Bleach – 88 – Behold, The Wisdom of Vice-Captains

This episode can basically be summarized in one word: boring. What happens is that the four shinigami have found the Bounto-base, so the four of them head in to infiltrate. And of course, all of them have had an extensive Shinigami-education, so they do exactly know what to do in a situation like this: Just storm the damned thing, split up and wander around aimlessly. Of course. So, what was the school for shinigami’s purpose again? Ah, yes. It’s like a school for body-builders. That explains everything.

In any case, it’s not surprising that the shinigami go down immediately. Strawberry and the others meanwhile also head for the bounto-base. Everyone’s recovered, except for the unknown brat that Renji rescued. It seems that his soul has already weakened too much, and he needs to rely on his will to live in order to be able to survive. I’m interested to see whether such an unknown brat can make it or not. Apart from that, we had a touching scene in which Ririn broke down in front of Strawberry. But apart from that, this episode was just boring.

Still, in the preview for the next episode, Kon gave some very fitting descriptions for each of the bounto. I think I’ll be using them from now on: Gorilla Dude, Scary Old Lady, Freaky Guy, Fishin’ Gramps, Mister Four-Eyes and Mr Smarty Pants. All that’s left is the Shinigami. Any suggestions?

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