Break Blade III Review – 77,5/100

The Break Blade Movies are slowly getting better. The emphasis still is on slowly, though. After this third installment, I’ve still seen too little to really recommend it, but it’s not like the other movies will be doomed to this as well, but at the same time it also introduced a few plot points that I really wonder whether they will work in the rest of the story.

The third movie is the first that actually uses the build-up that the previous movies created, and especially Cleo makes good use of it, with a large portion of this movie devoted to her. This movie overall was quite good in getting the viewer accustomed to most of the side-characters. At the same time though, it still didn’t really solve the problem of its male lead: he still is one of the least likable of the series. This movie just didn’t have as much of him as the previous two, and it was particularly interesting when he wasn’t involved.

The action scenes also were pretty good in this movie, but they weren’t as well animated: there were a few strangely placed still frames, and they did not look as polished as they were in the previous two movies, but the choreography made up for that.

In the end though, I’m still missing something at this point. It fails to stand out in what it’s trying to do and the result is a series of movies that do have some interesting portrayal of warfare in mechas, but too little to make it really worth watching for three hours so far.

Storytelling: 7/10 – Solid, but nothing really attention-grabbing. Should have tried harder.
Characters: 8/10 – The characters make progression in this movie.
Production-Values: 8/10 – Solid, but nothing special.
Setting: 8/10 – It’s simple and therefore well portrayed and relatively believable.

Yomigaeru Sora – Rescue Wings
Mobile Polkice Patlabor

6 thoughts on “Break Blade III Review – 77,5/100

  1. I found it quite frustrating that the clumsy girl was suddenly able to go up against a whole army.

    For the longest time, she just sat there and nobody shot at her, too. She’s cute and all, but suspension of disbelief can only go so far. I mean, she was poised there before she “snapped” for what felt like a whole minute and nobody had the common sense to shoot at her?

  2. They did keep shooting at her, it’s just the scene wasn’t well animated.
    It’s the same as the grunts in Gundam and many other mecha anime seem to not be able to dodge attacks. They just stand still and get shot down.

    And Cleo was said to have potential in the previous episode. She could be better than Zess if she got serious.

  3. Hm. That explains it.

    Well I hope she proves useful to Hodr’s forces once they convince her everything she’s fought and died for so far are meaningless. You know, to really rip into those “powerful empire dudes” who are low on “quartz.”

    Is this supposed to mirror the whole oil crisis/gulf war theme?

    I also noticed the animation took a step down. Considering the next movie is due for a release this very same month, though, I don’t understand why they’re rushing all of a sudden.

    Not that biannual releases could ever really be considered a “rush” anyhow (COUGH Unicorn COUGH).

  4. the kept hinting at cleo’s potential…remember in the third movie when they mention how no one was killed by cleo? im guessing that she didnt want to actually kill anyone since the beginning…ughhh i find her annoying but like all the other characters, i cant not like her…

    the characters are all interesting but theres not much development and also the animation really is not that great

  5. i really liked the flashbacks even though they were a bit awkward at times (or maybe its just me)and overall i feel like break blade has potential (if only they bother with more character development)- i usually dont watch these kind of animes but this one gives me a feeling that it might just be as epic as guin saga- starts off slow but really picks up the pace…and hopefully it does (but then again in six 50 min movies? probably not)

  6. I fell in love with this movie and so of course decided to peek at the manga. I must say. If this movie’s going to follow the manga, I’m going to be disappointed. Hopefully, the execution would life the bunch of disappointment when I read the manga.

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