The Third – 16 – Kanwei and the Desert Fairy

Another fine episode. Not as good as the previous two, but enjoyable nonetheless. During this episode, Honoka recovers again, tracks down Leon and defeats him. Kanwei, meanwhile, merges with the desert fairy and Millie learns a bit more about how to support Honoka.

Now that the Leon-arc ended, I wonder what’ll happen afterwards. We still have one character left to be introduced, so I suspect that the next arc will be focusing at this woman. But what will happen afterwards? Also, it doesn’t seem that Kanwei’s story has been fully explored yet, so I think we’ll see a bit more of him in the future. I wonder if we could say the same thing about Gravestone. Also, what role will Paife and Joey be playing in the end?

I really like the battles in The Third. It really tries to explain why characters act the way they do, instead of just some flashy graphics. The battles feel a lot more natural this way, contributing to the awesomeness. It’s something not a lot of anime are attempting.

0 thoughts on “The Third – 16 – Kanwei and the Desert Fairy

  1. I’m still stuck back at episode 13. I haven’t had much time to catch up; plus, you mentioned that it lives up to the rumors of it’s sucky-ness. The better episodes afterwards I am looking forward to watching, just have to clear some time for it.

  2. Well, episode indeed sucks in terms of graphics, though apart from that, it wasn’t too bad. Still, I think it’ll be a major turnoff for most people.

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