xxxHolic – 06 – Addictions, and how to lose them

Okay, no in-depth for this entry, as I have to leave in a minute (mothers day, and all). For the first time, we see a case in which Yuuko is the one in the spotlights, and Watanuki acts as a viewer. There’s no Domeki or Himawari in this episode, thought the case makes totally up for this. We have a case that might appeal to a LOT of different people: a woman, who’s addicted to the internet wants to quit. It was really scary seeing her struggle with herself, Yuuko also helped in this.

I also love the open ending in this episode, not to mention the red baseball-bat which got turned into a sword by Yuuko. It was basically a pretty predictable episode, but the little details totally managed to save it. The warp-tunnel was great again, just as Yuuko’s ethical monologue.

4 thoughts on “xxxHolic – 06 – Addictions, and how to lose them

  1. This episode really struck a chord with me. While I’m not obsessed with the internet to the degree of that women, I can easily see myself comprimising my life to spend more time on the internet; I could never give it up. I’ve tried, and I lasted 2 days.

  2. I think that most anime bloggers suffer from this. Myself as well. I couldn’t imagine having to force myself not using a computer.

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