Some quick first impressions: ARIA The Natural, Haruhi Suzumiya and Soul Link

The next bunch of first episodes of the new series got fansubbed. Both of these three induced some kind of hate/love-relationship in me. Anyway, here are some previews:

ARIA The Natural
This just is the most peaceful series ever. I felt totally relaxed afterwards. The art and music also are beautifully done. I’m just a bit scared that this was a bit too peaceful. The plot looks like it’ll be nothing really big, and I really can’t imagine tension in this show. I don’t think that I’ll keep watching this show. It’s not like it isn’t good or anything, but otherwise, I’ll end up watching too many series at once.

Soul Link
This could have become a good series. I feel a deep plot behind this. The only problem is that the creators somehow found it a good idea to throw in huge amounts of fanservice. In one episode, we manage to see our main character bump into cute girls for at least two times, we have a bishounen as rival, the women get more shots of their chests than their face, our main characters get to be featured in the famous shower-encounter, and let’s not forget the little kid that pulls up skirt. Sigh, what a pity. I’ll try watching this one more episode, in the hope of it getting a bit better. After all, in one episode, they used almost all of the fanservice cliché’s available, so next time should have a bit less of them. Shouldn’t it?

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
What kind of horrible series is this? The overuse of fanservice is horrible, the plot is horrible, how can this possibly be called anime? I found myself thinking these words during the first couple of minutes of this anime. Why did the creators even think about creating such a monstrosity?! At the end of the episode, I understood. I totally understood. I’m a bit scared to continue to watch this. The main character scares me. I mean, she must be totally evil if she manages to make her friends to these kinds of things. I’m really getting scared of her. *shivers*

0 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: ARIA The Natural, Haruhi Suzumiya and Soul Link

  1. I’m gald I already knew about The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya that there’s an episode in the episode, but I’m also scared, you say it! Still I will watch it for the sake of that green haired girl that had to laugh so much, when acting *evil grin*

  2. I began to really suspect something at the lake-scene, in which the bunny-girl gets tossed into the water, alongside with one of the brainwashed classmates. From that point, I started to see the humorous side of this anime. The green-haired girl indeed seems interesting. I wonder what kind of role she’ll play.

  3. I found Haruhi hilarious from the beginning, and now I can’t stop raving about it. When the brainwashed classmate fell into the water, I laughed out load, and I don’t do that often. The cheesy eye rays were also a highlight for me.

    I enjoyed the first series of Aria and the manga, so I’ll definatly be watching the Natural. Soul Link, on the other hand, as you say, has so much fanservice that any type of plot is eclipsed by it. I may continue to see what it is like, but I’m not impressed at all thus far.

  4. About Haruhi Suzumiya no yuuutsu I think you should definitivly continue watching it,first episode is pretty weird but the rest are more “normal”,and the character are interesting I would say…

  5. I indeed saw a couple of episodes, and it indeed is pretty interesting. I just don’t get all the publicity this show is getting. Okay, it’s a good show, but I’ve seen better.

  6. The show is getting very much publicity because it’s an adaptation of a popular novel published in some seinen mag(I forgot wich)and in the same time they’re also publishing a new manga about Haruhi Suzumiya,so it created quite a buzz,a little like Full Metal Panic in its time.

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