Birdy the Mighty Decode – 04

Short Synopsis: More characters than ever get introduced as Birdy goes back to her home-planet.
Highlights: Completely different from the first three episodes, in a good way, though Senkawa is getting a bit annoying.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10
Okay, I’m not sure what happened here… This episode introduced the real meat of this series, but it’s not something to expect, with the stellar staff behind this series. I liked all the different characters that got introduced, but there were parts in this episode that made me question whether the creators really knew what they were doing…

The biggest culprit obviously being Senkawa’s overly moralistic speech towards that judge. I can understand his whimsical banter with Birdy (which was actually quite fun to watch), and his surprise at all the new things that he’s saw in this episode, but that tribunal-scene made no sense whatsoever. I liked how it gave Birdy a bit of background, but that’s about the only thing that was good about that scene.

Then there’s also that random bombing at the end of the episode that Birdy just “happened to be at”. It’s not the most solid plot-twist, and I’m not sure what its purpose really is going to be. I think that this series needs to be a bit more focus, and I hope that the next episode can establish a clear goal for this series to work to. At the same time, I also hope that the creators will remember to flesh out all of the different important characters that were left on earth.

In a way, this episode was necessary to give Birdy her background and wrap up the Giga-arc, but it could have been done a bit better. One real disappointment about this episode was the huge downgrade in the animation. It’s nowhere near the huge quality of the first episode. To be honest, I’m disappointed with this series so far, but I’m partly to blame myself for getting my expectations up too high. I’m not going to expect anything grand from this series anymore, then perhaps it’ll surprise me in the next few episodes.

3 thoughts on “Birdy the Mighty Decode – 04

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  2. To be fair, anyone could have worked out that this episode wasn’t going to be as good as the previous three from the preview alone. It showed a downgrade in production values and a new environment that would be both necessary but also restrict the decent format of the other episodes so far.

    I’m not watching Birdy RAW any more, so I don’t know how bad this episode really is. However, most series have one or two rotten eggs (Himitsu, Kure-nai, etc.), so let’s hope that this is the only drop in quality this series will have.

    And one thing I am really surprised about is the lack of subs for this show. It’s hardly a obscure underground audience it is targeting here, but because one tranlsator is moving house, it’s basically left untranslated. Understandably, it’s Summer, but this doesn’t prevent other (worse) shows getting constant attention from fansubbers.

    Meh, either way, if it weren’t for Bonen no Xamdo, this would be my favourite show currently airing, so I won’t stop watching Birdy despite this episode.

  3. “The biggest culprit obviously being Senkawa’s overly moralistic speech towards that judge. I can understand his whimsical banter with Birdy (which was actually quite fun to watch), and his surprise at all the new things that he’s saw in this episode, but that tribunal-scene made no sense whatsoever. I liked how it gave Birdy a bit of background, but that’s about the only thing that was good about that scene.”

    Please explain why It didn’t make sense. I think you are going through the RAW to fast without backtracking and picking up the dialogue you missed! 😀


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