Welcome all to another week of Dr. STONE! Apologies for the delay on this one, I had to get the seasonal preview out as well. Anyways without further ado, lets dive into the episode!
Overall I thought this was a great episode. A good mix of both Dr. STONE’s unique brand of comedy and its more serious narrative. The best example of this of course being Ginro. At the best of times he’s this stupid wreck of a human, a complete coward who look for any opportunity to get out of work and escape responsibility. It makes for some amusing jokes at times. But seeing him struggle with that as he’s confronted by Kinro’s statue, his desperate attempt to escape carrying him on his back before resolving not to run not because it’s the right thing but because he cares specifically for his friend. Mmm, it’s just good shit. Dr. STONE really sold his “Coward that does what’s necessary” energy. Think of him like Zenitsu from Kimetsu no Yaiba, but much more narratively compelling and much less annoying.