Some Quick First Impressions: Hipira-Kun and Working!!


Short Synopsis: Our lead character is the prince of vampires!
This is another one for the people who like the kids’ stuff, but it’s surprisingly well made. I originally didn’t give it a chance because… yeah. It’s a kids’ show about vampires. Prior to the past season, kids shows were nearly all somewhat mediocre. The art direction for Hipira-kun kicks ass, though. It may be entirely in 3D, but the creators did really well in making it look cool. The direction is also very dynamic, where you’ll often see lots of things happen at the same time. Episodes are only five minutes long, so it’s not really a big commitment to watch this either. Interestingly, it’s created by the same guy who did Deathtic 4 of Genius Party. To be honest, I enjoyed this episode more, although the story is still rather silly.
Potential: 50%


Short Synopsis: Our lead character starts working at a restaurant with strange people in it.
To be honest, the first show to debut this spring season is a disappointment. I was looking forward to this series because it promised to be another mature slice of life series that focuses on actual adults… and yet the main characters turn out to be teenagers. The lead female was too much of a complete moron in this episode, and the main character can’t seem to decide whether he wants to play the straight man or not. The biggest problem with this first episode however was that most of the characters rely too much on their quirks for their characterizations. Especially that incredibly shy girl who hits men was way too exaggerated.
ED: Meh, another one of those obnoxious J-pop songs.
Potential: 30%

19 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Hipira-Kun and Working!!

  1. “because it promised to be another mature slice of life series that focuses on actual adults”

    It seems you didn’t watched the PVs, hmm?^^’

  2. Heh, yeah. Silly me; I actually assumed that a series about working would be about adults. How could I have made such a mistake? ^^;

  3. Oh wait wtf? It’s a new season already?

    My sense of time is obviously even more screwed up than I thought.

  4. Autonomous monster: lol, this just seems to have been a pre-screening of the first episode of Working. It seems that it’s only really going to start in April, but I’d like to see this as the start of the new season. ^^;

  5. the anime is based off of a 4panel, so its supposed to not be serious at all really xD alot like Lucky Star (though personally i find the Working!!! comic a lot lot lot funnier than luck star’s…)

  6. Even if it originated from a 4koma, it wasn’t very funny.

    The characters are nothing but card-board cut-outs and hardly left an impression on me. Especially the loli moe-blob.
    Can she be anymore annoying with her overly cutesy personality? -__-;

  7. I’ll have to watch more episodes to see what stunts they pull to amuse me, but I found it amusing so far. Meh, it’s pointless to analyze series like these. Just relax and enjoy.

  8. it was a fun episode. i dont think it was bad. just sit back and relax and watch this shows. or maybe its just not ur cup of tea.

  9. I think many main character’s attitude in this show is so stupid.I didn’t laugh at all.instead I’m annoying at them. and The pacing seem rushed too.

    For me if I give score form the anime that source from 4koma manga too. even though K-on is much better.They are not as stupid as this.and didn’t look so slice of life and not have any goal like this.

    I disappointed too.

  10. I found this episode hilarious, so your critique made me wonder what’s wrong with me. I went back and watched it again, and then ep9 of Hanamaru, which you liked. All I can say is: senses of humor differ.

    For me, Working was hilarious, as Seitokai no Ichizon was last year. They transcend their loli-moeness with hilarious absurdity. The exaggeration you condemn is part of the humor: absurd humor sets up a situation where you have certain expectations, then violates them in a shocking way — but you laugh because the shock is not fatal.

    And like SeiZon and Ichigo Mashimaro, this show seems to involve a kind of humor where people’s failings are presented in a way that allows us to forgive them — and perhaps to forgive our own.

    I enjoyed ep9 of Hanamaru. But how is it not based on repeating the same jokes involving quirks of its characters: the toddler who wants to be the teacher’s girlfriend, the brilliant toddler with cat-ear pajamas, the teacher so nervous about trying to get close to his co-teacher, the co-teacher who is so unaware?

    I actually dropped Hanamaru because I was bored with the Anzu loves Tsuchi trope. Ep9 will bring me back for ep10, but to be honest, I found myself fairly disturbed by Anzu’s fantasy of being a big-bosomed housewife welcoming Tsuchi home to a shared bath. I found that more disturbing than anything in recent anime that involve nudity or loli-moe memes.

  11. Hipira-kun would have flown completely under my radar if you hadn’t mentioned it, so there’s some thanks in order. Perhaps it’s because I have a weakness for cheesy horror, but I thought it was cute. I also found it little funny, though it being so short is kind of a tease. I really thought the ending credits were a nice touch.

  12. Hipira-Kun? Wait, I thought the show is already over. It aired from Dec 21- Dec 25 last year, didn’t it?

  13. went and watched Hipira-Kun because you mentioned it. And while it is for kids, it’s totally cool looking. The main character’s really cute too.

  14. About working

    I’m between psgels and hashi

    I mean,if i could summerise what i understand from both of them,it’s something like this:

    psgels:” The lead female was too much of a complete moron in this episode”
    hashi:”but that’s what I find funny”

    psgels:” most of the characters rely too much on their quirks for their characterizations”
    hashi:”but that’s what I find funny”

    psgels:” that incredibly shy girl who hits men was way too exaggerated.”
    hashi:”but that’s what I find funny”

    Both point of views are understandable,it’s a matter of taste I guess.

    I do have a problem with this sentence though:” it promised to be another mature slice of life series that focuses on actual adults”

    it should be “I thought it would be” not “it promised to be”,all previews and pics (even the one you posted in the season preview!) made it pretty clear we were dealing with a majority of teens.

    and when you say:

    “Silly me; I actually assumed that a series about working would be about adults. How could I have made such a mistake? ^^”

    Since when have the japanese used english in anime in a way that makes sense?^^

    Of course it’s funny nobody warned you about them being teenagers in the preview thread,I remember thinking about it and being to lazy to do it and thinking “oh,someone else will”,guess I was wrong lol

  15. My problem with WORKING is that there will be repeated gags. Like Takanashi liking small, cute things while Inami always punching men, in this case punching Takanashi. This will get old fast unless the creators will actually try to change this which I doubt it.

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