Some Quick First Impressions: The Pilot’s Love Song, Nobunagun and Nobunaga The Fool

The Pilot’s Love Song

Short Synopsis: Our lead character goes to school and falls in love.
You know? It might be because I didn’t read the premise for this series careful enough and all, but I expected this series to be a little more… interesting. I expected this series to be about airplanes. Instead, we got a series about this teenager who goes to a new school with his sister, and meets a cute girl and they instantly fall in love with each other. Also they fly some planes here and there. It’s another one of those series that has inexplicably teenagers piloting airplanes in the army, despite there being enough capable adults who can probably do a much better job of it. Also, there is a giant floating island in this series. So what do the people decide to do with it? They dedicate it entirely to one single school. Even taking into consideration that this was set up by nobles, it’s an incredibly contrived set-up. Oh, and there’s also drama. We have no idea what yet, because this episode only hinted at it. Without any subtlety whatsoever, but it did hint at it. This show is like all cheerful and stuff, and suddenly out of nowhere a character goes “oh my god I hate you so much!”, only to drop it again. The movie was about a simple escort mission. That was interesting! That was about characters who at the very least looked and acted like adults.
OP: Bad J-pop
ED: Pretty good, in the spirit of the series at least.
Potential: 30%


Short Synopsis: Our lead character is the reincarnation of Oda Nobunaga.
Okay, so shounen action. I’ve gotten bored with it mostly. Like with Noragami, it’s all just too standard and… just not exciting. Nobunagun wasn’t one of those series, to my surprise: the action here is pretty good here for a show that’s supposed to be about this high school girl. I’m not sure about the exact reason why, but this does have energy. It’s got a good atmosphere, and does go all out when it needs to, with a pretty good soundtrack. The creators also tried to go a bit into the main character’s head, which did make up for her rather awkward acting at the start. So yeah, I enjoyed this episode, however: what’s in it for the future? They’re just going to fight these same monsters in the same way over the entire series? That’s going to get old very fast.
ED: Hard rock? Okay. It’s good to hear something other than J-Pop for a chance.
Potential: 50%

Nobunaga the Fool

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a 15th century warlord… sortof.
Shoji Kawamori’s gimmick is that no matter how implausible, he can stick mechas in any kind of premise. The big difference between him and the likes of Seiji Kishi or Shinbo is that he always manages to do this in a different and fresh way. This series is unmistakably his, but at the same time I did not expect him to take the 15th century warring states era that has been butchered so many times by now, and stuff giant robots, flying spacecraft, Joan of Arc, Leonardo Da Vinci and tarot cards all together. The scale of this first episode was huge, and it sounds really promising. It introduced a ton of characters, and most importantly: they were all fun to watch. They’re all characters who have been cameod to death, but this series made them fresh again, even Oda Nobunaga. It also created its own backstory and lore that combines East with West, and Old with New. The episode was actually build up very well and it juggled its different characters around so that we could get a good view of Nobunaga, but also the rest of the cast. Oh, and the soundtrack. Bloody amazing, they did it again. If the rest of this show is like this episode, then we’re in for a treat!
OP: A background OP, this one will probably change…
ED: This one is a bit overproduced.
Potential: 85%

28 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: The Pilot’s Love Song, Nobunagun and Nobunaga The Fool

  1. dude sometimes i think you just like praise crappy shows for the sake of being hip. This show made no sense whatsoever and was random as hell. How can you say this show is promising?

    1. LOL I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

      I guess it really boils down to taste. At least most of the time we dislike the same things, though there are certain shows that psgels praises to high heavens that make me scratch my head.

  2. I guess it’s a matter of individual pet-peeves. For me this is just a lesser and messier version of Sengoku Basara, thus I don’t particularly see the “freshness” that psgels sees here.

  3. I enjoyed it in a leave-your-brain-at-the-door kind of way. Couldn’t shake the escaflowne vibe while watching, but I’m certainly looking forward to future episodes to see where this goes.

  4. Is just me or does Nobunaga the fool seem like really pretentious and stuck up it’s own ass. An random Japanese leader dude destined to save and unite the world? With robots……yeah no delete. I rather watch Nobugun. Seriously what’s with Japan’s hard-on for Nobunaga all of a sudden?? Stop wasting time and pump out more Kill la kill and get the next season of Jojo started already GEEZ! We’ve been up Oda boy’s ass quite enough thanks!

    1. This, I was cringing throughout the whole episode of nobunaga the fool the whole “something is coming” ” something is goin gto happen” “I feel the windsd of destiny” “The fool is awakening “the savior has arrived” Cut aways throughout the whole episode just made this bad bad bad, and THEN we got the whole “Japanese guys being the Savior/Jesus and having a blond foreigner girl just drop in their lap” Fantasy is just wow. . .

      “You are the Savior King Main character/Male demographic Audience self insertion tool”

      That and given that they pretty much told us the twists in the first five minutes of the episode

      THEN, THEN, THEN the whole slew of Historical figures put into Anime form all thrown together randomly like that was suposed to = epic -.- NO, that’s retarded.

      But I guess with all the MOE/school setting(Anime is just so obsessed with schools its rediculous)/Otaku pandering bullshit out there I could understand how this could be “fresh” to some people. . .They have forgotten about good fantasy series’ like Moribito, Bantorra, Log Horizon,twelve kingdoms Guin Saga etc. . .

  5. i think you’re being unfair to the pilot’s love song. you expected different things from it so i guess you can’t help it. i honestly feel that it was executed well. the setup and characters may be a bit generic so far, but the setting and the atmosphere is really good imo. the animation and visuals also were pretty good. plus we don’t even know the details and the big picture about the floating islands yet, so i think you’re judging it too early. and i would also expect a flight school to teach teenagers, not adults who already know how to fly. i’m not saying it’s excellent, but i do think it’s not as bad as you say it is. imo it should’ve gotten at least 50%

  6. Oh boy. The entire paragraph about Pilot’s Love Song sounded like it came out of an old geezer. Seriously, as ‘contrived’ as the setup may be, we don’t know why they chose a flight school set up by nobles. It could be tradition or they value younger pilots. It’s a bit silly to jump to conclusions from a very non exposition heavy first episode.

  7. I’ll put Plito’s Love Song on hold for now. Have the feeling it’ll turn into a murderfest, which isn’t my cup of tea.

  8. I literally only made it about 2 minutes into Nobunagun before turning it off. The animation and art direction are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. Avoid it like the plague.

  9. Eh, just saw Nobunaga the Fool, and it kinda felt like a lot of stuff I’ve seen before wrapped up into one show, trying to hide behind a forcefully odd setting and characters.

  10. I really liked Nobunaga the fool, I thought it was fun.

    I wonder if it’s because I haven’t seen many other anime based on him or that period?

    1. on second looks. nope there definitely are a lot of plus points to Nobunaga. I liked the dream of the future foretelling betrayal, the artwork, and how they framed some of the scenes, that on top of the tarot cards and battles and setting makes it a hit with me.

  11. Although the artwork is really good, I am getting extremely tiered of these shounen shows in which a selfish uncaring bastard will save the world and people like his brother and sister just keep saying others “just don’t see the real Nobunaga”. People are defined by how they act. He is inconsiderate of his friends by always dumping unpleasant tasks on them, he is unnecessarily violent to other people and he keeps repeating the old cliché “your life belongs only to you”. That, by the way, is disgusting. It’s like saying “if you want to kill yourself in bar fight, go ahead, don’t stop to think about the people that love you and that will suffer terribly because of that”. Nobody’s life is just “their own”. That’s just a stupid platitude do sell the show to selfish teens. So, yeah, very disappointing. If you are going to have problem teenagers in your show, at least do it right, like Evangelion.

  12. I think the rating about the pilot love song is totally off though, can’t say much bout the rest. This season the anime I enjoyed had to be Noragami and the pilot love song

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