Undead Murder Farce – 5/6 [The Undead in London/The Phantom Thief and the Detective]

Welcome all, to a special double feature of a week! Apologies for missing last week, Covid and other health problems sort of screwed me and I barely got out the posts that I did. To be frank some are still ongoing, so if I’m late on something that’s why. Getting old sucks yo. Anyways on with the show(s)!

First up we have episode 5, “The Undead in London”. This one was… Odd. And not in a good way. In fact the best way I can put it is that, at 5 episodes in, Undead Murder Farce feels like it’s starting to bloat. What do I mean by that? Well simply that Undead Murder Farce introduced a lot this episode, to the point where it has become very clear to me that the show isn’t going to be able to cover everything and maybe even won’t reach a satisfying stopping point. What does “a lot” mean? Well we’ve got the entire Sherlock Holmes canon, what was once just a cheeky reference are now fully fledge characters involved in the plot, a whole new organization of super powered monster hunters, who probably won’t like Rindo, not to mention our “antagonist” for this arc. It just feels like… a lot.

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Undead Murder Farce – 4 [The Headliner Appears]

Welcome all, to another episode of Undead Murder Farce! This is a late one, apologies for that. I was attending Otakon this weekend and that took up a whole lot of my time. Was fun though, and I can’t wait to go back next year! Bought some nice merch. My weekend adventures aside, on with the episode!

First up lets talk about the production, because Undead Murder Farce kind of disappointed me this week. There’s the obvious, such as the really bad greenscreen effect that we’ve seen before. I still don’t understand why the show is doing this, it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t add to the aesthetic, it just looks like they were to lazy to do it right. There’s just nothing good about it. The less obvious issue though is Tsugaru’s fight. Now this isn’t meant to be some kind of big set piece, I get that. Undead Murder Farce isn’t that kind of show. But even with that in mind, the choreography and lighting of the whole thing just felt… bad. It wasn’t engaging in the slightest outside of Tsugaru’s dialogue, which isn’t how you want a fight to be. It feels like, visually, we’re just getting weaker and weaker as time goes on.

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Undead Murder Farce – 3 [Immortality and Demons]

Welcome all, to episode 3 of Undead Murder Farce! Apologies for the delay on this. Much like with Jujutsu Kaisen I was out at a concert until 4am and just wasn’t able to get this out on table. On a side note though, you all should go and check out Ok Goodnight and Challenger Deep. My music tastes aside though, lets dive into the episode!

Starting off, the most off-putting part of the episode was the start. Undead Murder Farce just completely ignores the cliffhanger we ended last episode on and skips us forward to a pleasant lunch with the family. And while the lunch was nice, once again Undead Murder Farce has some great direction and shot composition, it made for a very jarring introduction to the episode. I actually stopped and wondered where the hell we were, what about the scene we were just in prior, the half-finished conversation. It’s very similar to how jarring the ending of the last episode was as well, and leaves me wondering if this is going to be the norm for the series. I sincerely hope not, I think they are rough at best, and it’s not like they can’t give us good endings like they did this week. Only time will tell there I suppose.

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Undead Murder Farce – 2 [Vampire]

Welcome all, to the first new show of the summer season: Undead Murder Farce! This is a fun one, the moment I saw it I knew I wanted to write about. It was just such a surprise that I had to do it. So without further ado, lets dive in!

First up, overall Undead Murder Farce looked pretty good this week. There were a lot of strong choices, from interesting shots and small facial/character ticks to some nice shading. After the premier this isn’t very surprising. However there was one thing that stood out to me, and not positively: The pixelated greenscreen effects. I don’t know if this was meant to look cheap, if that was the effect they were going for, but they really just looked like a complete and total failure of compositing. Like they were done by an intern on short notice or something. It’s really rather ugly in my opinion, and ruins a couple of otherwise decent shots. A shame in what is otherwise a pretty decent looking episode I feel.

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Haibane Renmei Anime Review – 86/100 – Throwback Thursday

Yoshitoshi ABe is, or at least should be, a pretty recognizable name. You’ve no doubt seen his work and influence across many series while watching anime. From the illustrations for the original novels of Welcome to the N.H.K. and All You Need Is Kill to providing original character designs for the technological horror series Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain. ABe’s art has a distinctive, gritty quality to it that you don’t often see in modern Moe-fied anime. And for me that begs the question: What kind of stories is he trying to tell with this art? Well it seems we have our answer. Directed by Tomokazu Tokoro, animated by the now defunct studio Radix and created/storyboarded by Yoshitoshi ABe I give to you Haibane Renmei. So without further ado let’s talk about some cute angel girls within a not-so-cute story.
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Haibane Renmei – 13 [Reki’s World/Prayer/Epilogue] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone to the finale of Haibane Renmei! We’ve made it through another season of Throwback Thursday and you know what that means: Time to vote for the next one. Like always you can find the poll at the end of this post. In the meantime though lets talk about about depression WOO!

So as far as my immediate impressions of the ending go I have to say that I am… satisfied. It didn’t go exactly as I thought it would, I figured it would be more bittersweet. One where Reki forgives herself but it’s to late for her Day of Flight. Or perhaps Rakka postpones her own so that Reki won’t feel alone here anymore. What we got instead was still good though. I feel that with this Haibane Renmei wrapped up and concluded everything important it introduced. We still don’t know much about the Factory or the Renmei and some questions remain unanswered true. But the crux of Haibane Renmei was always Reki and Rakka, and that feels properly handled. Haibane Renmei even addressed my concern about help being the only way out by instead making it about accepting help. That you needed the desire to change rather than stagnation.

So yeah, it was good. Now what about Reki?

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Haibane Renmei – 12 [Bell Nuts/Passing of the Year Festival/Reconciliation] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone to the penultimate episode of Haibane Renmei! Apologies for the wait on this one, I’ve been quite sick these past few days and didn’t get to write this early like I usually do. With my excuses out of the way lets dive into this weeks episode!

Starting off I think this was the first episode where I had a noticeable issue with Haibane Renmei’s visuals. Not across the board of course. The backgrounds are still nice and the colors, while largely washed out, still work to sell that almost ethereal nature of the Wall, halos and town. In fact I’m really only talking about one part in particular: Rakka’s face when she is talking to Midori. The way this shot is cut just… bothers me. Those 3 rapid frames as she reacts to Midori, the way it cuts between them is just… jarring. It took me completely out of the scene and the moment. I actually went back twice to see if I just blinked or something else went wrong. But no. Its just a really jarring scene. Is this a big deal? Not really but I had to complain about something before I gush.

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Haibane Renmei – 11 [Parting/Darkness in the Heart/Irreplaceable Thing] – Throwback Thursday

Hello everyone and welcome to a very late post about Haibane Renmei! I don’t really have an excuse. To be frank I thought this episode was rather dull. Why? Well lets jump in and find out!

So like I said, I found this episode rather dull. It was primarily setup on Rakka’s end, giving her a time limit as well as setting the stakes for what is to come. It also did some work setting the tone but overall I think Haibane Renmei has kept the tone pretty consistent throughout its run so it was a little unnecessary. Overall this episode didn’t really tell us anything new or reframe anything we had already been told. That’s fine I suppose, more of the same with Haibane Renmei is still a decent character piece. And it’s not like every episode has to be some grand reveal, that’s just an unreasonable expectation. But what I can say is that this episode is never going to be my, or anyone’s, favorite out of the season. I just doesn’t have anything to set it apart and give it that “favorite” spark.

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Haibane Renmei – 10 [Kuramori/Haibane of Abandoned Factory/Rakka’s Job] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome all to a (late) episode of Haibane Renmei! This week is a bit slower compared to the last few but no less lighter. We got a lot of information dropped on us this week. So how about we jump right into it?

Compared to the last few episodes this week felt like setup rather than payoff. Like Haibane Renmei is gearing up for it’s final act. This isn’t a bad thing! Where the previous episodes gave us a lot of character growth and revelatory moments, Rakka in the well for example, this week is a lot more information focused. Answering a lot of questions I’ve had since the beginning of the series while asking a few more. But these new question’s aren’t really about the world at large, they aren’t meant to introduce new aspects or parts of the setting. Instead it feels like their purpose is to connect the dots. Pointing us towards the gaps in our knowledge, like the Renmei, the Haibane and the Sin-Bound, and promising to fill them in. So while there wasn’t a lot of forward progress this week I can clearly see the path being laid.

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Haibane Renmei – 9 [Water Well/Rebirth/Riddle] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone to another week of Haibane Renmei! This is a rather uplifting episode compared to the last few, a sort of breathe of fresh air. Rakka has an eye opening conversation while Reki takes her place at the bottom of the metaphorical well. What do either of those things mean? Read on and find out!

Before we get into all the narrative mumbo jumbo though I want start with some praise for the music. I haven’t talked about it much until now because I wanted a larger sample size. But at this point I can comfortably say that Kou Ootani has made something special. There’s a specific style to Haibane Renmei’s sound, one that’s almost reverent, riding that line of feeling almost religious. Yet Kou Ootani manages to create music that is both happy and sad, quiet and adventurous, hopeful and resigned, all the while keeping the same Haibane Renmei style. My only complaint with it is that occasionally the sound mixing appears to be off. For instance in this episode there were a few scenes where the music, though good, overpowered the dialogue. I’m unsure how much of this is just BD remastering vs original audio problems but they exist regardless.

Now lets head into the break so we can talk spoilers!

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