Symphokyushinken Prismonogatari DXD

Short Synopsis: Our lead character goes to school and does stuff.
You know? I’m just lumping all sequels that I don’t care about together for the sake of efficiency. Because really: I tried watching them, but just didn’t have the patience for any of them. Yes, this entry is shallow, but the main factor here is my own patience! My impressions: that Fate Spin-off was chock full of really boring banter and annoying characters. Symphogear wasn’t as stupid as I remember the first season to be, but that left something that just didn’t stand out in any single way, which is still bad. Monogatari started off good by how it described Hanekawa, but then that Mayoi turned up and they started talking about how Araragi molested her and I tuned out. Ro Kyu Bu highlighted progress and was much better than the first episode, but it still was too boring in the end and not my type of series. High School DXD was the worst of the bunch with its boobs and Genshinken was probably the best of the bunch, but I only really liked two characters (Oguie and one of those new girls), while finding the rest (especially that one male) to be too annoying. That’s not enough to make me continue watching something that I haven’t seen the prequel of.
OP: They’re all bad! Even Monogatari’s isn’t up to Shaft’s usual standards with just a collection of random memes.
ED: With none of them I actually got to this point…
Potential: 0%
Dagan Ronpa The Animation

Short Synopsis: Our lead characters are imprisoned by a bear.
Persona 4 made a big impression on me. Thanks to it, I now hate Seiji Kishi with passion, even though he does have some good series behind his name (though a fair amount of those are the types of series that are very hard to really screw up). I say this, because Dagan Ronpa has a bear in it. Now, instead of Persona 4 where this was just supposed to be this random side-character, here he is the main villain. And he just doesn’t work in the slightest! Every point at which he appeared and tried to look scary, it just ended up silly and my entire attention was gone again. About the rest of the episode… the thing is that Dagan Ronpa has a really good premise. The way they introduced it here though, could have been much better. For one thing, it just makes no sense whatsoever. Seriously, turn off your suspense of disbelief completely. Deadman Wonderland sounds like the most reasonable thing in the world next to this thing. Second of all: it relies very heavily on stereotypes in this first episode. Now I understand that with a cast of fifteen people, you need to start with caricatures in order to be able to get everyone in and all, but this episode took it too far: the vast majority of the characters just repeat their quirks over and over (fat guy (har har, he likes to eat), scared girl, sceptic guy, muscle guy, aggressive guy, bossy girl, spoiled girl, it’s just too much!). Also, Dagan Ronpa. Are you serious to say that you aim to create this cast of colourful and widely different characters… and yet you pick the main character to be Average McNormalpants? And you aim the female lead to be an idol? Oh come on.
OP: A slide-show that really says nothing about the characters beyond the stereotypes that we’ve seen already.
ED: Just a song with credits, and it’s decent I guess.
Potential: 60%
Love Lab

Short Synopsis: Our lead character joins a club in high school.
Really, don’t be fooled by the seemingly misleading title: this is just another “bunch of girl sit in a club and do nothing”-series, only this time it does sortof have a theme: love. The characters talk about it a lot, despite the fact that there are no males or lesbians in the entire series. And the random club happens to be the student council (not like we haven’t had enough of THOSE series…). Most of the series really is the banter between the two main characters, so yeah; its success depends entirely on whether that is good or not. And it isn’t. It’s too often random, and they just try too hard to be funny. It plays with tropes, but it’s the kind of series that just adheres to the things it parodies, rather than just making fun of them. The animation is good. Much better than this show has any business being. Skip this one, unless you like the genre.
OP: Hey look, it’s the 2518th series that grabbed a copy of Generic Openings 101
ED: “Hey, you know what’s a good idea? Let’s make that one really lame joke even more!”
Potential: 10%