Zetsuen no Tempest – 05

I must say, this episode found quite an interesting place for its characters to fight: inside an aquarium. They also used this whale skeleton, and I have to say that it’s quite a bit better than “generic street 232”.

But that was not what this episode was really about: it was about the villains. Even though most of the screentime showed the lead characters, it detailed the back-story for this series, who Samus is, what he does, why he left his strongest enemy on an island instead of just killing her, and it’s revealed that he instead just declared her dead.

Also, everything happens for a reason. The show will very likely build further upon this theme for the rest of the series, but for now it’s already quite interesting in the way that the dead girl used to say this. After dying…. this left quite an impression on Yoshino. Also, this may have been me missing something, but has it already been revealed how she died?

At least we now know why he has the hairstyle he has: it’s something she gave to him. Should have seen that coming. I do wonder what happened to his glasses, though. Did he end up wearing contacts?
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

19 thoughts on “Zetsuen no Tempest – 05

  1. in short, this episode was really boring and again filled with explanations about the same thing over and over again.

    1. If you’re finding this boring it’s best to drop it now. It’s not an action show. Personally I’m really enjoying the characterizations.

    2. Boring !!! tell me you are kidding .. please XD

      And what explanations are you talking about !!? .. there are barely any here (and they didn’t last more than a min or two) .. the rest of the episodes was filled with action and more back-story revelations through plot-heavy flash-backs .. the scene where Hakaze showcases the full extent of her power by blowing a huge chunk of a mountain and trapping everyone in mid-air was an amazing scene the not only showed why she is the clan leader (making all the men in the clan tremble before her powers even her own brother) but also showed her spunky and carefree personality in action.

      Then the twist in the end !!! sigh .. if all that is boring then probably it’s a good time to drop the show XD

  2. I’m starting to warm up to this show a bit more but I still prefer magi as the shounen action show for the season. From reading the manga myself I’d wonder what you’ll think of the upcoming twists in the next two episodes.
    I’m curious did you watch this episode raw or with different subtitles to crunchyrolls? The subtitles in the episode I watched said Samon rather than samus.

    1. I think every fansub group working on this is using CR script as a base; it’s very most likely a typo. Usually there’s not a reason to change the spelling of names.

      Probably Samus is the more common five-letter name beginning with “Sam” for people to type, because of a certain video game bounty hunter.

  3. and it’s revealed that he instead just declared her dead.

    Are you sure that’s all he did? I don’t know. The story seems vague enough that I wonder if they really did kill her and whether the two kids have been talking to a ghost caught in some kind of limbo. And it would fit the Hamlet parallel. I thought Hamlet’s father’s role would be played by Aika but instead it was Hakaze all along. What a plot twist.

    1. This silence….did nobody notice it or was it too obvious to mention? Or am I way off base? Has everybody read ahead except me?

      1. I totally agree, he definitely did more than just “declare her dead” … but right now this twist can still go in all sort of directions … It seems Psgels wasn’t paying attention but Hoshimura (the guy they met at the end of the episode) said explicitly that he confirmed Hakaze’s death personally .. then in the preview Hakaze says “there is no such thing as ghosts” .. it’s kinda confusing if she is alive then who is the person that Hoshimura thought was Hakaze dead body (could it have been that Aki’s body was used to fake Hakaze’s death .. but why her !!!?) and if Hakaze is dead then who is there on the island .. if she died in the barrel and never got out on the island then who the heck sent the “message in a bottle” with the communication talisman she is using to talk to Mahiro, and who is the owner of the bones (no pun intended) in the barrel !!? .. aghhhhhhhhh.

        After some deep thinking i decided to wait for the next episode becasue i think this plot twist will fully manifest when we get Hoshimura talking with Hakaze which will happen in the next ep.

        1. My thought is that wooden statue that Mahiru has been using that we thought was a communication device might actually house Hakaze’s spirit. Again, it’s just a theory though. I may be looking too hard for a parallel to Old Hamlet in this story. Hakaze seems to be a shoe-in for Prospero, if you ask me. But still, an interesting cliffhanger.

  4. Even if Hoshimura saw Hakaze’s dead body, it could have been an illusion or a body double. Maybe they killed Aika because she resembled Hakaze, so that they could use her body to trick the other clansmen?

    1. Interesting theory. At least there’s a link now to why that clan murdered Aika. But that’s one gruesome plot twist. If true, Mahiru and even Yoshino will probably go nuts. Was there a body switch thing in Hamlet?

  5. Waiting for shinsekai and jojo, both awesome.

    in 6 and 5 episodes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SAO

  6. Time is out of joint huh.
    I smell a time travel plot! I’m guessing that they’re trapped in the past or something like that. Though the body switch thing also seems reasonable.

  7. Totally agreeing with the positive impressions, I’m loving the heck out of this show. As noted, I’m pretty glad it’s mixing it up making the story and its twists and the action all equally important, it feels like it’s at least aiming for that same area that FMA does which is great.

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