Alexander Senki – Reign the Conqueror Review – 83/100

I was really surprised when I found out that this was the third-worst rated anime on Anime News Network. Heck, even Tekken had a better rating. I can’t believe how many people gave this a measly 1/10 score, just because it’s a bit different from your usual anime, and failed to look at the merits of this series. For me, Alexander Senki is a piece of art. It’s loosely based on the life of Alexander the Great, we see him take over the title of king of Macedonia from his father, and we follow his world conquest, and the people around him. The background art is incredibly surrealistic, and it turns this anime in a visual treat. Everything in this anime is just extremely stylistic, which fits the mood of Macedonia before Christ perfectly, and not to mention that we’ve got quite a few famous people from those ages making cameo-appearances. The music makes the atmosphere even better, when it combines epic music with synthesisers. Still, I can imagine why people wouldn’t like it. Not only is the character-art very unconventional, it also tries to meld in with the unique style of this anime. It works, but lots of male and female skin is shown in the process. People basically walk around without any pants, nude women often parade the screen, and there’s also plenty of male nudity. It’s easy to think that this will lapse in some kind of yaoi-fest. But let me assure you, there isn’t any hint of Yaoi in this anime, and you also can’t really call this shounen-ai. Still, there are a few technical flaws in this series, which prevent it to be part of the top-notch anime. The most notable one is that this show brings the Deus ex Machina back to their original meaning, when it seems that at times, the Gods themselves like to interfere. While it is nice when compared to the Deus ex Machina from other anime, they do remain Deus ex Machina, and certain parts, especially the supernatural ones could have had more explanation. Some important side-characters also could have been a bit more fleshed out as well. The fact remains, though, that this is a really thought-provoking anime, with lots of symbolism and references to the ancient Greeks. It constantly makes the viewer think a bit. The ending may have been a bit too enthusiastic in this, by the way, and I’m still not sure whether that’s in a good way or a bad way. It’s clear that the creators intended to end the series with a huge question-mark, and lots of questions that shouldn’t have been answered are left for us to ponder, but there were also enough questions that should have been answered, and the fact remains that this series would have benefited so much from one more episode. Overall, if you like unique anime, favour thought-provoking series, are interested in the ancient Greeks and don’t mind the male nudity, this can be an interesting watch for you. The series has its flaws, but the third-worst anime ever?! It seriously deserves better than that.]]>

0 thoughts on “Alexander Senki – Reign the Conqueror Review – 83/100

  1. hmmm which version did you watch? it use to air on cartoon network and nearly half the show was censored. that could be why it was scored quite low while tekken for the most part, never airred on tv from my knowledge for most of viewer ratings are from those who saw the dvd.

  2. Ah, so that’s why. I myself watched the original version with English subtitles. I can now imagine why people would hate a censored version of this, yeah. Thanks for the information.

  3. The character design was done by Korean-American animator Peter
    Chung. He also worked on two US series Aeon Flux and Phantom 2040.
    Both were aired in the 1990s. If you ever watched either of those
    series, you could see the similarities in character design.

  4. One of my all time favorites. It helped that I studied this period in school, so was familiar with the characters and enjoyed the interpretations it took with the philosophical schools and religions.
    Can anyone recommend other anime similar to this? Something set in BC times? Thanks.

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