Some Quick First Impressions: Yumeiro Patissiere, Inu Yasha – Final Act and Tentai Senshi Sunred 2

Yumeiro Patissiere

Short Synopsis: Our lead character wants to become a Patissiére.
Oh dammit. With a title as “Yumeiro Patissiere”, I was instantly reminded of series as Ristorante Paradiso, Antique Bakery and Bartender: mature series that for once focus on people with actual jobs, rather than teenagers or holy warriors or something. So yes, I was looking forward to this. And then it turns out to be a cheesy shoujo-series; what a disappointment. But yeah, it’s fair enough: there are so many shoujo series in which the lead character is a huge glutton, so it was only a matter of time before one would pop up that would focus entirely around this, and this episode did a nice enough job of introducing the concept, getting the lead character introduced and motivated to start making cakes and beg her parents to transfer to a cake making school. However, the lead character is really just a typical shoujo-lead with absolutely nothing that sets her apart, the live-action parts at the end were absolutely horrible, and what worries me the most: what the heck is going to be the role of these fairies that appear in the OP? Please don’t tell me that they’re going to Deus ex Machina the female lead to be the best patissiére in existence.
OP: Too! Much! Sugar!
ED: Annoying music with annoying dancing fairies.
Potential: 20%

Inuyasha – Final Act

Short Synopsis: Our lead character still isn’t done fighting evil spirits.
Well, this series jumps right into the action, doesn’t it? This really is typical Sunrise: it’s here to deliver some action, action and more action. I haven’t seen the original series, but I guess that it’s this fast pacing that made it so popular among the younger crowd. Overall, while this episode was full of techno-babble (or magic-babble, in this case), there were some nice themes in this story. The action, as abundant as it was, failed to make impact, though: it’s just a bunch of people throwing powers at each other, and lacked any sort of build-up. The attempts at comedy also failed. Overall though, it’s definitely not the worst, but I cringe at the thought of having to sit through 100 episodes of this.
OP: Standard J-rock, doesn’t stand out, with a typical shounen-esque visuals.
ED: Half the vocals feel like a mis-cast in what could have been at least a decent J-pop song.
Potential: 30%

Tentai Senshi Sunred 2

Short Synopsis: Our lead character fights evil.
Hell yeah! I’ve been anticipating this series, and it doesn’t disappoint. I’m glad that I gave this series a second chance, because it’s really pulled the best out of its concepts, without any signs of it getting dull. Sunred still is an awesome male lead character, in the way that he ‘s just about the complete opposite of your average superhero. The thing with this series is that it’s so frighteningly realistic at times, which really contrasts with the incredible stupidity of the villains when they challenge Sunred for the umpth time, simply because they feel like they should carry out their duties as an evil organization. My big fear is of course that curse that seems to plague a lot of comedy-sequels: preventing the humour from getting dull. Still, if any series is able to do it, it’s this one. The director has plenty of experience with hilarious series, and with Sunred he finally seems to have gotten the hang of how to properly use drama.
OP: Very catchy and not in a bad way at all. Great intro for this series.
OP2: Why the hell are there two OPs? Music is a bit less, but the visuals are subtle and funny and fully reflect what this series is about… sortof.
ED: Not as good as the first ED, but still a nice sentimental way to end such a strange series. Best ED of the season so far.
Potential: 70%

14 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Yumeiro Patissiere, Inu Yasha – Final Act and Tentai Senshi Sunred 2

  1. Actually the first Inuyasha series wasn’t fast paced at all. I don’t think they are trying to get to the action I think they are trying to condense many manga chapters into a specific episode count (well from what I understand I have not watched the episode, read the manga and that’s enough for me).

  2. I loved ep1 of Yumeiro. Full-bore young shoujo. No tricks. No unhappiness. No complications. Hated Yuuki Aoi’s voice at first, then got used to it, since she did convey emotion so well. She played Murasaki in Kure-nai. And the patisseries looked great.

  3. Yeah, they really fucked up the pacing in the first Inuyasha episode here. I swear to god the original pacing was much, much slower and better. *sighs* Oh well, we’ll see how next week goes.

  4. InuYasha is not all about action. Drama also plays an important part in the story and it has a very well developed story with well developed characters. And the author of the manga (forgot her name) is very famous for her sense of humor in her works.
    I can’t see any point of you reviewing the 1st ep of the final arc while not even having seen the original series or read the manga. If you have done one of the things above, you wouldn’t have said: “it’s just a bunch of people throwing powers at each other, and lacked any sort of build-up”
    Well, there are build-ups throughout the story, it’s just that you haven’t seen any of them.
    Sorry, I love the manga so I’m a little upset at your post. I’ve seen the original anime, it’s a decent adaptation of the manga with very nice OSTs, some filler episodes which made it so long. I expect this final arc contain no fillers though since it’s going to be short.

  5. Inuyasha, even the manga, is nothing more than a standard shounen series, only that in this case the main character is a sword! Really, the main focus of the series is in getting new powers for Inuyasha’s sword so that in the end they can beat their enemy, who’s one of the lamest villains in all history…

  6. I would so counter that Fei Wong turned out so much crappier than Naraku ever did. At Naraku had a backstory…

    Either way, Inuyasha IS just a standard shounen series with its ups and downs, but the new episode is pretty much pacing on steroids.

  7. InuYasha is a shounen manga and it has some of the typical shounen’s weaknesses, but it’s still WAY better than other shounen titles. At least the story makes sense, characters don’t have sudden power-ups, they seek hard for power. And the love story in it is very nice and touching.

  8. I do not agree with you on Inu Yasha. I think this series is intended for people who’d already watched its first series (which I did not like so much though) or its original manga(which I really do like)

    This is a continuing of the first series. So all the characters are like now is because they’d gone through lot of buil-up already. These characters do not just throw a bunch of power at each other aimlessly. Their actions have a reason.

    And I do not think it is fast pace at all. It is just right with it manga’s pace.

    A, the music is not good as its first series.

  9. Sorry, but for the very first time, I have to strongly disagree with what you are saying.

    Inuyasha was and still is one of the best action animes around. Although there were fillers in the first series, even those helped develop the characters, unlike, let’s say, Naruto, when you get to see his amazing powers being used to come up with the perfect ramen.

    All, and I do mean all of Inuyasha’s characters have a very well develop background, and to those who took the time to watch the complete series, is not difficult at all to relate or even understand them (as well as from where they are coming from).
    It’s just that people tend to look at the forest and never really mind the trees. But that definitely is not Inuyasha’s fault.

    Lastly, as said above, this new iteration is not the start of a new series, but rather a continuation. Please look at it and comment it as such.

  10. I was very surprised that there were new Inuyasha episodes. I thought it ended. I stopped watching it a long time ago because it was too long and I have to agree Perrin4869 though. The villians are stupid. It’s a okay anime series though.

  11. Inuyasha is actually a good series, many people just got pissed when they abruptly cut the anime series short in 2004 without showing the ending (they ended it ahead of the manga).

    After 5 years, they’ve decided to continue animating the final remaining chapters of the manga.

    Character introductions/development/explanation of powers etc were all covered in the original 167 episodes.

    Its really pointless to give a continuing series an impression if you haven’t seen the original series.
    Its like doing a movie review based on the last 15 minutes of a movie.

    “but I cringe at the thought of having to sit through 100 episodes of this.”

    I doubt there will be a 100 episodes of this because its the final act.

  12. You should try watching through the episodes of ” Yumeiro Patissière”, because, it may look like an ordinary ” shoujo series”, but it has various ideas and contexts that make it stand apart from the others of the genre.The characters are not in the least the typical bunch you find everywhere, and the main character has much more to offer than just being a total klutz and an immoderate glutton, you should check it out and not being influenced by the impression it may give at the first episode.

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