A question to the people who live around London

Hey everyone,

I’m currently planning this last minute holiday in which I plan to visit England, and I’m thinking of going to London around July 20th or something. Are any of you in the neighbourhood around that time and would you like to meet up?

Also, there seems to be an anime convention going on around that time. Is that one worth it?

5 thoughts on “A question to the people who live around London

  1. I’ve not attended LAC before but my friends have been and enjoyed it so it’s worth a try, its a shame you didnt come in may, the MCM expo had Shinichiro Watanabe as guest.
    I live in london myself and wou1dnt mind meeting up….if i manage to get time off work that is.

  2. London doesn’t really play host to many anime cons.Just the MCM Expo twice a year and LAC so in that regards it’s a good convention.Personally prefer the October MCM Expo more.Hope you have a good time regardless though!Wish I could meet up and discuss anime with you since I enjoy reading your views but I don’t live in London anymore.

  3. I should also so that I can only make it if it’s an evening thing. Also if there’s any type of cuisine you’re interested in (that’s one of the first things I scope out when I go on holiday), I can give you some recs,

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