Armored Trooper Votoms – Roots of Ambition Review – 80/100

Now this is more like it. Roots of Ambition is the third Votoms OVA, and unlike Big Battle, it decided to go for the Last Red Shoulder route: background. This one happens earlier than all of the other installments of the franchise so far: Chirico’s time as a Red Shoulder. It pretty much ties Pailsen Files to The Last Red Shoulder, and along with Pailsen Files it can be seen as Chirico’s background: here you see the events that shaped him to be the character we see in the TV-series.

I must say that now I’ve watched most of the Votoms Franchise, its plot is definitely impressive, especially when you put everything together (there are some parts at which the creators require the viewer to think for himself, in order to make sense). This OVA for me was the final bit of the puzzle that filled in Chirico’s backstory.

For those who want to watch the Votoms series in its chronological timeline: first watch this OVA, the Roots of Ambition. Then go to the Pailsen files. Then watch the first 13 episodes of the TV-series, then watch the Last Red Shoulder, and then you can watch the rest of the series, with apparently the Brilliant Heretic coming last (don’t bother with Big Battle, it’s just a silly side-story). Standalone this OVA again isn’t impressive, however it does become impressive when put together into the whole Votoms Storyline.

Storytelling: 8/10 – Well-paced and intriguing.
Characters: 8/10 – Extra depth for Pailsen, Chirico and some more of the side-characters.
Production-Values: 7/10 – Decent.
Setting: 9/10 – Extra background fits in well with the rest of the franchise.

2 thoughts on “Armored Trooper Votoms – Roots of Ambition Review – 80/100

  1. Nice to know the full chronological order, thanks. Gundam series often become more concerned with forced tragedy and esper bullshit than actually being ‘real robot,’ so Votoms should be a treat when I get to it myself. Two questions; two Votoms, one Gundam.

    Do you think there’s a watching order that makes the franchise more enjoyable than straight up chronological order would?
    There also seems to be a 12-episode spinoff entitled Armor Hunter Mellowlink; while unimportant to continuity, it apparently has good man vs. mech tactical action. Would you consider watching it as well?

    As for Gundam, there’s an entry not on your PTW that I’d recommend; MSG 0080. It takes place between 0079 and Zeta, but doesn’t involve characters from either. It’s only 6 episodes and, surprise, doesn’t feature a single Newtype. Instead, it follows a civilian child who befriends a Zeon soldier and underestimates the scope of the conflict welling up over his colony(and don’t worry, the kid never pilots any robot). The story is much simpler than that of its full-series counterparts, but is down-to-earth and the most effectively anti-war mech series I’ve seen. Please watch it subbed, though; it’s not so simple that you’ll catch everything without subs.

  2. In the case of AT Votoms, the OAV should be watched after the first 13 episodes, since they’re assuming that you’ve seen the show already.

    As for Armor Hunter, you definately need to watch the first 13 episodes of the TV series to get the world setting and technology before going into the show.

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