Welcome all, to another episode of Vinland Saga! This is a big week, perhaps the best episode of the entire season. We have a lot to talk about this week so lets just dive right into it!
Starting off I want to talk about last weeks episode a bit, and how I hope this one cleared things up. There was some confusion, not just here but in other communities I am part of, that questioned why Thorfinn didn’t just… Beat them up. Or dodge away. Or literally anything other than the punching bet. Well that’s something I think Vinland Saga answered pretty clearly this week: What kind of peace negotiator comes with a drawn sword? Thorfinn is committed to non-violence, not just for himself but in demonstrating it to others. And that’s what this bet was. A demonstration, neigh a condemnation of violence in all its forms. He didn’t take the bet on some stupid “I’ll just take anything the world throws at me”, he had a plan to avoid most of the damage. And it’s because of that plan he felt comfortable with this choice.
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