Some Quick First Impressions: Chihayafuru Season 2 and Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo

Chihayafuru Season 2

Short Synopsis: Our lead character plays a children’s card game.
Like expected, Chihayafuru’s second season has blown away all competition this season. But there was no way in which it wouldn’t be able to do so: it has a smashing build-up with its first season with an incredibly lovable cast, on top of the work that Uta Koi did to give a background to all of the poems that are featured in this series. But even then: the jokes were spot-on again, and the series hasn’t started, or the creators just keep pushing the characters further even more by focusing on the difference of their goals. They then manage to create a new character who within one episode already manages to be really interesting in her search for love. It’s only 20 minutes, and it already feels like this series has never left. That’s not something I often get with sequels.
OP: I like this better than the first. Good song.
ED: Good ballad. I’d with it was more than a slideshow, though.
Potential: 100%

Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo

Short Synopsis: Our lead character gets called to a different dimension.
The three-minute episode series are of course annoying, but what I dislike the most about this season in general is the writing: quite a few series have writers who seriously need to follow some basic screenplay classes, because I keep seeing series that make beginner’s mistakes. For Monday blahblah, it’s the way in which it doesn’t establish anything. It just shows a bunch of teenagers, next thing they fall from out of the sky and they don’t even seem surprised about it. I don’t care whether this gets explained later on in the series, it’s just way out of nowhere. Another problem with this series is that it thinks it’s smart, yet actually is completely stupid. I know that physics are usually ignored with these kinds of series, but when characters start explaining it, and get it completely wrong, it’s a different matter. The only reason why this series is able to look smart is because it makes some of its characters complete idiots. It also really does not help that the main character is one of the most blatant Garu Stu’s I’ve seen in a long while. He’s supposed to be this dark and edgy alternative to the weak lead character you usually see, but the creators again completely lost the balance by making him ridiculously powerful in everything that he does that he can even punch dragons and just instantly kill them.
ED: Not bad, does some interesting visual stuff. Better than most EDs this season.
Potential: 10%

28 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Chihayafuru Season 2 and Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo

  1. Well, Chihayafuru is on a league of its own this season. Also, I like what Sumire-chan (Hanano makes me remember Hanano Ana from Gintama XD) said, “I don’t want to write poems about regret.” And her description of Chihaya is spot-on (pretty, clueless, dumb)

  2. “It just shows a bunch of teenagers, next thing they fall from out of the sky and they don’t even seem surprised about it.”

    A bunch of ridiculously powerful teenagers with supernatural abilities, by the way. Considering that, it would be far more weird if were surprised by… woah, a supernatural event happening, just like yesterday, and the day before, and before!

    “I know that physics are usually ignored with these kinds of series, but when characters start explaining it, and get it completely wrong, it’s a different matter”

    I really don’t remember anything like that, it’s pretty much magic for now, since we don’t know how their abilities work.

    “It also really does not help that the main character is one of the most blatant Garu Stu’s I’ve seen in a long while”

    I agree, but being a Gary Stu doesn’t automatically makes a bad character. Also, he seems to be pretty well balanced by the rest of the main cast, who are also able to kick some ass by themselves and use their own abilities.

    Not saying this is the best show of the season, but I can’t see valid criticism there.

    1. The physics I meant was when they fell in the water, and commented that they were glad to have fallen into the water because otherwise they would have died instantly, completely ignoring the surface tension of the water. It’s like characters commenting “thank god we’re in space so I can hear you loud and clearly, because there is no air to get in the way of the sounds”.

        1. It wasn’t, but it would be better to just shrug it off (since it wasn’t important). If you are going to offer an explanation it’d better be a good one.

          1. Even the erroneous justification wasn’t relevant for the rest of the episode. I don’t see the point in nitpicking.

      1. Oh, yeah, that was indeed stupid. Hopefully they won’t try to apply this expertise on science to explain the abilities or something like that.

        1. And hopefully, you’re not stupid enough to completely think that anime series follow the normal science. Dude, they are shows meant to entertain to people, not a science to justify phenomenon. (Though, it would be really really great, if they could incorporate the real science.)

      2. Actually, you won’t die if you fall from that height into a body of water as long as you fall ‘properly’. Besides, considering the possibilities of death when falling from a great height to some body of water has nothing to do with surface tension. Dude, it’s in the force of your fall and wind resistance, not the surface tension. The surface tension you’re facing if you fall into some water body is just 72 dynes. It’s not that much if you think of breaking your fall by falling into water. (You’re aware of the sports called ‘diving’ right???) Such fall is dangerous really but if you position yourself properly (even with that height), you won’t really die. Since the three main characters are not normal in the first place, so I guess a little pain from falling, plus their obvious ability to ignore wind resistance, isn’t much to talk about.

        I’m not saying this to bash out your opinions regarding the anime series. Actually, I don’t care about the series. What I’m most concern is the way you talk of physics as if you know it. (Do you even study physics???) It’s annoying, dude. Especially for those who ACTUALLY practice it.

  3. When I first checked out Chihayafuru I never expected it to be so immensely enjoyable. It was never really my type of story but it’s so well written and put together you just have to love it. Looking forward to seeing some more progression.

    I dropped Mondaijitachi after reading the first 3 sentences of it’s series description.

  4. Psgels, I rarely disagree with you…but I think most of criticisms you have against Mondaiji-taichi are a result of you not understanding the premise rather than a problem of execution. :/

    Yeah, its fanservicey and Sakamachi is a bit overpowered….but I’m fairly sure that was intentional in the plot department, so don’t jump the gun too much. ^^;

  5. With this first episode, Chihayafuru is second to none premiering this Winter. Love how it brought back the nice nostalgia of the season 1 so easily while bringing new things — the bond of the cast, a new character.

  6. I’m not sure what problem with Mondaijitachi physics are talking about. Anyway, the characters are not that interesting (with the exception of the Black Rabbit, who was the best part of the episode) and I didn’t like some of the dialogues but in general I liked the episode. It has a lot of energy and the setting is quite interesting. I these last two aspects the show exceeds a similar show: Dog Days, and hopefully this series will succeed were they failed (not getting sidetracked in useless things, giving the main characters worthy opponents, plot-changing consequences happening, etc.).

  7. >Chihayafuru Season 2
    >Chihayafuru’s second season has blown away all competition this season
    >it has a smashing build-up with its first season
    >incredibly lovable cast
    >Potential: 100%

    Like, i know you generally have questionable taste, but its opinions like this that make me doubt your sanity.

  8. It really felt like Chihayafuru hadn’t went anywhere during it’s brake. 😀
    It was a very nice start to the new season! The new girl sure is different and I’m interested to see how she will eventually become interested in caruta. And our main characters are upperclasmans now! Feels a little weird that they have some more authority now. xD
    This episode sure was a wonderfull preeze of fresh air for me.

  9. Ou yeah. The funny moments were great too and when Chihaya shouted she is the Ace in front of the newpies. xD That was priceless…

  10. The reason why Chihayafuru is in its own league is just proofed with the first episode. Instead of adding you typical annoying girl with a crush on one of the lead charakter, here they startet as soon as she showed up the charakter building. The talk in the train for example is also one of the signs for quality. Of course this has yet to be proofed in the next episodes but I can not see this going wrong.

    And look at the charakter development for the other 2 “now not so new anymore” members, they stand up and have a personality.

  11. I missed chihayafuru and am glad it’s back. I agree it stands out, even though I can’t really put my finger on why that is.

  12. Ughhh, I was cringing throughout the entire half of the first episode of Chihayafuru. That’s not how you keep new members, you idiots!

  13. Chihayafuru was absolutely brilliant, and got me into the story immediately!

    I loved the tension added by the conflict of interest, and Chihaya was very cute in her enthusiasm. The new girl is interesting, she is so self absorbed, but at the same time there is a lot of chance for her to grow. I wonder if that wasn’t a hint she’d get together with the new boy in karuta.

    what I liked is
    1. Chihayafuru going ‘ME ME ME’
    2. Sumire being blunt with everything!
    3. Moment when Chihaya lists what is most important, and then says she wants everything.
    4. Chihaya saying she is the ace.
    5. Chihaya playing the newbies and PWNING THEM HARD.
    6. Taichi – for looking gorgeous as always. – Seriousness, i think his last words were v.touching.

  14. Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo,

    It was nice to see some characters who are kick ass….I get so tired of watching a main character learn how to become powerful, and having to hear them constantly whine about it. To me the show was quite refreshing and so I had a lot of fun watching it.

    Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

    Another new one with some a great new takes on old stories. Funny and very interesting politics and commercial strategies. I thought naming him “hero” was perfect.

  15. Mondaiji-tachi may not have the “perfect” story line, but watching a non-cliche character development is good once in a while too. Iyazoi’s continuous badass character actually made the anime a bit unique and refreshing. I’m actually quite tired of watching animes with characters whose abilities increase as the story progresses.

    And your-so-called “physics” contradicts the anime’s supernatural powers, btw. Just saying.

    Nevertheless, I had fun watching it. Very predictable, but enjoyable to watch.

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