Some quick first impressions: Galaxy Ange-lune, Tokimeki Memorial and Love Dol: Lovely Idol

Yeah, I’m planning to through the garbage of the season first by watching the raws. It’s not like shows of this nature were known for their incredibly difficult language anyway.

Galaxy Ange-lune
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This is another one of those failed attempts at comedy. We’ve got a cast of stereotypes, who try to be as random as possible, but aren’t really funny. It’s basically an excuse to give some cute girls a chance to drive space-ships, without any explanation for their huge skills. Thrown in a couple of fanservice-references, the standard cute pet (who seems to have the same voice actor as Randagio) who gets abused for the most standard reasons ever and the only guy in the show who moans when he speaks and you have a recipe for failure. The only moderately funny part was the red-haired girl, sleeping through the explosion.

Tokimeki Memorial
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This anime takes place in a high school. Guess who our main character is? Yup, a transfer student. How original. In any case, the school president has come up with a “clever” idea for the school event. Coincidentally, it took place right on the day our main character joined the school. Because of that, our main character gets labelled with a pair of nekomimi-ears, and the one who catches him will get a date with the most popular girl in school. And yes, believe it or not, but our main character manages to outrun the ENTIRE male population of this school. In the meantime, he helps another cute girl in the library, reaching a book on the top shelf (seriously, couldn’t she have grabbed a chair or something?). I guess she’s in love with him now. The next episode will probably feature our main character, flirting with the top female athlete of the school. Seriously, this anime is another piece of garbage. The only good points came from the range of weird teachers this school inhibits. They were actually quite hilarious.

Love Dol: Lovely Idol
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Surprisingly good, if you compare it to the two above. Still, that doesn’t really say anything. This show is mostly bad, though it does have its potentially promising moments, unlike the two mentioned above. First of all, it’s got a huge cast: 18 idols, one manager and one boss. Especially the four main characters actually try to move away from the stereotypes. If these are used well, things can become very interesting, though I’m not expecting that to happen. At this point, the show mostly looks like it intends to focus on cute girls and your occasional moment of fanservice. Still, the fact that the debut-concert was cancelled does show that things don’t always go as planned in this anime. That might be a good point. Still, my verdict is that this anime will lose itself in its huge amount of cute girls, directed to fanservice. And am I the only one disturbed by the fact that they were performing in front of a herd of wild otaku? Aren’t these idol-things mostly meant for young children and pubescent girls?

0 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Galaxy Ange-lune, Tokimeki Memorial and Love Dol: Lovely Idol

  1. I second the motion. But still it’s great that psgels previewed this. It’s helpful for people like me who can’t keep up with the new shows right now.

  2. deltazechs: Oh, they probably are. Right now I’m only checking out the raws for the shows which will probably have easy japanese. In most of the cases, these are either the kid’s shows and the harems you see above. For the remaining shows (in most of the cases the good ones), I’m planning to check out the subs, as I want to understand them a bit more, and my japanese isn’t yet sufficient for that.

    Hayase: Yeah, my goal is indeed to say something about every show which aired, even if it’s horrible garbage.

    Anga: Heh, yeah. I somehow get the feeling that this season will be a huge test on my patience. ^^;

  3. I agree with Hachiko. Give these anime some time. I only watched Lovely Idol and I do think that it has some good potentials. To be true, I bored in eps. 4 and I skipped it. Maybe the plot timeline is somewhat slow. But in any case, I’ll wait until the end to decide if it was good or bad.

    I thought the same thing about Ouran High School Host Club, but after the 10th eps. I’ve changed opinion.

  4. Yeah, it’s true what you say. There’ve been more than enough shows to prove this. Still, I’m watching the first episode of every new anime coming out. Giving each of these anime a chance like this would be virtually impossible, so that’s why I have to make choices in my selection.

  5. Well, I’ve watched eps. 5 and 6 from Lovely Idol and I can say that gets away from harm’s way…^_^

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