Vinland Saga S2 – 22 [The King of Rebellion]

Welcome all, to another episode of Vinland Saga! This is a big week, perhaps the best episode of the entire season. We have a lot to talk about this week so lets just dive right into it!

Starting off I want to talk about last weeks episode a bit, and how I hope this one cleared things up. There was some confusion, not just here but in other communities I am part of, that questioned why Thorfinn didn’t just… Beat them up. Or dodge away. Or literally anything other than the punching bet. Well that’s something I think Vinland Saga answered pretty clearly this week: What kind of peace negotiator comes with a drawn sword? Thorfinn is committed to non-violence, not just for himself but in demonstrating it to others. And that’s what this bet was. A demonstration, neigh a condemnation of violence in all its forms. He didn’t take the bet on some stupid “I’ll just take anything the world throws at me”, he had a plan to avoid most of the damage. And it’s because of that plan he felt comfortable with this choice.

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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 9 [Mist Hashira Muichiro Tokito]

Welcome all, to another week of Kimetsu no Yaiba! This episode sees the conclusion of one fight and Kanroji’s appearance in the other. Is either good? Or is it more of last weeks disappointment? Let’s find out!

Starting off with the positive, this week saw a conclusion to the Upper Five fight. And you know what? I’ve decided I liked it. Yeah, it was a tad anti-climactic. And I still don’t think the Mist Breathing is very good for animation, though it makes for some great still shots. But overall I’m content. There were no gimmicks, no tricks or last minute twists. Just a straight up fight with a fully self-realized Tokito finishing the guy off. Considering what’s been going on with Upper Four, that was rather refreshing. I was expecting some kind of “This isn’t my final pot” sort of bullshit. And we even got some growth from Tokito to, some showing of emotion. It’s a bit weird, the kid is still very un-emotive aside from some random rage. But you know what? I’ll take what I can get.

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Dr. STONE S3 9 – [Beautiful Science]

Welcome all to another week of Dr. STONE! Apologies for the delay on this one, I had to get the seasonal preview out as well. Anyways without further ado, lets dive into the episode!

Overall I thought this was a great episode. A good mix of both Dr. STONE’s unique brand of comedy and its more serious narrative. The best example of this of course being Ginro. At the best of times he’s this stupid wreck of a human, a complete coward who look for any opportunity to get out of work and escape responsibility. It makes for some amusing jokes at times. But seeing him struggle with that as he’s confronted by Kinro’s statue, his desperate attempt to escape carrying him on his back before resolving not to run not because it’s the right thing but because he cares specifically for his friend. Mmm, it’s just good shit. Dr. STONE really sold his “Coward that does what’s necessary” energy. Think of him like Zenitsu from Kimetsu no Yaiba, but much more narratively compelling and much less annoying.

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Vinland Saga S2 – 21 [Courage]

Welcome all, to what may be the best episode of Vinland Saga all season. A tall claim considering some of the previous episodes, I know. But this little bit has always been one of my favorite sections of story in the entire series, for reasons I hope everyone can see. And for those who can’t? Well allow me to explain.

To me, this episode completes Vinland Saga’s message. Not in that it was lacking before now, it wasn’t. “War and violence bad” is a pretty clear cut and stand alone message that doesn’t need much. Rather I see it as the beginning of Yukimura-Sensei’s response. After all, saying something is bad doesn’t really mean much if you don’t provide an alternative. And what is his alternative? Well taken at face value, as presented by the characters, it would be “Turn the other cheek”. To simply not rise to the words/insults/threats of others. But that’s ignoring a lot of the context surrounding their responses and, I feel, doesn’t wholly do it justice. To truly understand it we need to dive into what this response means for each character, starting with Olmar.

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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 8 [The Mu in Muichiro]

Welcome all, to another week of Kimetsu no Yaiba! This is… I won’t lie, this is a rough week for the series. There won’t be a lot of positivity in this post. But after last week I’m sure you anticipated that. So without further ado, lets dive in!

Getting right to it, this week was… Not good. Before even getting into the actual content, the episodes very structure was just terrible. Most of it was this slow-paced flashback, completely annihilating any kind of tension or pacing in an otherwise action-filled arc. This isn’t uncommon for Yaiba, it does this with basically every villain, following the exact same structure. But this one felt particularly egregious as it added so very little to the episode. It didn’t even manage to have any of Yaiba’s trademark flashy after effects! Instead it was filled with blurry rain, poor CGI forests and just kind of dull scenery compared to everything else we’ve seen. It honestly felt like a waste of 15 minutes. And the worst part? The actual content of the flashback wasn’t very good to begin with!

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Dr. STONE S3 8 – [The Trump Card Aboard the Science Vessel]

Welcome all, to another week of Dr. STONE! This week we meet our major antagonists, figure out their relationship with the island, and most of all see the petrification device! So without further ado, lets dive in.

So lets start with the big reveal this week: The petrification device. Dr. STONE has long hinted at this, and we’ve long had theories about it. What could cause all of this? How does it work? And while we haven’t gotten those answers just yet, we have finally seen it. And with that, we’ve also started to learn how it works. About its limited ranged and indiscriminate nature, like a grenade. How, despite its fantastical effects, it isn’t fantasy. This isn’t a spell. As Senku put it, it’s not magic because it has rules. And if it has rules, then it’s a science. And if it’s science? Then Senku can’t lose, because science is his everything. I really like this, I think it takes a fantastical McGuffin that’s always existed and demystifies it a bit. It really feels like Dr. STONE is finally progressing that overarching plot. I like that.

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Vinland Saga S2 – 20 [Pain]

Welcome all, to another great episode of Vinland Saga! It’s another emotional one, so strap in because there is a lot of tragedy to talk about. Let’s dive into it!

Overall the best way to describe this episode is… Tragic. Incredibly tragic, in just every way. Vinland Saga hits you, every week, with the horrors of war the effects it has on people, especially the innocents. Over and over and over again it hammers away at its primary theme of how war is terrible and the glorification of it only perpetuates it. It’s honestly incredible to me that people still seem to miss the point and think Vinland Saga is some kind of… battle hungry Shounen or something. I know plenty of people who have dropped the season because it was “boring” and they wanted the battles of Season 1, or because they just didn’t get what was going on. Which is ridiculous to me, because I think Vinland Saga is so clear with its messaging that there’s barely anything to write about each week!

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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 7 [Awful Villain]

Welcome all, to another week of Kimetsu no Yaiba! This week sees yet another twist to the combat, as well as a bit more backstory for Tokito. A good bit worth talking about this week, so lets dive in!

So, starting off with my overall impressions of the episode… It was kind of mid. There was nothing particularly noteworthy about the episode, nothing that stood out. At least not in a positive way that is. Rather, I’m kind of getting tired of the constant “twists” in the conflict. Part of this is probably due to the Upper Five fight really not doing anything yet, leaving the Upper Four to stand on it’s own. But even that doesn’t seem right, as by this point the Upper Six fight with Daki and Gyutaro was still going strong. Part of this was the presentation, last season was just overall more visually engaging. But I also think it has to do with the villains themselves not being near as interesting. As squandered as Daki and Gyutaro were, they still had something going for them. These two? Not so much.

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Dr. STONE S3 7 – [Ray of Despair, Ray of Hope]

Welcome all, to another episode of Dr. STONE! This week we reach the island, meet the locals, and get absolutely rolled by an unknown force. What? Oh, the last one? Don’t worry we will get to that. Now lets dive right into it!

Starting off, this week we finally reach the island! Dr. STONE walks us through a whole introduction for it, from the basic geography to local tensions. Of course part of this is introducing us to some locals and their politics. Setting up the main conflict of the arc. However more then that, what Dr. STONE does is completely shatter our expectations of what’s going on here. It makes it clear that, whatever you thought, this place isn’t just going to be a simple walk in the park with some stone-age yokels. And personally? After the slower first half of the season? I find this to be a welcome change of pace. Mostly because of the mystery of petrification.

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Wolf’s Rain – 29/30 [High Tide, High Time/Wolf’s Rain] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome all, to the grand finale of Wolf’s Rain! This is a contentious ending from what I’ve heard, and I can see why. We have a lot to talk about this week so lets just dive right in!

Before we get to deep into it though I want to talk about whether or not this ending works for me. And overall? I think it was… effective. There are bits and pieces I’m not 100% sure I either understand or entirely like, but the more I think about the finale the more I feel like it works. Everyone got some kind of closure to their arc, no one was ignored, it answered a lot of questions regarding the setting and why all of this was happening. I’m satisfied. The only places I’m not totally sure on is the core idea of “repeats”. I’m typically not a big fan of these kinds of endings, for reasons I will talk about later. But Wolf’s Rain managed to frame it in a way that I think works well. Is that vague? Yes. Follow me after the break if you want spoilers.

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