Yakusoku no Neverland – 05-07[301045, 311045, 011145]

I feel it’s often the case with a shounen series that episodes tend to have this point where when you examine a episode, you come to see that not a whole lot actually happened. I felt this as well with the second season of Attack on Titan where you would have episodes where it’s was hard to determine if any progress was made at all. In Neverlands case, if we look at episode 5 we can see that it mainly showed Ray admitting to being a traitor, explaining why he’s a traitor and then revealing himself to Emma. Followed by an ending hook of Don investigating Moms room. When you look at the episode time and what other series have accomplished with a single episode, what Neverland has done here seems rather minimal. It could be the case that the series needs to stretch itself out a bit in other for the finale to be the same as the ending of the first arc.

About Don and his reckless inspection of Moms room, I find Don’s actions to be rather hypocritical in context. The story seems content on pinning the blame of Emma and the others for dressing up the truth and not trusting Don and Gilda with it. However I feel the reasons they did so where quite logical and for Don to chastise them on matters of trust when he broke their trust within seconds to investigate Moms room and jeopardise the whole escape plan seems more than unreasonable. Yes they didn’t tell you the whole truth but the fact of the matter is that you proved exactly why you were untrustworthy when you put everyone in danger for your own personal agenda. Someone really should have called Don out on his blatant hypocrisy but sadly no one did. Not even Ray who really had every reason to, for his plan nearly went up in flames due to an impulsive idiot. Considering Dons reaction as well, it’s up for debate whether he has the emotional control to hide what he knows from mother. Hereby giving a another reason why the kids were in the right about not giving him the whole truth.

The alliance with Krone is a risky endeavor but she does make for a interesting information outlet on the state of the world with her even revealing that mothers of the farms are former farm kids themselves. It’s up in the air for now as to what the two notes say in regards to the info that Ray fed her and the message Mom passed on. Though I would guess based on reaction that the final message was some form of dismissal. Also as a final note it’s getting really absurd the degrees which these kids do not attempt to lower or hid their intent to escape. Lets escape in five days! shouts Don at the top of his voice. Honestly it’s not even all that surprising that Krone managed to find them out. She didn’t even need to use any kind of examination like she did when talking with Emma and Norman to find out the truth. Characters are too overtly loud about their motivations and intentions so that when they are figured out, it’s not so much a victory of intelligence but rather common sense.

2 thoughts on “Yakusoku no Neverland – 05-07[301045, 311045, 011145]

  1. I didn’t felt that harsh towards Don, mainly because he and the glasses girl have felt very inconsequential to the story. In the manga I think do to the introspection angle it was a bit more tense going into the assumptions of each character, kinda like seeing different angles of the same situation and be aware of who know what and the like.

    In the anime I’m a bit loss on what has been accomplished so far. Yeah the Ray bit felt exactly the same, and I don’t know, I think in both cases it didn’t deliver on any drama.

    I thought the anime could expand on the training of the other children since I think that’s a part the manga didn’t expand enough.

    Krone feels inconsequential, she doesn’t put that much dread to the situation because she has no power over the children other than maybe tell Isabella something she hasn’t known.

    Also the delivery date I think should make the events feel more urgent, but it mainly feels like I don’t have the investment. I think that maybe if we saw Isabella showing us that, we could feel more tense about the characters fate.

    All in all, I suppose I know where the anime wants to end, and so, I’m just waiting for that part.

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