Bakuman – 11

It’s interesting: there are a lot of those series where fans of the original complain about stuff that was cut out. This season has a lot of series in which the opposite is going on: creators trying to stuff everything in, to the point of a really slow pacing. This is fine and dandy of course, if it wasn’t for one major flaw: the uncertainty of that second season. That just shows how difficult it is to balance the story of a manga correctly into anime format and creating a good balance between pacing and cutting.

Bakuman again: this episode was pretty good in the way that it was very slowly progressing the story, devoting an entire episode to just the wait of the announcement that they made it into the Next magazine. If Bakuman were 50 episodes I wouldn’t have much of a problem with this episode, but at this point I’m getting a bit impatient: will this series be able to make enough points with 25 episodes of length or will it be another one of those series that spends too much time on building up?

Apart from that though, there really wasn’t much to say about this episode: everything is pretty much moving along as it has been. This show is far from static, but at the same time there’s not much acceleration either, to move into physics terms for a bit.
Rating: * (Good)

5 thoughts on “Bakuman – 11

  1. Yeah, this is what is vexing all bakuman manga readers… The pacing is weirdly slow and they have a ton of material available (100+ chapters).

    That and that the fact that the manga starts kinda clumsily and the anime creators instead of fixing stuff, emphasized the problems (mostly concerning the romance).

  2. I’m completely fine with the pacing personally… but that’s mainly because I fully expect this series to continue into another season. If not directly after this one, it’ll come later on.

    This is kind of weird because I like the anime but I have trouble reading the manga.

  3. ” I fully expect this series to continue into another season.”

    what makes you so sure?

    there’s been plenty of animes that have 25/26 episodes and stop even if the manga is still going.

  4. Well, if the anime is good, a second season is to be expected. The problem is, I don’t think its good. Or not as good as it can be. They are really dragging out the storyline.

    Recap at the beginning of every episode, the focus on romance instead of manga making process. C’mon we didn’t read Bakuman for the romance.

    If they plan to drag out the storyline, at least do it when they are in college/high school, there far more interesting characters they can use (the people you see in the ending).

    Right now, they are just doing it too slow.

  5. They have already green light for a 2nd season.
    i think they are covering in the first season their school life, still this is the uninteresting part of the manga and they are taking way too long to run over it.

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