Migi & Dali – 4

Welcome all, to another episode of Migi & Dali! This week is a weird one. I mean, they’ve all been weird, but this one especially so. Why? Well lets skip this preamble jump right into it, you should figure it out fast.

Starting off, this episode puts our leads, Migi & Dali, in a new environment: School. On it’s own this doesn’t change much. Their goal is still to discover the room they stayed in with their mother, to track down their killer. Where before they tried to make friends in scouts, now they have to do the same in school. What makes it interesting are the new challenges a structured placed like school brings. Now they are organized into classes, with little reason or ability to socialize with those outside of it. On top of that, these classes are organized by “intelligence”, and by that I mean performance on tests, something that their time as orphans has ill prepared them for. Combine that with all the new experiences school brings, from homework to romance, and there’s a lot of these twins to deal with.

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Migi & Dali – 3 [Let’s Make Friends]

Welcome all, to week 3 of Migi & Dali! This week our lovable twins go outside, make some friends, case some houses and beat a child senseless. Did that sound like it escalated? Good, because that’s what the episode did. Without further ado, lets dive in!

Overall I thought this was a good episode, I’m continuing to enjoy Migi & Dali quite a bit. Something about its odd balance of comedy and unnerving horror, how it infuses every scene with this sense that something is wrong, just does it for me. Take this episode for instance. Ostensibly it’s about the twins trying, failing and then lucking into, making some friends. There’s some classic anime bullying, it’s par for the course. But when looked at through the larger lens of the series, something you’re forced to do as every episode starts and ends talking about the murder of their mother, it becomes much more… eerie. These kids don’t actually want friends, they want to sneak into houses to see if any match their memories. They aren’t naïve, they know about the bullying, they just don’t care because it’s a means to an end. It’s… creepy. I love it!

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Migi & Dali – 2

Welcome all, to the first show of the new season: Migi & Dali! I loved this one so much I just had to cover it. It’s so weird and out there that it felt like the dark horse of the season. And so far, 2 episodes in, I’m feeling vindicated by that! So without further ado, lets jump in.

Starting off, Migi & Dali continues to have really solid direction. The use of music, the shot composition, scenes like the twins slithering around like snakes only to cut it all off, music and everything, for a gag as the door bursts open. It somehow manages to be comedic without losing that underlying creepiness that made me interested in it. All of the jokes are just presented in such an unnerving manner that, until the punchline hits, you can’t tell if they are even mean to be jokes or not. Setups are done such that they could easily be misunderstandings through the eyes of naïve children or nefarious secrets if played straight, making you unable to properly dismiss them. It’s like the show is outright telling you something is up so clearly that it almost wants you to call its bluff. Everything about it is just so clever like that!

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Undead Murder Farce – 13 [The Culprit’s Name]

Welcome all, to the grand finale! This is it, the final episode Undead Murder Farce! There’s a lot that needs wrapping up this week. Will the series manage it? Or will it continue to stumble right at the finish line? Lets dive in and find out!

Starting off, did Undead Murder Farce manage to fix its lackluster visual production by the end? Well to be honest, not really. We still got shitty green screen compositing, poorly lit night scenes generally dull movement. Those have been stables since the show first aired and they are still here now. One thing we did get though was a pretty damn good cave sequence. It only lasted for a minute, sure. But it feels like that scene was every ounce of creative energy the show had condensed into a single minute. It was legitimately pretty great. The use of line work and different colors for different characters, the use of negative space, bright reds for wounds and such. Add on to that some… creative, if a tad nonsensical, scenes like Carmilla’s and at least as far as finales go, Undead Murder Farce didn’t do half bad I don’t think.

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Undead Murder Farce – 12 [Where the River’s Flow Changes]

Welcome all, to a rather late episode of Undead Murder Farce! Sorry for that, I’ve been writing some reports and getting back into Path of Exile. Not the best excuse, but hey it’s fun. Enough about me though, lets talk about our current seasonal murder mystery!

Starting off, Undead Murder Farce continues with it’s questionable production this week. I know I harp on it every time, but I’m going to continue to do so until it stops being a problem. It’s just to dark, to hard to see anything, and they still haven’t figured it out. On top of that, what decent animation we did get in the fights was still kind of rough. The way Tsuguru used his environment was nice, but I can’t say it looked good. And that’s not even mentioning the power-point levels of editing that were the last few moments of the episode. Seriously, what was that zoom and pan shit? Is this a professional project or is it babies first production? It’s damn shame. Undead Murder Farce never looked great, but it’s fallen even from those mild heights recently.

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Undead Murder Farce – 11 [Where the Wolves Dwell]

Welcome all, to another week of Undead Murder Farce! This week adds another layer to the murder mystery, we meet a bunch of werewolves, and Shizuku gets an actual episode all to herself. It’s good stuff! So lets dive in to it shall we?

Starting off lets get the obvious out of the way. The night time scenes still look like shit. This sucks. Especially when Undead Murder Farce actually had some decent nocturnal lighting near the end during Shizuku’s little investigation. It’s like the show is learning, just not fast enough to really matter. Putting that dead horse aside though, the most important thing about this episode to me was that it was all Shizuku. Tsuguru and Aya make small appearances, mostly to push them towards a reunion, but Shizuku gets the majority of the screen and it’s great. She’s really needed something separate form Tsuguru and Aya, some time to away to come into her own as a character, and that’s what we got here. Not only in terms of her limitations, she isn’t the brains of their group, but also in how she treats people outside of our main squad.

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Undead Murder Farce – 10 [Misty Hollow]

Welcome all, to another episode of Undead Murder Farce! This week we discover who the werewolf is, get in a tussle and maybe just maybe suffer the consequences of our actions. What does that mean? Well read on and find out!

Starting off, this week we get some actually decent animation for the first time in a while! Now it’s not like Undead Murder Farce is some kind of mess, aside from the poor lighting it’s fine. But even during the climax of the Lupin arc there wasn’t much in the way of dynamic, interestin animation. This week however we got a whole sequence as Tsugaru and Shizuku chase after the werewolf, the fist fight, Shizuku trying to stab/shoot it, the waterfall. It felt like things were really starting to ramp up leading into the finale. Undead Murder Farce isn’t an action show, it doesn’t need to be action that gets animated. I’ll take basically anything. Action is just a straightforward easy thing to point at and go “Caveman brain see flashing colors!”. So yeah, that was nice!

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Undead Murder Farce – 9 [Werewolf]

Welcome all, to another late episode of Undead Murder Farce! I’ll admit, I just sort of forgot that this episode aired. I just watched it last night, that’s how hectic things have been. Apologies for all the delays, life is busy at the moment, and I appreciate y’all sticking around. Now pity party aside, on with the episode!

Right off the bat, and I know I’ve been harping on this a lot but I swear to god it just keeps coming up, Undead Murder Farce has no idea how to handle darkness. That whole opening scene with the mob chasing someone through the night? You could barely tell what was going on half the time. When the lighting was good, whether from torchlight or burning buildings, the sequence looked good. Just skip to the end as the windmill burns down, there’s some great contrast in there. But the rest of the time? Good luck picking out details. It’s a shame, because Undead Murder Farce has the answer to these problems. Use dark blues instead of blacks, let the torch or moonlight extend farther, go for a more stylize/high contrast lighting. Any of these would help! But the show just refuses to use them.

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Undead Murder Farce – 8 [The Banquet]

Welcome all, to another episode of Undead Murder Farce and the conclusion of the current arc! A lot happened this week, we have a lot to talk about, so lets dive right into it!

Immediate I need to say that this episode was just great. What a fantastic way to end an arc, especially one that initially started so weakly. We got to watch our heroes come together as a group, new members included, marking Sherlock as probably a repeating character. The bad guys got a bunch of characterization, from backstory to just how they interact with our leads and their shared history. On top of that the snappy editing is back, from great effects work such as Jack’s “aura” to imaginative cuts like Tsugaru snapping his suspenders into the camera. Simply put, this episode is everything I’ve wanted from Undead Murder Farce since episode 1. This is the strongest it’s been since its debut, and I am here for it. Hopefully it can do it at least one more time before the end.

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Undead Murder Farce – 7 [Free for All]

Welcome all, to another episode of Undead Murder Farce! I am here to announce that this episode was, pleasantly, kinda good. In fact I’d go so far as to say it was “pretty good”. There are a lot of reasons for that, so lets just jump right into it!

Starting off, this was one of the better looking episodes in a while. No shitty green-screens, no weird composites or dull action. In fact this episode actually had some pretty good action choreography, from three people fighting in front of a full moon to silly stuff like Tsugaru doing Rakugo to both explain their plan and just to have fun. It’s exactly the kind of shit I enjoy. The only complaint I have is that a couple of scenes, such as in the basement or the warehouse, were so dark as to be almost unwatchable. Like you couldn’t tell what was happening unless you shoved your face up against the screen levels of darkness. I get it, it’s a consequence of the sharp contrast they used effectively in multiple other scenes. But I feel those ones could have used a bit stronger lighting is all.

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