Some Quick First Impressions: Mawaru Penguin Drum, The Idolm@ster and Usagi Drop

Mawaru Penguin Drum

Short Synopsis: Our lead character has a sister with poor health.
And in the end, this was a wonderful first episode. There was a ton of different stuff that stood out here, but the most important part is that on top of having a ton of neat ideas, this also has an incredibly charming cast of characters. The acting isn’t as subtle as with Kami-sama no Memo-Chou or Usagi Drop, but the characterization is so well directed and colourful that these still are some of the best characters of the season. The different characters play off each other wonderfully, making actual good use that they’re siblings and know each other for their entire lives. Now, on top of that it has a smashing soundtrack, the best background art of the season (and it knows this), it has very strong direction, makes excellent use of repetition, it’s actually got a number of new visual ideas, the transformation sequences kick a ludicrous amount of ass, the plot twist in this episode was an awesome and unexpectedly delivered way to start the story off and the final second… just the final second. This series really knows how to combine its mostly light-hearted and enjoyable mood with dark plot twists. This. Has style. And what’s better is that there are still 23 episodes left.
OP: Perhaps a bit too mellow, but greatly stylish.
ED: Weird visuals and a great song
Potential: 95%

The Idolm@ster

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a cyborg Frenchman wearing a frog suit and riding a unicycle for all we know.
Unlike Uta Prince, The Idolm@ster actually tries out something new. The problem is that I have no idea whether that new idea it’s trying out is actually any good or well executed. Here’s the thing: this series takes the format of an interview: we have a guy with a camera running around, asking questions of all of the idols in this series in order to establish everyone. The guy with the camera is completely bland and doesn’t even speak (seriously: all his lines are just subtitles), and in this manner this series tries to show its huge cast of characters. Now, there are several problems with that. First of all: this series isn’t really clear what shots are shot by an in-story camera and which ones are out-of story shots: the guy walks around, you can see the girls talk to him and answer his questions, but the view jumps around so much, even to shots that are just completely impossible to film with an actual camera. This series doesn’t establish which ones belong to the camera guy and which ones don, unless the lead character also possesses magical teleport powers or something. Second of all: this show has a huge cast. There are like, 20 different characters. This show tries to give character to all of them, AT THE SAME TIME. This first episode is obviously nowhere near enough to make them anything more than blatant stereotypes, and the voice actors didn’t really make things better, as they pretty much acted out the exact stereotype that their character was meant to represent. And yes, there are quite a number of annoying characters here. Still: this is something new and I at least appreciate this series for going in a bit of a different direction, and the chaos of this episode did have its charms beyond the annoying bits. I’m a fan of series with large casts when done well, but the IdolM@ster is really going to have to put in effort to make everyone step away from their stereotype. It isn’t impossible though: there is still hope.
ED: Unfortunately, this one turned out to be nothing more than generic J-pop.
Potential: 50%

Usagi Drop

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is forced to live together with his aunt.
Usually introduction episodes are meant to give a taste of what’s to come. With Usagi Drop though, things are very different from usual: it starts off with a funeral. It shows people together who normally would never be together, it shows them in mindsets they usually would never be in, and most of the people we saw here in this episode are likely to never appear again. It’s definitely an interesting way to open up a story, and this episode really showed some nice things you can do with that format. There already was a lot of implied character development, plus the characters played really well off each other. This was realistic. The drama was really subtle: there was none of the overacting you usually see in anime. This episode especially rocked in how it let everything play off naturally: it didn’t force anything: it just established its characters and gave them the opportunity to let things play out themselves. In the next episode we should really see the direction where this series wants to head for, but this episode sold me already. This is solid like Noitamina should be. Now all that’s left is to actually create a full story for 11 episodes. Plus, this series does deserve plus points for again including a main character who isn’t in his teens or twenties.
OP: Finally another series that goes back to Noitamina’s tradition of weird OPs. It’s quite a charming one.
ED: Relaxing song with pretty neat images
Potential: 85%

18 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Mawaru Penguin Drum, The Idolm@ster and Usagi Drop

  1. That was really cute and refreshing. Reminded me of Koi Kaze… minus the incest. When the main characters’ relationship was more loving than romantic.

    Beautiful soundtrack but it would not let up. I think the music needs to be a little bit less prominent.

  2. That was really cute and refreshing. Reminded me of Koi Kaze… minus the bro-sis relationship. When the main characters’ relationship was more loving than romantic.

    Beautiful soundtrack but it would not let up. I think the music needs to be a little bit less prominent.

  3. Usagi Drop story is long. I hope they don’t try to cram too much of it into this season, it would be better to leave most of it for sequels.

  4. I’m beginning to be slowly optimistic about this season. We already have kamisama dolls, the neet detectives, Crois, and Natsume. And now Usagi Drop is here, and hopefully I’ll like Penguin Drum (given your 95% rating, I bet I will). That’s potentially six solid series that I will actively keep up with.

    For someone who is a fan of character development and slice of life, this season seems to be full of goodies.

  5. @Anon. I’m sure that they are just going to animate the first part of Usagi Drop, before they jump to where she is a teenager.

  6. Oh if you did not know already psgels Ikuhara is the director and this is his first direction of a anime since utena

  7. “The guy with the camera is completely bland and doesn’t even speak (seriously: all his lines are just subtitles)”

    Learn to watch scenes after the ED, sometimes important stuff happens, this is one of them.

  8. Now, Usagi Drops had the truly cute heroine! Ikoku Meiro no Croisée’s was way too forced

  9. Just watched Penguindrum… WOW, “what did I just watch and why was it so awesome?”

    Slice of life, turns into mahou shoujo, turns into wincest… Holy crap

    And people, THIS is how you do a cute and adorable “little girl” figure, not the dumb/retarded girl from Ano Hana and many other animes

  10. -Penguin Drum: INTRIGUING – is all I can say about this atm. It certainly got me hooked instantly though. A strong contender for best show of the season, if not best of the year.

    -The IDOLM@STER: Have to give this another episode or two before I can decide whether it worths watching or not. Also, I heard this is going to have 25 episodes, which is good.

    -Usagi Drop: Hmm, I’m not really sold on this show yet, but I think it will grow on me. Rin is very adorable, that’s for sure though.

  11. Penguin Drum was amazing. I was hoping it would be good, but it blew my expectations out of the water, up into the sky, and it is now hurtling towards the super black hole in the center of the galaxy.

  12. Usagi Drop: Is this what 30 year old anime characters look like? No wonder they decided to make loli Rorona.

  13. At the end of IdolM@ster, they told everyone the cameraman was their new producer. You see his face at the end.

    This is why you should watch the whole thing before you write impressions.

  14. Holy shit that Penguin Drum was awesome. I couldn’t stop until I watched it for the 4th time in a row, and even then I stopped because I had to go to work.

  15. The last chapter in usagi drop…is…pretty weird.

    Daikichi and Rin end up together and decide to get married and talk about having a baby in the future.

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