Birdy the Mighty Decode – 02

Short Synopsis: Obligatory introduction episode.
Highlights: Nice fight-scene, though.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10
As for the series I’m not going to blog:
– Antique Bakery is hilarious, and knows exactly when to take itself seriously, but I feel that I won’t have much to write about it.
– Okay, I’m willing to give Sekirei a chance and watch it till the end, but in no way am I going to blog it.
– I’m not a slayers-fanboy yet, and even though it’s cute, it hasn’t sold me yet.

About Birdy the Mighty, this episode obviously had to pull back the pacing a bit, and explain things for those who haven’t read the premise of this series yet. Still, I’m going to blog this series. The series that aired in the summer-season aren’t as deep as in the previous season, but a common theme is that they’re nearly all fun to watch.

The director of this series is the genius behind Noein and Escaflowne: two of my three favourite series. How could I let this chance go by? A short series like this one has no chance of creating the same success as the two above, who had both 24 and 26 episodes, but overall I’m expecting a fun short series with great fight scenes.

This episode was of course a step back when compared to the first episode, but that’s to be expected. It did a good job of introducing a lot of new characters, and I appreciate how it did manage to be more than just countless expositions and Senkawa’s first days at school, while trying to hide his secret. What caught my interest was how Senkawa managed to stop Birdy from going after a bad guy due to a possible victim that might have ended up dead. It shows the beginning of how they try to understand each other.

3 thoughts on “Birdy the Mighty Decode – 02

  1. I loved Noein and Escaflowne as well. Will definitely be following this series. Thanks for the fun read as usual.

  2. Obviously a small step down from the awesome first episode, but this ep was still good. And I can’t wait till the next one.

    This is probably my most anticipated Summer show.

  3. I been waiting for this one a while. I really liked the original OVA.(OVA sub is super, dub is almost totally intolerable.)

    Obviously this is do-over of the original with a lot reworked/additional characters.

    One troubling aspect is the decision to take the “family” humor completely out of play.

    This may well be a short run series but with the manga ongoing there is plenty of material…

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