Some Quick First Impressions: Jewel Pet – Tinkle, Rainbow, Angel Beats

Jewel Pet – Tinkle

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is socially inept and gets to magical girl.
Last year, when the first season of Jewel Pet aired it really had been ages since a good kids’ show had debuted. I was glad enough that at least something was there. This season however couldn’t be any more different: with Marie&Gali, Heartcatch Precure, Kaidan Restaurant and Kiruminzoo, the standard for this season’s kids’ series has been set higher than ever, so for once, I get the chance to be really strict against a kids’ series! This episode was terrible; I couldn’t find any hint of creativity whatsoever. The creators just grabbed the weird animales of the first season and dumped them to another kid, who has been made as purposefully dull as possible. The hijinks that the creators decided to fill this episode with were just abysmal as well. We get to see endless jokes of the lead ‘Jewel Pet”s magic screwing up and causing trougle. And the animation! The characters all have plastic faces. Especially these jewel pets have had WAAAAAY too much plastic surgery in their life. The different expressions of the characters hardly ever change. Not to mention the utterly horrid character-design of just about every character (seriously… what the heck are those heterochromic cats supposed to be…?). If you’re interested in a kids’ show, go for one of the series I mentioned above. Skip this one.
OP: Horribly cheesy J-pop
ED: Uninspired and bland.
Potential: 0%


Short Synopsis: Our lead characters are delinquents in jail.
Okay, so it did turn out that this series does not have Madhouse’s best staff. The direction feels jerky, and the voice acting is often over the top and cheesy. These are the type of characters who aren’t going to be the most realistic or believable. Having said that, though, this was one heck of an intense episode. What this episode lacked in terms of good acting, it made up for atmosphere with an excellent soundtrack to boot. The prison here was definitely meant to model the worst kinds of circumstances you can run into: it has a paedophile doctor and a downright abusive warden. On top of that, the OP also very much hinted at the fact that the creators have no intention whatsoever to just cut this series off in the middle: they really want to show what happens to these kids when they grow up later, and that’s what I’m looking forward to the most. This can be an interesting test to see whether you can portray interesting characters, even with sub-par acting.
OP: Whoa!
Potential: 70%

Angel Beats

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is dead.
The thing I love about this season is that it keeps exceeding my expectations. From the outside Angel Beats looked like a bit of a Haruhi-clone directed by a comedy director who has never been known for his subtlety. This episode showed that the Haruhi-references were merely homages: it more than has its own story and characters to tell. The director also gives off a very strong performance in this opening episode, making this an excellent opening. There really was a ton of fast-paced dialogue in this episode, and at the same time it was full of subtle and not-so-subtle jokes. It makes use of the fact that it takes place in a world in which nobody can die by killing off people for fun, while still putting in the tensions and fears of being erased by ‘God’. The climax was also very well written and allowed the build-up to really come together. The animation is a bit simple, but the graphics themselves look pretty good, especially the concert scene. The thing I also loved was how this series showed that the NPCs of the world it takes place in all have lives. The concert, was really something to show that these people also just do things for fun, rather than existing randomly. Thumbs up.
Potential: 80%

18 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Jewel Pet – Tinkle, Rainbow, Angel Beats

  1. “Short Synopsis: Our lead character is dead.”

    I LOLed , i always love psgels’ short synopsis

    From watching the raw without understanding much it still seemed quite fast paced,hopefully it slows down a bit.

    Animation wise I’ve seen better from PA works but it’s still quite good and I’m loving the OST

  2. It’s written by Maeda Jun so it might turn out pretty good, but I’m not convinced yet. I foresee a lot of sad moments and a typical deus ex machina ending.

  3. Other than the initial promotional image I saw, I didn’t expect Angel Beats to be much like Haruhi. Maeda Jun’s writing is more melodramatic than Tanigawa Nagaru’s, so my expectations were just set differently.

    They packed a lot into the first episode, and I have an ambivalent impression of the pacing. In the back of my mind, I can’t help but think the pacing was oscillating intentionally to share some of the disorientation with Otonashi. That seems like a valid style choice, if that is the case, and I’m inclined to swat my expectations here with a rolled up newspaper.

    The second quarter of the episode, on top of giving us a little subversive Haruhi, reminded me of Clannad. This was the section that was the most jarring for me. “What, it’s joke time now?” On the other hand, before a Key work destroys the things you love, it has to ease you into the setting. Still, I wasn’t that amused by the amount of recycled humor.

    The last half is quite appealing visually. I think some of the trade-off in consistency in the quality of the animation is a byproduct of ambition and the composition with the CG.

    I wasn’t really sold on the premise, and I’m still not sure if I will stick with the show, but it looks good and I am inclined to give Maeda Jun the benefit of the doubt.

    So far, Angel Beats is the most promising thing I’ve watched from this season. Though I think the best are yet to come.

  4. Is it really that promising because it looks very generic. Might give it a try then, although I hope it isn’t inundated with moe.

  5. There’s some standard anime conventions, and some moe, but the premise is actually really deep/dark…i mean, they want to kill God…”No angels, no gods, no buddhas.” That’s incredible and I love it. Also, the soundtrack is pretty killer. I’ve re-watched the concert/battle scene three or four times now because it was that enjoyable. Most of the dialogue was pretty smart. I thought some of the humor fell flat also, but that’s not really the point so it doesn’t matter. At least we didn’t have to see stupid chiba versions. That kind of stuff is what gets on my nerves the most. Probably the worst scene was the guy with the axe. Otherwise, I think there is a lot of potential here and I will take a wait and see approach. I’ve been looking forward to this since CANAAN ended because I love PA Works animation, and while the first half of the episode disappointed in that regard the production values for the concert/battle more than made up for it. I just hope the stupid american surfer dude gets erased soon.

  6. It was a bit uneven visually, but it had its moments. It wasn’t hilarious, but it was occasionally amusing. It wasn’t deep, but it wasn’t unsatisfying.

    And you know what? It beat my expectations. When I first saw the trailer, I thought, overblown crap in a high school..blah blah.. But I’m kind of interested in how they set up the situation. I certainly didn’t see any reason to drop it.

  7. The first episode of Angel Beats was okay. Nothing big by now and most of it is typical Key, which gives me the feeling that I can already predict what’s going to happen.
    I will keep watching it and see what they decide to do with the setting as there sure is some promise. I just hope it won’t end up in, main character doing random sidequests with each of the group-members for 11 episodes, then finding out the terrible truth of his death in episode 12 and vanishing in a sad final scene in 13.

    RAINBOW was mostly about setting the mood in the first episode, but I think they did a good job.
    Of course it doesn’t look as good as shows like Mouryou no Hako or Aoi Bungaku, but in this case they have to follow the art style of the source material.
    The author of the story was a member of the yakuza and spent time in jail as a kid in the 50’s as well, according to his personal history. So I hope we get not only sad boys fighting against an evil system, but both sides of the coin.
    Haven’t read the manga as it’s fairly long (22 volumes), so I don’t know how much episode 1 covered, but I hope Madhouse won’t just follow it faithfully and stop after 12 episodes, with 20 or 30 chapters covered, and leave the other 200 chapters untouched.

  8. I’m familiar with the Rainbow manga but I’ve only read a few chapters so I didn’t expect that the series will show them grown-up as well O_O Whoaaaa!!!! That would be really interesting!!! I dunno if scanlations would catch up so… someone… sub… soon… please *_*

  9. Angel Beats is started at mediocre level for me. Not as great as I expected when I see PV. OK It can acceptable for first ep.But if 2-3 next eps won’t have something interesting happened…I maybe drop this. Because they announced that this series will have 13 eps only. So I’m beginning to scared that they will rushed story or something like that.

    And The thing that I want to complain the most is the animation. It’s the thing that I very disappointed. OK the action scene and music scene are very great.But in the normal scene like talking scene. why I see many scene that the character’s face look distorted.Hey It’s in ep1 only. right !?

    And the direction in the first-half of this ep is little confused.I don’t know but I feel that the comedy thing didn’t fit in this series at all.When they begin comedy mood.I boring at it suddenly. I want they to toned down the comedy too much. because It’s very annoying and stupid. And My comment worked well in the latter-half of this ep. It prove that when they reduce comedy. It make this show looks suddenly better too.

    The thing that is the most interesting is the setting. Wow…The world after death and the fight for survive.Very interesting story. So..when see it’s at least looks good at concept. I will watch it more for sure.

    About Rainbow. I didn’t want to watched very dark theme show now. So I’ll passed.

  10. Angel Beats wasn’t anything special, but seems worth a few eps to let it settle on what it really wants to be. So far, it’s spent half an ep talking about it’s dull setting, and half an ep showing off it’s production values (concert + gunfight). But nothing seems to have consequences in this world, other than giant visual gags. There’s no real tension or sense of danger, other than what the cast themselves bring to the table. So a mixed bag. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just another elaborate game.

    Based on what you’ve said I’ll give Rainbow a shot as well, although it sounds like an emo festival that goes way too far in the name of melodrama.

  11. The premise of Angel Beats already sets it apart from your stereotypical high school anime, which is a good thing. Plus, an entire series about the concept of an afterlife and God is a must-see for me.

  12. salu j’ai besoin de visiteur dan mon blog (fiction-of-manga) pour ke je puisse ecrire le chapitre 2 de ma fiction merci a vou

  13. I have finished the the Jewelpet Tinkle series, and this is the only Jewetpet series I managed to finish. I tried to watch the other series but their story is just not my cup of tea. Tinkle has a very cliche opening, which I can understand. However, it start to get better in later episode. I hope you will give it a try.

  14. That Jewelpet show is supposed to be watch for little girls. like MLP.
    If you don’t like it, i suggest you don’t need to watch it. it just waste your time.

    If you are interested, give it a try. It’s like you are complaining and message over the forum boards but you haven’t watch it yet.

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