2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi volley-bu Anime Review 30/100

I normally try to start these reviews with some kind of cutesy lead in. Maybe a play on the sports anime genre and how it needs more drama focused series. Or a riff volleyball anime now that the recent season of Haikyu is over and the manga complete. Something about how the fans are looking for their next fix of Cute Boys Play Sports. Sadly 2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-Bu, henceforth referred to as Volley-Bu, simply isn’t worth it. Looking for a decently animated sports series for your action fix? Denied. Perhaps a well crafted coming of age drama that tackles social pressures and suicide with grace? Denied with prejudice. The sad fact of the matter is that Volley-Bu, produced by David Productions and directed by Yasuhiro Kimura of JoJo’s Part 5 fame, is terrible. And I’m here to explain why. So without further ado, lets jump in.
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2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu – 7/8/9

I’m back baby, and with more bitching about Volley-Bu! As you can see from the title this post is a triple header. Why? Because I don’t have enough to write about 1 episode of this show, so its easier to do 3. Don’t worry, it’s still mostly going to be me complaining about it, so lets dive in!

Starting off, lets shove 3 episodes worth of production issues into a single 150 word paragraph. There’s a lot we could talk about here: The framing of shots is off, the CGI volleyballs look like crap, the character models move like they are in molasses, etc. There is the occasional moment of decent animation but by and large Volley-Bu looks like crap. But the single biggest production flaw to me right now has to be the sound design. I understand what Volley-Bu is going for here, it wants the hits to be impactful and the jumps to have momentum. Basically it wants the Hajime no Ippo treatment where everything sounds like a jet engine and it all just works. But Volley-Bu isn’t getting that. Instead its getting the Berserk 2016 treatment where it sounds like a blown out microphone and someone hitting pans together. And I hate it.

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2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-Bu – 6 [The Laughing King and Crybaby Jack]

I know, I know, this Volley-Bu post is woefully late. In my defense however the episode was also dreadfully boring! I suppose boring is still an improvement on last week though huh? Without further ado, lets dive into this weeks rant on Volley-Bu!

Like I said, this week was a slight improvement from the last, mostly because it focused on someone else. As thankful as I am for that though, I don’t think this rival team introduction quite worked. The idea behind this episode is pretty sound. Volley-Bu is introducing us to the rival team relatively early so that we have time to get to know them. That they get a whole episode dedicated to them is actually pretty good! But the problem is that this came out of absolutely nowhere and wasn’t properly setup nor presented very well. Volley-Bu spends the entire episode hyper focused on Fukuho Tech, the new team, but it fails to present them through our leads eyes. We barely even see our leads reactions or thoughts about Fukuho Tech until right near the end. While it works for establishing them as characters, it fails to build much tension.

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2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-Bu – 5 [Stand By Me]

I’m skipping the intro today because, to be frank, I’m done with Volley-Bu. Not in that I am going to stop covering it, I’m riding this train to the end. But I’m done playing nice and expecting it to change because this episode pissed me off. Up until now Volley-Bu has just been lazy with its writing. Speeding through content, cutting corners, not properly setting things up, etc. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t actively terrible, just mediocre. But this week Volley-Bu has undercut one of its core emotional plot threads in the stupidest way possible. I said in the initial impressions post that exploring suicide and bullying was a brave, tough choice. And that if it could pull it off then Haijima would have a great story worth watching. Turns out though, the suicide was fake.

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2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu – 4 [Higher, Faster, Stronger]

I’m a bit late on Volley-Bu this week, apologies for that. Between Jujutsu Kaisen and Dr. STONE releasing right next to it, Volley-Bu seems to be taking a back seat. But have no fear because I am in this for the long haul! All 12 episodes of it. So without further ado, lets dive in!

Production wise it was nice to see a return of the snappy direction. It’s not like Volley-Bu is well animated, the CGI volleyball barely even bounces half the time. But between the quick cuts, fast movement and good camera angles, Volley-Bu does a good job of tricking us into thinking its well animated. We can see examples of this early on in their training as Okuma, the rugby guy, joins in or later on in their match. It’s not perfect, a lot of the strikes still lack weight and the characters feel very stiff anytime the camera lingers on them to long on the court. Overall though this is a step up from last episode and a step in the right direction for the series. Lets hope it can keep it up for the next… 8 episodes!

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2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu – 3 [A Dog’s Perspective and a Giraffe’s Perspective]

Hello everyone, it’s time for more Volley-Bu! We got drama, we got time skips, and we maybe even have a little volley ball! I’m really not sure, I think maybe this is a sports show or something? Anyways, enough rambling, lets get into the episode!

Like usual the production isn’t anything to special. Some of the snappy directing is back, which is nice, but nothing on the level of the first episode. It’s becoming more and more clear to me that Volley-Bu really doesn’t have much going for it visually. There are more visually striking, more well animated or more stylistic anime across the season. Meanwhile Volley-Bu just sort of… exists. One nice thing it has going for it though are the accents. You watch anime for long enough and you start to crave something unique, yet familiar. For me that has come to be the “Country” accent. I don’t know where it’s appropriate to really place it, but we have heard it from Hokkaido to Fukui. Regardless where its from though I really enjoy how different it is to listen to. It’s a pleasing change of pace that even I can pick up on.

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2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu – 2 [The Best and Worst Playmaker]

Hello everyone and welcome to a new season and a new year! Lets hope this one is better than the last, eh? Now, with Haikyu over you may have thought you could escape weekly volleyball coverage, but nay! I have found a replacement and its name is 2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu! But I’m just gonna call it Volley-Bu cause that shits long. So without further ado, lets dive in to Volley-Bu! Heh… it rhymes.

Starting off, I always have to talk about the production. Sadly though it seems as if Volley-Bu has taken a step backwards from the first episode here. The animation wasn’t great there either, with most of the actual hits and blocks lacking a lot of weight and impact. But the snappy direction made up for a lot of that and gave most of it a sense of momentum. This second episode doesn’t have that though. Most of the shots, the cuts, it all felt pretty standard and didn’t do enough to make up for the animation. Its understandable, volleyball is a very active and hard to animate sport after all, but it is a little disappointing. One thing I can praise Volley-Bu for though are the backgrounds. Maybe its just because I have a thing for snow, but they really are stunning, especially the early morning or late afternoon shots.

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