The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Anime Review – 71/100

It’s nice to see some rare gems like Housekishou Richard-shi surface in anime medium once in a while. It’s about a niche subject matter that is gemstones, and how these jewelries reflect the quality of its owners. The show also builds up a solid relationship between the main duo Richard and Seigi, although it remains ambiguous till the end whether their relationship could qualify as “romance”. The cases vary in its delivery and quality and frankly my biggest issue with the show is that I find a real lack of engagement to the main characters, each has traits that I found unrelatable.

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The Case Files of Jeweler Richard – 06/07 [Perilous Turquoise/ The Jade of Succession]

I certainly didn’t see that coming at all. While Housekishou Richard-shi still utilizes its episodic format, the last two episodes reveal some backstory regarding our pretty boy and very quickly that plot thread becomes my favorite part of the show. So far, we see Richard as an all-too-perfect specimen that it’s hard to regard him as a full-fledged human. Not until the closing scene of episode 6 that is. Throughout the previous episodes we have seen how Richards always ticks off whenever people (especially Seiki) comment on his good look, and episode 6 expands on that with the case regarding scammers who try to sell their fake gems to young girls. Normally this could be a cause for our local hero Seigi to stir up, but surprisingly it’s Richard who does. Richard’s scheme is a bit far-fetched if you ask me, but it’s all the service of that flashback at the end. It turns out that Richard used to be a schemer who uses his good look to deceive customers, and with that he suddenly appears to be much more complex than he normally lets on.

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The Case Files of Jeweler Richard – 04/05 [The Fighting Garnet/ Opal of Encounters]

An update in regards to Housekisho Richard-shi coverage. Amun decides to drop these cute boys and their gems so I will take over full-time now, with him covering Kyokou Suiri instead. These past two episodes saw Housekisho Richard-shi goes through some highs and lows, but overall I’m happy with what the show has to offer. The drama in its weekly case is low-key and mundane, and while Richard and Seigi aren’t necessary there to “fix the issues” (well, at least Richard doesn’t), in this show, inconsistencies in how the customers behave reflect their own insecurities and their own personalities. Add that to the gems they seek in which they usually have some interesting message behind, and it’s pretty much the appeal of Housekisho Richard-shi to me. The other aspects of the show, namely the chemistry between the two leads and Seigi and Shouko’s romance, aren’t that interesting to me, which I will address that in later paragraphs.

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Hōsekisho Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei – 03 [The Cat’s Eye’s Insight]

Amun is up for this episode of “Case Files of Jeweler Richard”. As hinted last week, my excitement for this show plummeted after the stellar first episode. Can episode 3 get us back on track? Let’s find out!
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The Case Files of Jeweler Richard – 02 [The Ruby’s Truth]

Welcome to Jeweler Richard, one of the two shows that Amun and me are going to take turn to blog each week. For me, I find it interesting to see the varied opinions between me and him on the same shows. This episode, in particular, divides us. Amun hates it but I find it decent – not on par with the premiere, but still very decent. Granted, I can see some issues this week, most notably the case that has little to do with Richard’s appraisal skills. The jewelry in question this week is the pigeon-blood ruby, known for its namesake color. Mami the client wants to know whether or not the ruby had been heated, but it’s increasingly clear that there’s something else that she wants. In terms of the progression regarding that ruby case, it is all over the place at best. Suddenly out of nowhere, her fiancee appears to info-dump about Mami’s backstory – and the thing was he’a never that important a role to begin with. She uses a fake name whose we soon find out is the name of her past’s flame. On the positive notes, Jeweler Richard the show has this fascinating view about women’s lives – Seigi’s grandma last week and Mami this week show how these women struggling with the roles they were expected to perform and their real desires. For that I’m willing to look aside all its shaky elements for now.

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