Allison to Lillia – 06

So, this series is never going to become a classic; it’s a bit too sloppy for that (remember that girl from the last episode? Well, she happens to be a princess). Still, it knows how to tell a story and it’s got a charming cast. That’s enough for me. 🙂

This episode concludes the angry village-arc. I didn’t quite catch why they were so hostile in the first place, but the most likely reason seems to be that they just hate outsiders. A lot of secluded villages seem to have something against people from the outside, and this is apparently just a very extreme case.

So, basically Allison and Will escape and run into Benedict. They then get saved by that princess and Benedict’s smooth talking. Inside her house, the princess reveals her identity and says how she’s been living with her grandfather, though he died a number of months ago. The next day, as they try to escape (interesting tactic, by the way) they are found out, and the princess saves everyone by protecting Benedict, Allison and Will against the guns of the villagers.

This just shows how easily the villagers can trust someone they know. They just throw down their guns like it’s nothing. Ah well, I guess that it does mirror villages in real life in a way, though I wish that the creators would have spent a bit more attention to fleshing out these villagers. The thing I especially liked in this episode, though, was when the princess noticed Benedict’s gun, and asks him to teach her to use it. Benedict, however, refuses like the gentleman he is. Afterwards, when Benedict and the princess started arguing over the use of beds (there were only three of them for four persons), and Allison and Will just ended up sharing their bed was pretty fun as well.

I also only realized this with this episode, but the OP actually foreshadows the different arcs of the first half. The next arc will take place in a large city, probably where Will is studying. The final arc will then deal with some kind of train (am I the only one getting Baccano!-vibes from this?)

6 thoughts on “Allison to Lillia – 06

  1. Well, I was already expecting that girl to be the princess, survivor of the fire incident mentioned in the previous episode. But I was expecting that the village behavior comes exactly from this fact, as no one outside the village can be trusted, because the royal family was attacked and killed in a “coup de etat”. Trust no one is a good police in that case. ^^

    And I don’t know why they argued, Allison and Will already sleep together before, if I’m right in the second episode. Well, with that tension about Allison asking Will to live together on the capital, is understandable. =)

  2. It seems pretty clear that the villagers are the way they are because they’re protecting Princess Fiona — they also talked in the last episode about consulting Fiona about what to do about Wil and Allison.

    Therefore, if Fiona vouches for them, as far as these villagers are concerned, her word is law.

    The preview, with Fiona confronting that politician on a balcony in front of a crowded square, looks like it takes place in the domed building in the OP. So, yes, the OP does appear to be foreshadowing the events of this part of the series.

    You’re the second person I’ve read mentioning Baccano! with respect to this series. What is it, the train?

    I find this series cheesy, but Allison is such a winning character that this show always jumps to the head of the queue for me to watch it.

  3. Now that I’ve had a chance to see this episode myself (though not with sub-titles, so my understanding of the dialogue is limited) — I guess I was wrong about the villagers protecting Fiona, since she seems to surprise them all with her true identity.

    I was somewhat disappointed in this episode, actually, with all the “lucky breaks” that happen to bring the characters together (Benedict — instead of one of the villagers out hunting them — seeing Allison and Wil hide in the shack, and Allison and Wil being the first people Benedict encounters (besides Fiona, of course)).

    Finally, on your note about the OP foreshadowing the series: volume three of the Allison novel series shows Allison in front of a train.

  4. I bet this serie was going to be the best of the season. It had a good story to begin with, good characters and all.
    But as it proceed it disappoints me more and more. Plot device to the limit of ludicrous save the situation, the chars aren’t well fleshed out and show no development at all. The worst is Will that looks like he has got any of his own will, being one puppy ordered around by Allison…
    The direction is flat and boring. The graphics is average good and the music is average too. Nothing in this anime stands out. It’s pure boredom 🙁 I wonder why i am still watching to it

  5. I wouldn’t say that the characters aren’t developed. Their charms are actually what prevented this series from being mediocre, in my opinion. I do agree that the storytelling really needs to improve, because this series could have been much better if executed well.

  6. >I wouldn’t say that the characters aren’t developed. Their charms are actually what prevented this series from being mediocre, in my opinion.

    Well do you think Will is well developed? Just tell me you like Allison for her fresh little airheaded and impulsive nature and i belive you. I like her too, but that is not enough.

    I expected much from the first arc, but in a flash it was over. That arc started with Allison portrayed like a happy little girl in search of fun. Will seemed more mature but introversive guy in search of awakening. The first adventure started as a game, and pushed the nice duo in enemy territory n search of an important treasure. You’d expect the two make experience of the war and grow up. You’d expect they work out thoughts and opininions about the war, have experiences, meet people. Nothig happens. Suddenly the treasure is found with no effort. The old man is just discarted as useless as soon as he passes by the information about the treasure and good bye. Pity he was the best character in the story, the one that bears an old and important truth abiut the world. But he was only an appearence and was cut off. oook. Thare’s benedict too. He was an enemy. As soon he meets Allison and Will what does he do? Make friends at one ._.” ooook 2 ^^
    What about the second arc? It’s ludicrous…

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