Some Quick First Impressions: Total Eclipse, Rinne no Lagrange 2 and La Storia della Arcana Famiglia

Total Eclipse

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is the student of a mecha piloting girls’ school.
This one was surprisingly better than what I expected. I’m still not quite fond of the premise of having a school that teaches teenaged girls to pilot mecha that deploys them in a war as if there’s nobody better around, but at least the build-up i this episode was solid. This episode took its time to set things up, which is rare for a first episode where the norm is to start with an action-packed opening. On top of that, it treated the war that was going on seriously, but I’m not yet sold on the characters. They’re all so.. bland. A lot of the characters either have no personality or are stereotypes. That definitely needs to improve for this series to become successful.
ED: This vocalist sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Here she doesn’t.
Potential: 70%

Rinne no Lagrange 2

Short Synopsis: Our lead character gets to pilot a mecha.
And so, the second season of Rinne no Lagrange starts off with a recap of the first season. Very nice. Granted though, it did fresh up my memory of what the series was about and what made it great. Plus, the side-characters narrating it were fun. So yeah, bring on the real new content next week. There is a ton of potential left for this series, although this season it will have to compete with Eureka Seven.
OP: The same OP as the first season?
ED: The same ED as the first season? Or will the real new OP and ED come next week?
Potential: 85%

La Storia della Arcana Famiglia

Short Synopsis: Our lead character has many bishies to fight for her.
The problem with a lot of the bishie shows is that the characters always try way too hard to look cool. Arcana Famiglia has that too, but I have to give the creators this: out of all the bad bishie series to come out during the past years, this one does hold a candle over them. For once, it does try to be fun and over the top; the chase scene in this episode was stupid and over the top, but had some fun moments, rather than being completely boring like in most of these kinds of series. Having said that though, it’s going to be very hard t make anything out of this series. I mean, these characters are the kind that will get annoying really fast with the way they keep relying on their stereotypes. Plus, whatever happened to making shouo heroines strong and likable? This is yet another show where the entire premise is focused around having all sorts of bishies fight for her.
OP: A dull song with an uninspired direction.
ED: Terrible vocals. Terrible image slide-show. Couldn’t you really find more or better pictures?
Potential: 25%

34 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Total Eclipse, Rinne no Lagrange 2 and La Storia della Arcana Famiglia

  1. There will be a new OP for the next season of Rinne no Lagrange. I guess they just put the first season’s OP/ED in the first episode as it was a recap. Here is a preview of the new OP:

    About La Storia della Arcana Famiglia, I’m intrigued since it’ll have action and the guys do look kinda cool. Downloading it as I comment. Hopefully it’ll be campy/over-the-top fun.

  2. “I’m still not quite fond of the premise of having a school that teaches teenaged girls to pilot mecha that deploys them in a war as if there’s nobody better around”

    That’s because there literally is nobody better around. The war has been going on for a few decades and most of the men have already been drafted and killed. They’re in short supply of soldiers.

  3. “I’m still not quite fond of the premise of having a school that teaches teenaged girls to pilot mecha that deploys them in a war as if there’s nobody better around”

    If it makes you feel better there is a actual reason for this. The truth is that there is no one better around. The population of this earth is only 1 billion. As for why they happen to be teenage girls…most the men were drafted into the army immediately. And most of them died. So in this world there are more women than men.

    1. “There are more women than men.”

      More women than men, okay. But why are there more teenage girls than teenage boys? That would only make any sense if there were also some magical factor preventing boys from being born (like on Altair on Aquarion for girls).

      1. They are still being born. It’s just that they are being sent to the front lines as fast as possible. From the synopsis it seems this base is working on building new types of TSF so these girls will be test pilots. So in this world the army can spare woman more than men.

        1. It can spare the only members of the species that can breed and create more soldiers? And throwing young kids out as cannon fodder just because they’re male sounds illogical and needlessly cruel, although if the srory manages to handle this subject well… a society that refuses to use women to fight until they’ve killed even the youngest male kids… okay, if this line is explored it could be awesome.

  4. >why don’t chem/bio weapons work?
    There is no transmission vector. BETA can operate under clouds of heavy metal, in a near vacuum bathing in radiation or under the intense pressure of the ocean floor. They do not need to breathe an atmosphere or consume food directly. Each BETA strain is a virtually different creature biologically.

    >why don’t nukes/g-bombs work?
    Nukes don’t work on established hives. In addition to the incredibly resistant materials that the hive is made of, large numbers of laser beta

    G-bombs turn areas into wastelands and are powerful enough to knock Earth off its axis in addition to unpredictable side effects like generating pocket vacuums. As shown in the day after, G-bombs weren’t even enough to eradicate all the BETA.

    >why not use the rutherford field to create the ultimate kinetic weapon by strapping a moorcock-lechte engine to a nuclear-pulse propulsion engine and letting it accelerate to insane speeds into a BETA hive?
    The field will overload and the end result is a G-bomb anyway.

    >why not use rods from gods?
    Humans do use orbital bombardment although electromagnetic induction weapons are still in their infancy. The moon can’t be used as a bombardment point since it’s been overtaken by BETA.

    >why don’t kill-sats work?
    The only human energy weapon, a charged particle cannon, has a terribly limited effective-range against a BETA hive.

    1. Anon, there is no need to give him a frigging dictionary. If Psgels asks or complains about something that does have a logical explanation behind it then we will give him the background information. Till then there’s no need to start info-dumping on him. Besides I don’t think this one will require much background info to enjoy.

      Also Nukes and G-bombs do work against Hives. After all America nuked the hell out of Canada’s hive to destroy it and their primary method of attack is G-bombing everything. Not to mention Alternative V.

  5. Take note that the school is an imperial guard school and they’re pretty much there due to nepotism. Commoners don’t have such luxuries.

  6. Dude.
    “Bishie” is the female equivalent of “cutie” for us, when talking about effeminate pretty boys.

    It’s really disturbing when men use it.

    1. Who the hell cares if he says ‘Bishie’? I didn’t realize certain words were sole property of females. That’s like saying we can’t say Bishoujo because we have breasts. Get over yourself.

      1. Femanon is right about that. What the hell are we men supposed to call them then? Bishounen? That’s calling them “Beautiful boys” which is pretty much the same.

        Of course being disturbed by this even when you know what the person means by saying it just goes to show you are quite dirty minded. Not that there’s anything wrong with girls being dirty minded….

  7. Next week we are going to be in for a real treat with Muv-Luv. If this episodes any indication what’s to come next than your about to see some real suffering. Also the lead character for Total Eclipse hasn’t actually shown up yet. He will probably appear at the end of the next episode and the ending song for this episode will be the opening from here on out and a new ending will show up next week.

  8. I hope that all the Muv-Luv fans don’t assume that just because the VN is good then that means this side story spin-off anime will be similar in quality.

    1. I know it won’t be. It’s a side story to quite possibly the best VN out there. Making something that can compete with that will be hard as hell. I just hope that at the very least it’s enjoyable and successful.

      1. I don’t know about that. It seems that Muv luv fans aren’t too fond of Total Eclipse. As for me the only thing I want to see from this anime are animated TSFs. They would be awesome. Still it would be great if the anime was a roaring success as well.

        1. It’s a side story to quite possibly the best VN out there.

          From what I understand, Total Eclipse was written by a different group of people (Tech Gian) from the people who wrote the original VN (Age). Same world but different area/setting from the VN and, from what I understand, it’s a prequel to the Ultimate/Alternative storyline. I’m not sure if anyone from Age is part of the anime production.

          Still it would be great if the anime was a roaring success as well.

          I wonder. I heard this production is working under the cloud of a scandal. I think one of their key character designers from the Tech Gian side got busted for plagiarism recently and got fired.

          1. Total Eclipse was written by age’s Yoshimune Kouki, the same guy who wrote the original VNs. On the other hand he seems to have used it more for infodumping lots of technical stuff on TSFs.

  9. Funny how they chose to focus the whole first episode (and probably the second) around one of the heroines’ highschool days (all anome-original material) instead of getting right to the actual main plot in Alaska and actually introducing the main character.

    1. Incidentally

      “They’re all so.. bland. A lot of the characters either have no personality or are stereotypes. That definitely needs to improve for this series to become successful.”

      Of all the characters who get introduced this episode, the only significant one is Takamura Yui. She’s pretty much the only member of the actual primary cast of the show that’s been introduced thus far.

  10. Okay, I’m going to fix some things for you because you clearly didn’t even read a basic plot synopsis

    >Our lead character is the student of a mecha piloting girls’ school.
    No she is not the lead character. This is like, a flashback

    >I’m still not quite fond of the premise of having a school that teaches teenaged girls to pilot mecha that deploys them in a war as if there’s nobody better around,
    People explained this up there.

    >They’re all so.. bland. A lot of the characters either have no personality or are stereotypes.
    That’s kind of on purpose but you’re probably going to find out why soon.

    1. Not everyone knows/played Muv-Luv. AFAIK this is the first anime the franchise has gotten so far so for a lot of people, this will be their first exposure to the Muv-Luv Unlimited universe. I suspect this episode might be a honey trap for the carnage ahead. Here’s hoping for no more M***** scenes but if the story was written by the same guy who wrote Alternative, I highly doubt it.

  11. La Storia della Arcana Famiglia is based on the manga; well, that’s how the author start the story ><''' , u must read the manga 1st to know the potential

    1. No, it’s based off an otome game.

      >Plus, whatever happened to making shouo heroines strong and likable?
      I haven’t watched or played Arcana yet (if I ever do), but I thought Felicita was held as a pretty damn strong and likeable heroine. It’s better than so many otoge heroines who are useless, dull, and need men to save their asses most of the time.

  12. They’re not useless, as most of the time they’re some sort of Chosen One with with one powers that have not awakened yet. It’s just that being initially an ordinary person is part of the fantasy; the various series make it a point to have the heroine grow to eventually save the guys herself.

    At least they have a personality compared to the guys in eroge, even if it’s not the most appropriate one for their setting.

    These adaptations have their problems, but not necessarily because of the girl.

    1. Agreed that just like eroge, otoge also has lots of problem, but not solely cuz of the main girl only, but you know it doesn’t hurt that for once in a while, we get a kickass main{or the not usual archetypes main girl in otoge/reversed harem series)for a chance cuz it’s still very rare indeed in this kind of genres. There’s already quite a lot of kickass/weird/quirky male ones in harem ones that’s not your usual typical archetypes, like Kirito-SAO, Shiba-Mahouka, Kenichi-Sharin no Kuni, Aoi Toori-Horizon, Okabe-Steins Gate, Shirou-UBW/HF FSN Route,etc2.
      Sometimes it’s baffle me that many seinen/shounen who mostly written by man has a lot more kickass/badass females compare to shoujo/josei ones. I mean I would certainly love to see a reverse harem/otoge with a female lead ala Koko in Jormungand, Balsa-Seirei no Moribito, Balalaika/Revy-Black Lagoon, Motoko Kusanagi-Gits, Most of the females in Type-Moon Franchise(Shiki-KnK, Arcueid-Tsukihime, Aozaki Aoko-Mahou Tsukai ni Yoru,Saber Extra-F/HA,etc2)for a change.

  13. The first episode of Arcana Famiglia wasn’t horrible, but there wasn’t anything remotely compelling about any aspect of it, from production values to characters to setting. And having everyone explain their powers to each other out loud was an awkward, clunky way to relay us that info, considering they already know all this about each other. It was just average in our books, and the next episode will really have to pull a rabbit out of its hat for us to stick with it.

  14. I didn’t found Arcana Famiglia to be all that horrible, the only thing that really bugged me was the powers introduction, it was so awkward! The fact that for once the main heroine can stand on her own two feet is a huge plus in my book. The male characters being over the top is pretty much a norm and them being bishies and the original maretial being sim has nothing to do with it.

    The budget seems to be low-ish (could be wrong on this one), but whoever did the key animation did superb job on it, the art direction is also above average, so the only thing that dragged it down imo is the writing/script adaption

  15. Well, finally watch Muv-Luv & Arcana..not bad or quite so-so just like what I expected anyway, hopefully the next ones will be better, but who knows. Regarding Muv-Luv, despite this is a spin-off of the main series, knowing that this is supposed to be quite big a franchise ala Type-Moon or Key, I’m kind of expecting it to have a better/bigger prod. values than this, but I guess so far these what we get anyway. Perhaps it’ll improve in the next eps, who knows.

  16. >ED: This vocalist sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Here she doesn’t.

    It wasn’t the ED, it was the OP. And yes, it doesn’t work but the ED seems to be really good from the previews.

    >high school girls, etc.
    Every single setting related question has a detailed answers. This anime is a Hard Sci-fi Real-robot Mecha Military Drama.

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