – “we” being myself and Amun this time, as our resident DanMachi fan was owed a space to proclaim his love for his favorite currently airing fantasy series. That can be found after the jump, along with some short thoughts on some other seasonal shows and even One Piece Fan Letter, which released a while ago but I just got around to seeing last weekend. Happy reading, and we hope your upcoming holiday season is a fruitful one!

Ranma ½ (2024) – 5-8

Wooper: Now that Ranmake ½ has progressed past the point I reached in the original series, I realize that it’s entered a “sports plus martial arts component” holding pattern. Episodes 6 and 7 were both dedicated to a martial arts rhythm gymnastics contest between Akane and new ojousama character Kodachi, while the most recent one was the first of another likely two-parter, this time about martial arts ice skating. The way this concept allows the show to wink at the audience while maintaining its martial arts focus is neat, but I can’t say I’m any more wrapped up in the show after observing its new trick than I was before having seen it. A lot of the interplay between Ranma and Akane in the downtime surrounding these competitions involves accusations of non-cuteness, minor jealousy flare-ups, and almost-kisses, with episode 8 containing all three in quick succession. All of those things are to be expected, of course, since the show is based on an 80s manga, but none of them are up my alley. Still, I’m impressed by the economical nature of the show’s animation, keeping things simple yet solid at all times, then going all in on just a handful of cuts. There was a scene in episode 7’s gymnastics battle where Ranma defied gravity by swimming through a high-arcing midair blast from a hose, and the water animation was just to die for. I’ll keep watching through the end of 2024 just for the possibility of more shots like that one.

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Guest Post: Unearthed Treasures with Firechick: Dog of Flanders Movie (97/100)

I’ve watched many movies throughout my childhood. Namely the Pokemon movies, some Disney movies (namely Aladdin), and others. But none of them have really made a huge impact on me because of the limited time they have to get made. Characters aren’t always developed, plots are too narrow, and some just turn out plain terrible. Before 2010, I had never even HEARD of anything called The Dog of Flanders. I only learned about it through this review. When I first read it, I thought, “Can a movie really be this good?” Curious, I tracked it down and found it on YouTube…and I was absolutely not prepared for what I saw, and boy am I glad I followed his recommendation. This movie, to me, is a masterpiece on every level. This is my personal gold standard for not only animated movies, but for movies that are adaptations of books, and movies as a whole overall. I’ll try to be as objective as possible, but I can’t help but gush about it, as it’s such an underrated movie that rarely gets the appreciation that it so deserves! But I’m gonna tell you all about it and I’m not ashamed to say it: Dog of Flanders is my number one favorite anime movie of all time, and movie of all time in general.

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Mid-Season Check-In Fall 2024

Wooper: Happy November, everyone! With schools across the country having recently concluded their first quarters, it seemed appropriate for us to issue our own report card, as it were, for the fall anime season. You won’t find any letter grades in this post, however – just Lenlo and I giving our thoughts on a bunch of currently airing shows. We’ve got surprise hits, mediocre manga adaptations, sequels of varying strength, and a potential AOTY candidate lined up for you here, so read on to see which is which!

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II – 2-5

Lenlo: Little girls with guns go pew pew. Seriously though, much like Shangri-La Frontier, Gun Gale Online actually communicates a lot of the fun of playing these sorts of MMOs. Hanging out with your friends, doing stupid stuff with stupid builds, competing, random insane PKers and people making stupid calls. It’s everything that Sword Art Online wishes it could be. And the fact that there’s no world-saving, life-ending threat, means there’s always some tension because our leads are actually allowed to lose. Again, much like Shangri-La, defeat doesn’t mean the end in Gun Gale Online. What I’m trying to say is, Gun Gale Online is a fun, chill action series about a bunch of people running around shooting each other and having fun, knowing that no one is in any actual danger and the only thing at stake is pride inside of a video game. The battle-royale scenario, the closing ring, the CoD style maps, it’s all just… fun. And for me, that makes it worth continuing.

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Guest Post: Unearthed Baubles with Firechick: Pokemon Trading Card Game GBC (65/100)

Hey Pokemaniacs, remember when we used to collect Pokemon cards, trade them with our friends, and participate in card battles? I sure do! In light of the Pokemon games’ massive success, companies began marketing it to hell and back, making and selling all sorts of tie-in toys, games, and cards to further make money off the franchise. In 1998, someone had the bright idea to turn the then newly born tabletop paper card game…into a video game. Yeah, so weird, right? But the game turned out to be pretty decent for what it was, and I remember playing and liking it as a kid. For a time, the game was available on the 3DS Virtual Console, which has now been shut down, but as of now, it’s available on Nintendo Switch Online as part of its GameBoy library, so you don’t need to worry about physical cartridges running out of internal battery power and losing all of your progress. But how does the game fare as a video game? Well…not that great.

Continue reading “Guest Post: Unearthed Baubles with Firechick: Pokemon Trading Card Game GBC (65/100)”

Fall 2024 Impressions: A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School, Thunderbolt Fantasy S4, Touhai: Ura Rate Mahjong Touhai Roku

A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School

Short Synopsis: A pathetic failure becomes the new teacher of a school for Spirits.

Mario: While I believe Youkai Gakkou can build on this concept to get to know more about each type of youkai as they open up to this new human teacher, there are many strikes against it that I don’t really see it can raise above the water. The most glaring one is the teacher himself who is just plain and uninteresting as a lead. When you introduce someone with a story of how they become shut-in after one bad first day teaching at school, while making light of that fact, you’ve done your character a big disservice. It doesn’t get much better from there since he curls up like a ball when he realizes he’s teaching a class full of youkai. The first case he gets here, about a misfortuned youkai that becomes a shut-in, is also not its best sadly. We soon learn the reasons for her not going to school is not because of any stress, bullying or social anxiety that she experiences (which in turns could be something common the teacher and she share), instead it’s just because… she plays too many games. I guess maybe like Natsume’s Book of Friends, we get an episodic chapter about these youkai, and some of them might be touching – but in a season where the actual Natsume is airing, I don’t see any reason in following this one over the much better show.
Potential: 5%

Lenlo: How do I put this… Youkai Gakkou seems to depend entirely on how much you enjoy pathetic humor. Is it funny watching a cowardly incompetent teacher be picked on/looked down on by his students? If so, you’ll probably have a decent time with it. For me though, the comedy fell short. And seeing as how the comedy is basically all this first episode has going for it, that’s not good. I imagine Youkai Gakkou has plans for more, it probably wants to do something uplifting where the teacher makes the Youkai feel normal or something while they help him become more confident. If that’s the case though, it really should have led with that and let the comedy come in later. Suffice to say, as exhausted as I am of premieres this late into the opening of the season, I’m not feeling any interest here.
Potential: 5%

Thunderbolt Fantasy S4

Short Synopsis: Season 4 of Thunderbolt Fantasy, AKA Urobuchi’s Taiwanese Puppet Show.

Lenlo: So I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never really known what is actually happening in Thunderbolt Fantasy. There’s some epic plot about swords, demon lords, spirits and shit, I honestly couldn’t tell you. As such, I can’t really talk about the story or character arcs or anything like that, because none of those are why I watch the show. No, I watch it for one thing and one thing only: Puppets. There’s nothing else quite like them in anime I feel. The exaggerated way they move, the detail in their design and fights, and the fights! Oh the fights. There’s something so fun about watching puppets fly across the screen, kicking up sand and dust with mystical powers, as they duke it out in classic wire-work martial arts film style. Can I recommend this to everyone? No, not at all. The story is nonsensical and honestly probably not very good if I’ve ignored it for 4 seasons. But if, like me, you have a strange fascination with magical puppet fights… You’ll be able to have a good time.
Potential: 50%

Mario: I’ve been following Thunderbolt Fantasy since its inception, and even more was blogging it when it first aired in 2016. Unique aesthetic – and a common question of ‘is it even anime?’ – aside, I am familiar with the wuxia convention well enough to get a real kick out of that. This show for me is Urobuchi at his most doesn’t-give-a-damn. There are larger-than-life characters, epic plots about human and devil realms and other nonsense, but they are entertaining and truly something to behold. This first episode of the supposed final season is purely set up as we track multiple groups of characters while introducing a pair of powerful underlings. So far, it’s actually our MC Shang Bu Huan who is the least interesting as he has second thoughts about his own mission. I’m sure he gets dragged along to the mess soon enough, and I’m all in for that.
Potential: 50%

Touhai: Ura Rate Mahjong Touhai Roku

Short Synopsis: Money, women, organs. Kei, a high school boy, frequents the underground mahjong parlor teeming with desires, earning him the moniker ‘K of Ice’ in the underworld due to his cold-hearted strategy and stylish gameplay. Rumors also circulate that he keeps a girl at his home.

Lenlo: Touhai suffers from the same issue as every Mahjong anime, the simply fact that no one in the west knows how to play this fucking game. And much like the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Mahjong from a season or two ago, that really limits its reach because it doesn’t put any effort into teaching the audience how to play the game. That’s probably for the best with the Japanese market, but for me? That makes it impossible to get into. Even putting that aside though, Touhai also comes off as a poorly produced, inferior copy of Akagi, another Mahjong series but created by the Kaiji Ultimate Survivor author, someone who is far more capable of making Mahjong interesting. Combine those, the difficulty of getting into the game and the existence of multiple better criminal-based mahjong series, and I’m not really finding a compelling reason to watch this one. Maybe you’ll enjoy some of the over the top criminality, what with the sex slaves and all, but it sort of feels like shock value more than anything.
Potential: 0%

Fall 2024 Impressions: Demon Lord 2099, The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Shangri-La Frontier S2

Demon Lord 2099

Short Synopsis: The Demon Lord is banished by the Hero, only for him to reawaken 500 years later into a whole new, much more technologically advanced world.

Lenlo: Demon Lord 2099 was… shockingly good. I was expecting a meme, but not, it’s legitimately good. From the world and characters it’s created to the story they are caught up in, 2099 genuinely feels like something new. The combination of magic and technology to create a future-fantasy dystopia ala Shadowrun, is fully realized here with beautiful backgrounds and an interesting mix of visual staples from the two genres. And the way power scaling is handled is great as well, working similar to Frieren where it’s not that the Demon Lord got weaker but that magic technology and technique advanced while he was banished. This idea that even common street thugs are able to kick a Demon Lords ass now, and that he can’t get the same implant they have, works well. Most of all, I like the villain! The dude’s just a corporate overlord ass-hate with an inferiority complex who spent the last 500 years prepping to replace his boss. I’ll admit, the show isn’t incredibly animated or anything, there’s no big fights. But I’m bought into this world, these characters, and this conflict way more than I expected to. I really hope 2099 manages to keep this up for the whole 12 episode run, because right now this is my big surprise of the season. Plus, it has Vtubers! Towa-Sama!
Potential: 70%

Amun: I’m a bit less enthusiastic here than Lenlo. I have to admit that I’ve seen quite a few of these “Post-Demon Lord” shows recently (the best of which is obviously, without question, Frieren). I’d say Demon Lord 2099 is a lot closer to Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero with the character dynamics – maybe mixed in a bit with Our Last Crusade/Rise of a New World for the magic/tech mixture; neither of those shows is exactly making history. The villain and even our lead felt a bit flat – both leaning into the super evil persona’s a bit too hard there. Sure, I’m certain they’ll develop over the series, but I was just a bit turned off by how one-dimensional the confrontation was. I like the world well enough, and I think the “problem” to solve is plenty interesting (rebuilding a lost kingdom). I guess I’m a little hesitant in the lack of comedy or chemistry felt…anywhere. Still, I’m here for at least a few more on the strength of the premise alone.
Potential: 50%

The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party

Short Synopsis: A healer only capable of using basic heals is banished from his party. Little did they know, he was capable of more than anyone could expect.

Lenlo: This is a pretty classic “Misunderstood MC is actually OP” story. We don’t get any explanations just yet, more setting up our Female MC, why she’s here, her connection to the lead, and a small mystery about how dangerous he actually is. I’ll admit, the idea that he’s actively hiding his true class and skills is better than him just being OP despite only having basic spells. But unlike say… I Parry Everything which had much the same setup, this one is lacking a lot of the personality and character that made Parry so fun. The MC isn’t an asshole, which is nice, but he also doesn’t have much personality beyond just… not being an asshole. I could see this being fun if you just want a popcorn sort of show, but personally I’m not going to be keeping up with it.
Potential: 10%

Shangri-La Frontier S2

Short Synopsis: Season 2 of Shangri La Frontier.

Lenlo: Shangri-La Frontier picks up so close to where it left off, so nonchalantly, that it almost doesn’t even feel like we’re starting a new season. In some ways that’s nice, there’s no overly long recap, it doesn’t waste our time trying to bring us up to speed, we just jump right into things. As someone who knows where we are, that’s nice! I’m glad we’re not wasting any time here. That said, I could see it being a bit of a shock for those who don’t remember anything from the previous season. One nice surprise with the episode though had to be the production. It looked great, a number of well animated, dynamic, stylistic fights that I really wasn’t expecting. Season 1 started strong as well, sure, but with how uneventful the last few episodes of the previous season/this current arc is, I didn’t think it would get that much attention. Hopefully the series will keep this up as it moves into the more interesting arcs that it should, hopefully, reach with 25 episodes. All in all, while I’m not expecting the show to be too great this early, aside from shockingly good animation, I do have hope for two arcs that should be roughly as good, if not better, than Wezaemon we got in the first season. If it can do those arcs justice, with the same care Wezaemon got, then Season 2 should be just as good as the first.
Potential: 50%