Ao no Exorcist – 11

Just… what?

So it was clear that we were getting a filler episode in this episode, and a beach episode at that. Obviously I wasn’t looking forward to it. But what was that? Who the hell wrote this? There was so much wrong with this episode, but I have no idea whether it was in a bad way. In either case it was completely stupid. And next week we’re going to an amusement park?!

Rather than a filler, this feels like we’re in a completely different series. The beach part doesn’t even matter anymore. From out of nowhere the creators suddenly introduce a young boy who acts like he’s been part of the main cast for ages. The show does the same with a guy who obviously looks like he’s cross-dressing in his spare time and then it suddenly comes with a giant squid story. The subsequent fight establishes the squid as the dumbest monster alive, only followed by a completely bizarre anti-climax.

T=Here’s the thing: as stupid as this episode was, I enjoyed it. The creators actually tried to do something different, and I admit that that climax had me in stitches and the episode overall was a unique experience that was definitely creative…

But it also completely destroyed the credibility of this series…
Rating: @!# (???)

23 thoughts on “Ao no Exorcist – 11

  1. Horrible. This was just absolutely horrible.
    Hopefully they won’t do any other filler as bad as this one. *shudders*

  2. Wow, the fillers in this show are so bad, it’s like the producers aren’t even trying to make a decent episode. From now on, I’ll definitely skip every filler that they’ll throw at us. Oh, and the next episode, the one at the amusement park, is not a filler, and some pretty important events will happen in it.

  3. How long is this series planned to be? I have only skimmed the manga, but it seems to me they have more than enough material for 26 episodes.

  4. The “dress crossing” guy was the teacher from ep 5.

    Also, it’s a tad much to say the epsiode destroyed the series’ credibility. Episode 6’s filler was more out of line than this was. :/

  5. People complaining about this filler episode clearly don’t understand anything about how truly bad a filler episode can get. For a start, it could have easily been dragged out for two episodes, but thankfully wasn’t. It could have had piss-poor production quality, but it was fine, etc. etc.

    It could have been much worse. In a way I actually sort of enjoyed it, and it was only at the end I realised it probably wasn’t a part of the manga, and that’s something that’s not easy.

    It was one of the show’s worse episodes, but really it was fine.

  6. I definitely wouldn’t call this episode horrible. There was nothing really horrible about it. Yes, it was pointless and served no real value (not even as random character development), but it certainly wasn’t horrible. It was just a silly shounen short story that we’ve seen time and time again.

    Only this time, they seemed to be going for some mild satire (not the most well executed satire, but satire nonetheless). This was particularly obvious when the show decided to use the random Buddhist priest to explain everything clear out of the blue. The exchange between the father and son at the end also leads me to believe that this was an attempt at satire.

  7. lol at that rating. But yes, the Episode was quite pointless. The Amusement Park next ep is btw no filler and is actually quite important to the plot.

  8. @Denizen, being numbed from watching a ton of bad naruto/bleach fillers doesn’t make this episode good. Yes a filler could be much worse than this, but this wasn’t a good episode, period.

    Also, don’t worry about the amusement park in the next episode. It’s back to manga material and it should be a pretty good episode.

  9. Realizing in the first 5 seconds that there would be no Shiemi in a bathing suit ruined this episode for me.

  10. Yeah, the amusement park in the next episode is from the manga. And someone, other than Amainmon, will show up there too. I bet you (those who didn’t read the manga) will all be surprise on that person is.

  11. @Joojoobees

    Well, it’s technically the midway point for the show, so I imagine they didn’t want to jump head first into an important episode (which is apparently what next week’s Amusement Park episode is).

  12. Considering it was a filler episode, I don’t think it should even effect the credibility of the series. Also, the fact that you actually enjoyed it should be to its credit rather than against it…you are being too harsh…filler can be so much worse than this.

  13. I think the show destroyed its credibility after after the second episode. If you don’t take this show seriously I think you’ll enjoy it more.

  14. This filler episode was so boring that I fell aspleep halfway through. 🙁
    The Unkobach episode in comparison was much better.
    I also think that they butchered Kamiki’s character by making her the standard violent tsundere. Let’s forget this episode and move on…

  15. Just FYI the Amusement park episode is actually very crucial to the storyline with a huge character reveal(if they are following the manga).

  16. It was a really terrible episode. I found myself bored and watching the clock. I’m not sure if I’ll even bother watching the next filler.

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