Some Quick First Impressions: Suite Precure

Suite Precure

Short Synopsis: Our lead characters can become mahou shoujo.
Um, yeah. The differences with Heartcatch Precure are ufortunately apparent: this much more goes back to the standard that the old Precures set with silly non-threatening villains, and uninteresting stock characters. The biggest issue though, is that compared to Heartcatch Precure this series lacks life. The poor animation is nowhere near good enough to really portray the characters beyond their stereotypes (the usual tomboy and smart girl who hate eeach other but actually love each other). Compared to the first episodes of other Precure series though, it’s not the worst. There were strings of good drama here and there, and the soundtrack is also really excellent. What stood out the most though was the obligatory magical world for this mahou shoujo. It’s completely bizarre with singing cats,living instruments and not to mention the three henchmen of this series’ villain: they communicate entirely bBY SINGING. The thing is, the Precure series is highly repetitive: it needs some sort of hook right at the beginning to get its audience’s attention. I did not see that hook here yet.
OP: Two small scenes of great animation. Apart from that, pretty generic.
ED: Even Heartcatch Precure’s EDs were terrible, but this one is even worse.
Potential: 30%

29 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Suite Precure

  1. Yeah the Suite villains are silly but…
    You thought the desert apostles were threatening?
    You thought the villains in Futari wa Precure were not threatening?

  2. This was decent. Wasn’t as good as HeartCtach episode 1. The desert apostles were hardly a threat until the last couple of episodes anyway. The animation was good.
    Also, the enemies in the first Precure were downright creepy sometimes. I DO love the way the notes morph into Negatones. I have one question. If Do and Re are used to transform into Precure, what do the rest do?

  3. ^Since there are eight and they correspond with their respective Cure’s main colors…yeah. I assume there are six more to go. Cure Beat and Symphony were already leaked.

  4. Oh oops. I guess there will only be four since each cure has two…tone…things.

    Bah I was looking forward to that yellow-haired girl in the baking club or whatever to become a cure.

  5. Wow, that was terrible. In my opinion it is previous seasons that had stronger premise and purpose. The animation, character design, and opening for Suite is great, but the storyline and ending? UGH!

    “oh noes they’re changing da notes! I knows let me send da notes out into da wrrld for sume reazon and hope sume random grrls bring them back!” And Mephisto is the most cheesy non-threatening Precure villain ever! He wants to make you sad… really… is that all?

  6. “silly non-threatening villains”
    Uh…you’re not honestly saying the Desert Apostles were threatening and not silly are you?”

  7. Suite can never surpass Heartcatch Precure! The animation has gone back to what the previous 6 series were like, which explains why psgels says the animation is poor.

    We are all spoiled by Heartcatch’s wonderful animation, that it’s natural for some of us who loved Heartcatch to dislike Suite

    But I would give Suite one more episode since it is a two part.

    Agreed, the villains in Suite are lame except Seiren.

  8. unless anyone here is confusing animation from art, upon rewatching i noticed that the animation is as good as heartcatch.those saying that the animation is worse has no basis.

  9. I thought it was a pretty weak 1st episode. Very bland, looks low budget (especially when compared to HeartCatch Precure), character design is average (closer to Fresh Precure), animation wise or more precisely the choreography is not as good as the first original Precure (which is 7 years old!); the animation (choreography) quality is pretty on par with Fresh Precure which is not a good sign (Fresh Precure is perhaps the worst season of all Precure series, except for the character Setsuna/Eas that is the best thing that has ever happened to Fresh Precure. Lets hope later episodes of Suite Precure are better (there are room for improvement, especially when looking at the relationship and misunderstanding between Hibiki and Kanade). I wish Toei is doing the normal endings as in the first 4 seasons of Precure without the CG. And Please more DragonBall Z action like in the first 4 seasons! And what’s with the Ola ice cream cat?

  10. After Heartcatch, let hope Suite will throw some new plot twists, cause why did they added the 3 Stooges as the Tenors 3. As with any series, lame-o villians equals no fandub support.

  11. I thought the transformation animation was pretty lazy. I mean all they do is stand with their eyes closed and get dressed. The little twirl they did at the end was the only thing that stood out. Shiny ribbons and sparkly background does not equal good animation to me. At least Heartcatch had their characters move around and interact with their transformation devices. It shows off their personalities way better.

  12. Everyone keeps saying the animation is poor, well its’s average. Its not bad, but not stellar. Personally I’m not a fan of the wide spaced eyed look in Heartcatch and Cashern Sins. Granted the story needs a major tune up, but Pretty Cure never really has a gripping story.

  13. Well, better to have silly villains if they’re going to be useless than having villains that look so badass like kumojacky that they ended up as a major disappointment due to their incompetence. The desert apostles were probably the worst villains next to westar.
    And HC was full of life? It felt like endless 49. The way it handled it’s episodes led to no character development for the main characters if they weren’t in their respective key episodes. half of each episode was wasted on a disposable victim of the week. The joy of previous precure series was that one fell in love not only with the two protagonist but with all the characters the season handled. all the classmates were charming and had scenes that made the viewer love them. HC was lame slice of life 10 mintues of erika reaction facing 90% of the time and the girls doing the same things over and over without having different reactions to the events that the season gave them. And for character design, wasn’t the guy who created them like a big BIG name in the industry? i remember reading that he worked in Bersek and Jubei-chan, well, he did an AMAZING job with Moonlight, Dark and the cute Dune, but the rest of the cast looked like aliens, seriously. I had to stop watching around episode 20 for a while and then marathon-ed the rest before it was going to end. In the whole season i think there were like 4 or 5 episodes with great battle scenes: 34, 48, that kindergarten episode, but other than that it was pretty much one kick or punch, blossom couldn’t stand it anymore and purify finisher. How many times did the apostles had a serious fight with the girls? Just moonlight vs dark and one of the last episodes, marine vs kumojacky. Why did Sasorina even had her sting hair if she was going to create a Desertrian in her last episode? It’s a must to fight hand to hand in a villain last episode, like Poisony did. I have high expectations for suite because it seems to remove the disposable victim of the week formula and will focus more in the relationship of the cast with well done slice of life parts and the humor goes back to event driven rather than being in herp derp face 99% of the time(Erika), plus Toei promised the best fight scenes. After Yes5! precure went downhill with GoGo, Fresh and HC was the worst. I think it tried to incorporate many new things that it just couldn’t handle them with the formula that they used for the episodes. As for the animation, The key animation guy may not be a god like that bersek guy but at least the characters look like girls and not aliens, thats a start. I welcome Suite precure with open arms.

  14. I want to say something, I have seen most of the Precure series.
    This episode isn’t representative of the whole Precures series like the blogger said.
    The first episodes of Futari wa and Splash star were many times better (and Heartcatch is the best).
    The first ep of Suite Precure is one of the poorest first episode of Precure (only Yes Precure 5 was worst)

  15. Spoiler…….

    Scathing remarks towards HCP and Suite aside, has anyone heard news of the 2 new Suite Precure warriors? One blue and the other purple? Will Suite go the way of Fresh and Heartcatch with a team of four. There’s a total of 8 Fariy tones (including the purple one accompanying mysterious masked girl in the Op), presumably one per cure.

  16. I found Suite decent enough as I said before.

    I think people didn’t like Suite because it lacked excitment:
    – Heartcatch’s excitement was the Moonlight VS DPC fight and the humor between Tsubomi and Erika.
    – Yes! PC 5 was maybe the Kowaina fight but I didn’t find that exciting
    – Futari wa PC was the Zakenna fight…it was decent
    – Splash Star was the Uzainna fight…it was decent enough
    – Fresh…the Nakewameke fight…but that was lame…

    I haven’t seen Max Heart’s first episode…

    @Hummy: You’re a Heartcatch Hater, Heartcatch Haters gonna hate. We don’t care about your ranting.

  17. WAit wait you’re not watching this show? Hummy is voiced by EBICHU HERSELF doing another silly little animal. That’s the only reason I need to keep watching this show even if it does turn into a flaming pile of dreck.

    1. Hummy’s VA happens to be one of my favorite VAs, that’s why I’m still watching this…

      *Finding it ridiculous posting this when it’s only got 8-9 episodes left*

  18. The third episode looks like a backstory episode, so hopefully it’ll compensate for the crappy first two episodes. I thought I was going to drown in the sea of cliches there for a minute. I am actually quite interested that the lead character has “perfect pitch” though.

  19. That is why it is called First Impression, Yukina. If the director didn’t want viewers to rip on the first episode then it should have been better presented.

    I have a feeling Suite will be the weak season, like Fresh was.

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